| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2700 | Black Idol's Twister | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, JUN ROP, SERT, JUN-SERT, CACIB-J | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Excellent typical outline, very nice proportions. Beautiful masculine head, excellent expression, beautiful ear setting and carriage, little straight in front, beautiful underline, very nice stable moderate rear, nice tail set and good carriage, excellent typical marking. Tight hocks, little loose in front, very nice easy side movement. |
| | | | 2701 | Millhouse's Unforgettable With Ainiaan | ERI | 2 | | | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Masculine outline, good body proportions, topline could be little more typical. Pretty masculine head, excellent shape and proportions. Beautiful expression, well set ears that could be carried little better. Slightly straight in front, good ribcage, could be little better shaped and developed for this age. Well angulated rear, very short croup, nice typical marking. Very tight hocks, loose in front, good side movement. |
| | | | 2702 | Millhouse's Universum | HYL | | | | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Young masculine outline, good body proportions. Very masculine head, ear setting and carriage could be better. Tried to bite on the table. |
| | | | 2703 | Millhouse's Valhalla Rising | EH | 3 | | | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Very strong masculine male, already full of substance at this age. Masculine head, ear setting and carriage could be better. Would like better pigmentation for better expression, straight front, topline could be more typical, fully developed ribcage for his age, full of substance. Moderate rear with very short croup. Good tail set, good typical markings. Bit wide in front, loose in front, very unbalanced movement. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 2704 | X-Pected Dine Mites Iq | EH | 1 | | | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Masculine outline, good body proportions. Nice masculine head, excellent shape and proportions. Well set ears that would like better carried, nice topline and underline. Very well angulated rear, nice tail set and carriage. Excellent typical markings, parallel movement behind, bit wide in front, would like more outgoing temperament. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 2705 | Millhouse's Quick Stop Amsterdam | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, CACIB | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Very strong masculine male, full of substance, cannot be more. Very beautiful masculine head, fully developed with beautiful expression. Ear setting and carriage should be more typical. Slightly straight in front, good topline and underline. Minimal rear angulation in balance with front, little short croup. Excellent tail set and carriage, good marking. Bit narrow behind, very nice in front, good side movement. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2706 | Rattustrap Englands Own | ERI | 1 | | | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Excellent condition for age, nice typical body proportions, very beautiful masculine head, excellent shape and proportion at this age. Beautiful ear setting with correct carriage, straight front, good topline, ribcage could be little better shaped, minimal rear angulation with short croup. Excellent tail set, very typical markings. Very out of elbows, side movement could be better balanced. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2707 | Golden Go-Go-Girl's Iris | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA, JUN VSP, CACIB-J | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Really pretty outline, well balance, very nice body proportions, nice typical topline. Very nice head, excellent shape and proportion. Very beautiful expression, excellent ear setting and carriage. Slightly straight in front, excellent underline with nicely developed ribcage. Very well angulated rear, nice tail set and carriage, very nice typical marking. Parallel movement behind, little wide in front, very good side movement. |
| | | | 2708 | Millhouse's Viking Queen | EH | 2 | | | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Young feminine outline, female body proportions, good head, correct shape and proportion, well set ears, good carriage. Very straight front with empty forechest. Topline could be more typical, very nice underline. Rear angulation should be more present, extremely short croup, nice tail set, excellent typical marking. Very loose movement in front, needs more outgoing temperament. |
| | | | 2709 | Onnen Tullen Mestaripiirros | EH | 3 | | | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Light young outline, that could have more typical topline. Very nice head, good shape and proportion, excellent ears setting and carriage. Eyes should be better pigmented for nicer expression. Very straight front, ribcage should be more developed for age. Moderate rear, very short croup. Excellent typical marking. Very tight hocks, narrow in the front, good side movement, topline should me much more stable. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 2710 | Arctic Heart's Black Is Black | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Beautiful matured outline, female body proportions, nice size. Excellent head, beautiful shape and proportions, very nice expression. Well set and carried ears, slightly straight in front, typical topline and underline, well developed ribcage. Moderate rear, excellent tail set, typical marking. Nice parallel movement rear, little loose in front, good side movement, rear could be more efficient. |
| | | | 2711 | Black Manter's Clever Capella | EH | 2 | | | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Would like softer outline, straight front and rear, very nice elegant feminine head, nice proportions, very correct expression. Would like better ear setting and carriage. Topline could be little more typical. Ribcage could be more developed, excellent tail set. Nice typical marking. Tight hocks, correct in front, very unbalanced side movement. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 2712 | Ainiaan Ah Kuinka Aurinkoinen | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, CACIB | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Mature outline, good body proportions for female. Topline could be little better. Very nice feminine head, good shape and proportion, well set ears, good carriage. Pigmentation could be little bit better. Very good front, properly developed ribcage that gives beautiful underline. Very well angulated rear, stable, excellent tail set, good typical marking. Parallel movement behind, close to single-track in front, very easy side movement. |
| | | | 2713 | Beanie Baby's Crazy Little Thing Called Love | ERI | 2 | | SA | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Very nice size, typical topline, very nice elegant feminine head, beautiful shape and proportions, beautiful expression, excellent ear setting and carriage. Good front, excellent ribcage, rear angulation should be much better. Nice tail set, excellent typical marking. Little open behind, correct in front, side movement is unbalanced, very short step behind. |
| | | | 2714 | Black Manter's Queen Of Quarantine | EH | 4 | | | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Very feminine outline, good body proportions, would like topline more typical and stable. Good matured feminine head, good shape and proportion. Very well set ears and carried. Eyes should be much darker. Straight front, ribcage should be better shaped and more developed at this age. Moderate rear, excellent tail set, nice typical marking. Tight hocks, soft pasterns in movement, side movement should be much more typical. |
| | | | 2715 | Chilli Of Your Life Z Vejrího Hnízda | ERI | 3 | | | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Beautiful outline, nice body proportions. Nice size, nice feminine head, excellent shape and proportions. Excellent ear setting and carriage, would like better pigment for expression. Good front, nice topline and underline with very good ribcage. Moderate rear, little short croup. Nice tail set, excellent typical marking. Narrow behind, correct in front, would like better balance in side movement, little stiff behind. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2716 | Caya Vom Trajan | ERI | 2 | | | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Good outline, would like bit softer line, very nice feminine head, beautiful expression, very well set and carried ears, slightly straight in front, good topline, excellent underline with properly developed ribcage, rear angulation could be more present. Very short croup, good tail set, good marking. Tight hocks, out of elbows, side movement should be better balanced between front and rear. |
| | | | 2717 | Ruska-Ahon Sula Hulluus | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, VET ROP, CACIB-V | Heinesche Laurent | |
| | | | Excellent condition for age, typical body proportions, very feminine head, excellent expression, well set ears, good front, nice typical topline, ribcage could be little better shaped, very well angulated rear, excellent tail set, typical carriage. Nice typical marking. Very narrow behind, correct in front, good side movement. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 8167 | Millhouse's | | 1 | | KP | | |
| | | | 2701, 2703, 2705, 2708. Group of 3 different combination, even heads, shape and proportions. Good expression, correct body proportion. Some ear setting and carriage are better than other, would like more efficient side movements. |