| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2295 | Benny Steve Volstan's Line | ERI | 4 | | | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 14 kuukautta, kauniisti kehittynyt oikealinjainen juniori. Erinomainen jäntevyys, pitkä rintakehä ja tiivis ylälinja. Hyvä uroksen pää, ilme ja korvien koko. Täysi purenta. Hyvä karvan laatu, hieno häntä. Liikkuu vielä hieman löysästi kyynärpäistä, hyvä ryhdikäs sivukuva, riittävä takapotku. Mukava reipas luonne. |
| | | | 2296 | Cherryfellow's Hugo Boss | EH | | | | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 15 kuukautta, jäntevä juniori, jolla hyvät rungon linjat. Hyvä rintakehän pituus, lanne saa tiivistyä. Lupaava eturinta. Hyvä uroksen pää ja ilme. Hyvät korvat, purenta ja pigmentti. Oikea karvan laatu. Hieman turhan tiivis häntä. Vielä kapeat liikkeet, sujuva sivuaskel. Saa vielä kehittyä ajan kanssa, mutta malli on mukava. Hyvä luonne. |
| | | | 2297 | Jackobean Roll On | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN ROP, JUN-SERT, CACIB-J | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 1 vuotta, kauniisti kehittynyt hyvärunkoinen ja -luustoinen juniori. Sopivasti eturintaa. Erinomaisen jäntevä ylälinja ja hyvä hännän asento. Hyvä uroksen pää ja ilme, vahva kuono ja purenta. Hyvä karvan laatu. Liikkuu rodun oikealla asenteella, edestä vielä leveästi ja löysästi, sopivasti takapotkua. Mukava luonne. Kaunis nuoren uroksen malli. Liikkeet saavat vielä asettua.
Tuomari muutti järjestystä paras uros kehässä perustuen parempaan rakenteeseen ja rintakehään. |
| | | | 2298 | Joymind's You Make The Earth Move | EH | | | | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 11 kuukautta, tilavarunkoinen juniori, riittävästi luustoa ja kulmauksia. Urosmainen pää, hyvät tummat silmät, hyvä kuono ja purenta. Hyvä karvan laatu, on vielä kovin jalkavan oloinen ja saa jäntevöityä. Etuliikkeet saavat tiivistyä, sujuva sivuaskel, mutta köyristää turhaan lanneosaa sivukuvassa. Reipas rodun luonne. |
| | | | 2299 | Krisbos Under The Stars | ERI | 3 | | | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 14 kuukautta, hyvärunkoinen, erinomaisen jäntevä juniori, jolla hyvä etuosa, hyvä raajaluusto ja käpälät ja kulmaukset tasapainossa. Hyvä uroksen pää, ilme, korvien koko. Vahva kuono ja purenta. Hyvä karvan laatu. Liikkuu edestä vielä hieman löysästi, sujuva sivuaskel ja säilyttää mallinsa, riittävästi takapotkua. Reipas rodun luonne. |
| | | | 2300 | Let's Rock Conquest Of Paradise | ERI | 2 | PU4 | SA, VARA-SERT | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 12 kuukautta, jäntevä juniori, jolla erinomainen pitkä rintakehä, hyvä etuosa, raajaluusto ja käpälät. Kulmaukset hyvin tasapainossa. Tiivis lanne, hyvä hännän asento. Hyvä uroksen pää, ilme ja korvien koko ja purenta. Sopiva kuonon vahvuus. Hyvä karvapeite. Tarmokkaat liikkeet, jossa hyvä olemus ja hännän asento, sujuva sivuaskel, etuliike saa asettua. Miellyttävä kokonaisuus.
Tuomari muutti järjestystä paras uros kehässä perustuen parempaan rakenteeseen ja rintakehään. |
| | | | 2301 | Puroosin Aamuruskon Alfons | H | | | | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 9 kuukautta, luonnollisesti vielä kovin pentumainen juniori ja tarvitsee aikaa kehittääkseen rungon tilavuutta ja jäntevyyttä. Riittävästi luustoa ja kulmauksia. Kaunisilmeinen pää, saa vielä kokonaan miehistyä. Hyvä purenta, kuono saa täyttyä. Erinomainen karvanlaatu ja väritys. Tänään hieman ujolla tuulella, mikä vaikuttaa kokonaisuuteen. Liikkuu varsin yhdensuuntaisesti, mutta putoaa kovin etumatalaksi ja lanneosa köyristyy. Tarvitsee aikaa kehittyäkseen ja rodunomaista reippautta. |
| | | | 2302 | Red Tenax Baltic Breeze | ERI | | | | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 10 kuukautta, hyvin kehittynyt, hyvärunkoinen, jäntevä uros. Sopivan tiivis ylälinja, hyvä etuosa, raajaluusto ja kulmaukset tasapainossa. Hyvä karvanlaatu ja väritys. Urosmainen pää, hienot suuret hampaat, hieman pyöreät silmät. Hieno hännän malli. Liikkuu varsin yhdensuuntaisesti, oikealla ryhdillä, hyvä ylälinja, kaunis sivukuva ja sujuva ravi. |
| | | | 2303 | Suakkunan Lumehine Luke | EH | | | | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 9 kuukautta, mukavan jäntevä juniori, jolla hyvä rintakehän malli, lanneosa voisi olla tiiviimpi. Hyvä raajaluusto, kulmaukset ja käpälät. Urosmainen kaunisilmeinen pää, hyvä purenta, riittävä otsapenger. Erinomainen karvan laatu. Hyvä hännän asento. Liikkeet saavat asettua, on vielä kovin löysä edestä ja kapea kintereistä. Varsin hyvä ylälinja ja askelpituus, mutta tarvitsee rodunomaista tiiviyttä ja aikaa. |
| | | | 2304 | Subterraneans Bomonti Filtresiz | ERI | | | | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 17 kuukautta, hyvärunkoinen ja jäntevä juniori. Hyvä etuosa, raajaluusto, tiiviit käpälät. Hyvä uroksen pää ja ilme. Hyvä purenta, korvien asento. Hyvä karvan laatu. Liikkuu vielä kapeasti, mutta varsin yhdensuuntaisesti. Rodunomainen luonne. Sujuva sivuaskel, hieno hännän asento, mutta hieman matala kiinnitys. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 2305 | Jackobean Conquest In White | ERI | 2 | | SA | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 20 kuukautta, kauniin mallinen, hyvärunkoinen ja jäntevä uros. Hieno, tiivis ylälinja. Lupaava etuosa. Hyvä hännän kiinnitys. Oikealinjainen ja -ilmeinen pää. Hyvä purenta ja kuonon vahvuus. Hyvä karvan laatu. Liikkuu varsin yhdensuuntaisesti, hyvä sujuva ravi ja säilyttää linjansa. Reipas luonne. |
| | | | 2306 | Kairojen Hand In Hand | ERI | 3 | | | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | Vajaa 2 vuotta, tilavarunkoinen nuori uros. Hyvä raajaluusto ja käpälät. Erinomainen kaulan kiinnitys. Hyvä uroksen pää, hieno purenta, sopiva kuonon vahvuus. Hyvä karvapeite. Hieno hännän malli. Reipas luonne. Liikkuu hyvin yhdensuuntaisesti, sujuva sivuaskel, säilyttää mallinsa ja rodunomaisen ryhdin. |
| | | | 2307 | Kaszavölgyi-Fürge Colin | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 2308 | Let's Rock Breaking The Habit | ERI | 1 | | SA | Juutilainen Saija | |
| | | | 18 kuukautta, hieno nuori uros. Erinomainen etuosa, raajaluusto, pitkä hyvä rintakehä, tiivis lanne ja hyvä vahva takaosa. Hyvä uroksen pää, hyvä purenta, sopiva kuono-osa. Erinomainen karvan laatu. Hienosti luonnetta ja jäntevyyttä. Liikkuu mallikelpoisesti, hieno jäntevä sivukuva, sujuva askel. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 2371 | I See Fire Balboa Rocky | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, SERT, VARA-CACIB | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Well shaped head. Excellent topline and tail. A bit open in front angulation, correct behind. Rounded ribs. Stands well on his feet. Well angulated behind. OK coat. Moves well behind. Handled well by his young handler. |
| | | | 2372 | Kairojen Jack Of Hearts | H | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Well shaped head, alert expression. Good neck, strong back, carries tail correctly. Straight upper arm, apart that correctly angulated. His ribs are well formed but his breastbone is far too short, therefore the qualification. Excellent coat. Moved well behind. |
| | | | 2373 | Let's Rock Big Shot | EH | 3 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type but shown in too heavy condition. Well shaped masculine head, correct neck. Topline could be firmer. Correct tail. Straight upper arm. Well angulated behind. Turns front feet out and they are a bit flat. OK coat. Good ribs Moved OK. Qualification due to today’s condition. |
| | | | 2374 | Manly Charming Heartbreaker | ERI | 2 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Strong boy, excellent type. Masculine head, correct pigmentation. OK neck, firm topline, carries his tail well. He’s a bit upright in shoulder but apart from that well angulated. Turns front feet out. Not in top coat on the day. Powerful mover behind |
| | | | 2375 | Subterraneans Unstoppable | H | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Smaller dog, very good type. Well shaped head, stands a bit upright and his neck could have been set better to his body. Strong topline and tail.Well angulated behind. His breastbone is far too short, therefore the qualification. Correct coat. Moves well behind. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 2376 | Boldandbrainy Coppo Pomorosso | ERI | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size, well balanced. Masculine head, correct expression. Good neck and topline, tail should have been straighter. Straight upper arm but apart from that correctly angulated. Well ribed. Good coat. Moves well behind. |
| | | | 2377 | Delijack's Honey I'm Home | HYL | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Hylätty luonteen takia – yritti purra tuomaria ja omistajaa |
| | | | 2378 | Delijack's Ice Cool Blue Moon | ERI | 3 | | SA | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Well balanced, excellent type. Masculine head. Correct expression. Thick neck. Stands well on his feet. Strong back. Well ribed. Well angulated behind. Could have been a little more in front. excellent coat. He’s a powerful mover in behind, ok in front. |
| | | | 2379 | Delijack's Pop 'N' Roll | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 2380 | Jackandfish Wonder | EH | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Well shaped masculine head, correct expression. Strong topline and tail. Straight upper arm but well angulated apart from that. Excellent bone and feet. He’s well ribed but his breastbone is too short, therefore the qualification. Well presented in excellent coat |
| | | | 2381 | Jackobean Black Death | EH | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Strong masculine head, alert expression. Correct topline and tail, straight upper arm, well angulated behind. Turns front feet out. Well ribs but his breastbone is too short, therefore the qualification. Brisk mover. Excellent coat. |
| | | | 2382 | Kairojen Magic Of Heart | ERI | 4 | | SA | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Small, excellent type. Masculine head, correct expression, neat ears. Excellent neck and topline finished with well carried tail. A bit open in front angulation. Well angulated behind. Excellent body proportions. Good coat. I just want him a bit freer in front movement. |
| | | | 2383 | Kaszavölgyi-Fürge Jordi | EH | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Well balanced. Masculine head, correct expression. Excellent topline and tail. Correctly angulated front and behind.Unfortunately his breastbone is too short in a well ribed ribcage. OK coat. Moves well. |
| | | | 2384 | Let's Rock Am To Pm | ERI | 2 | | SA | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Masculine well balanced head, correct pigmentation and expression. Good neck. Correct ribcage. I would have liked him a little bit longer in loin for better body balance. Straight upper arm, ok angulation behind. Brisk mover. Correct coat. |
| | | | 2385 | Let's Rock Xtremely Fast | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, CACIB | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Well balanced. Masculine head, correct topline and tail. Alert expression, well pigmented. Straight upper arm. Turns front feet out. OK ribcage. Correct angulation behind. Good coat. Moved well. |
| | | | 2386 | Let's Rock You Know My Name | EH | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Masculine head. Alert expression, neat ears. Excellent neck, topline and tail. Correctly angulated in upper arm and back end. Forechest turns front feet out. Well ribed but breastbone too short. excellent coat. Brisk mover, a bit wide in front. |
| | | | 2387 | Patrick Megan Volstan's Line | EH | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Masculine head and expression, correct pigmentation. Good neck, topline and tail. Good forechest. O9pen in front angulation and I would have liked a bit more in behind. He’s well ribed but his breastbone is short, therefore the qualification. Well presented. |
| | | | 2388 | Sinikoera Starlight Meilland | ERI | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Well shaped masculine head. Correct neck and topline, tail should have been carried better. Sufficient angulation front and behind. Good bone, turns front feet out especially the right one. OK ribcage. Brisk mover but could have had a longer stride. OK coat. |
| | | | 2389 | Valpisa's First Jr Alex | EH | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Masculine head, a bit cheeky. Correct pigmentation and expression. Strong neck, topline and neck. Could have had a better lay back of shoulder. Stands well on his feet. Excellent angulation in behind. Good coat. Well ribed, but another short breastbone, therefore the qualification. Brisk mover. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2390 | Jackandfish 6 Degrees | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, VET ROP, CACIB-V | Persson Moa | |
| | | | 9,5 years old, excellent type. Well shaped masculine head, alert expression. Well balanced excellent topline and tail. Straight upper arm. Good bone. Turns front feet out. Well ribed, sufficient angulation behind. Good coat. Brisk mover. |
| | | | 2391 | Let's Rock Piano Man | EH | 3 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Masculine head. Correct topline and tail. Well angulated, but upper arm should have had a better lay back of shoulder. OK bone and angulation behind. Well ribed, but breastbone short therefore the qualification. Good coat. Moves parallel but I would have liked better stride.
Hammastodistus esitetty |
| | | | 2392 | Tramirun Active Anthony | ERI | 2 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | 12 years old, in excellent condition. Masculine head has lost a little width in foreface due to age. Alert expression. Strong topline and tail. Straight upper arm. I would have liked a little more angulation behind, but what there is he uses well when moving. Good coat. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2393 | Delijack's The One And Only | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 2394 | Puroosin Apilaniityn Alfiina | EH | 3 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Very good type and size. Feminine head that still needs to fill in foreface. Good neck. OK angulation in front, would have liked a bit more in behind. Well ribed but breastbone should have been longer. OK coat. Moves well in front. |
| | | | 2395 | Red Rosa Zakira (Fci) | H | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Very good type and size. Feminine head still needs to fill in foreface. excellent pigmentation. Correct expression. Good neck. Open angulation in both ends and turns her front feet out. Excellent tail, coat and feet. Well ribed but breastbone is too short, therefore the qualification. Moves Ok behind. |
| | | | 2396 | Tsarodej American Idol | ERI | 1 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | 11 months, excellent type and size but needs to get some rules from the owner to come to her best. Feminine head and expression. Good neck, topline and tail. Open front and hind angulation which she balances well when moving. Neat feet. Well ribed, ok coat. |
| | | | 2397 | Tsarodej Apple Flower | EH | 2 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size, feminine head that still needs to fill in foreface. Well pigmented. OK expression. Excellent neck and topline. A bit open in front angulation. Turns front feet out. Well angulated behind. Well ribed but breastbone too short therefore the qualification. Good coat. Moves well behind. |
| | | | 2398 | Tuhannenjayhden Marilyn Monroe | EH | 4 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Feminine head, correct expression and pigmentation. I would have liked a better lay back of shoulder, OK angulation behind. Good bone. Turns front feet out. Good ribs but breastbone too short, therefore the qualification. Moves well behind, loose in front. In between coats. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 2399 | Jackobean Hydrophis Platurus | EH | 3 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size, well balanced. Feminine head, alert expression, neat ears. A bit open in front angulations, well angulated behind. Stands well on her feet. Well ribed but breastbone too short therefore the qualification. Well presented. Correct coat. Good mover behind. |
| | | | 2400 | Stickypaw's Imagine | ERI | 2 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Feminine head that still needs to fill a little under the eye. Should have had a better lay back of shoulder. Strong back, happy tail. I would have liked more angulation in front, OK behind. Stands well on her feet. A little between coats. Moves well behind. |
| | | | 2401 | Subterraneans Molly The Murderer | ERI | 1 | | SA | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Sweet feminine head and expression. Straight upper arm, correctly angulated behind. Stands well on her feet. She’s well ribed but ribcage could have been a longer part of the body. Excellent coat. Moves well behind but a bit close. Happy tail. Well presented. |
| | | | 2402 | Tsarodej Athene | poissa | | | | | |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 2403 | Ansometsän Kiss-Kiss | EH | 3 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Very good type and size. Feminine head that should have been a bit more in foreface. Excellent pigmentation. Good neck. Well angulated in upper arm, a bit upright in shoulder. OK ribcage. Sufficient angulation behind. Falls down on her front when moving. Correct coat. |
| | | | 2404 | Endell Wonder Of The Seas | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 2405 | Joymind's You Are The One | EH | 2 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Very good type and size. Feminine head, good skull could have been a bit more filled under the eye. Excellent pigmentation. Good neck. Well laid shoulder. Straight upper arm, ok angulation behind. Should have been firmer in topline and falls down on her front when moving. Well ribed but breastbone too short, therefore the qualification. Moves OK behind. |
| | | | 2406 | Subterraneans Unscrupulous | EH | 1 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size, well balanced. Feminine head with excellent pigmentation and alert expression. Well balanced topline and tail. Straight upper arm, correctly angulated behind. Correct coat. Well ribed but breastbone too 9short therefore the qualification. Brisk mover. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 2407 | Cherryfellow's Carnival Of Rust | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, CACIB | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Well shaped feminine head, correct expression and pigmentation. Excellent neck, topline and tail. A bit straight in upper arm but apart from that well angulated. Stands well on her feet. OK ribcage. Correct coat. Moves very well behind. |
| | | | 2408 | Cherryfellow's The Sweet Escape | EH | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Small bitch, excellent type. Well shaped feminine head, correct expression and pigmentation. Neat ears. Correct neck, topline and tail. OK forechest. I would have liked a little more angulation in upper arm, OK behind. Stands well on her feet. She’s well ribed and with excellent body length but the breastbone too short and therefore the qualification. Moves well behind. Correct coat. |
| | | | 2409 | Delijack's Bellissima | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 2410 | Jackobean Speak Yo Mind | ERI | 2 | PN2 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Well shaped feminine head, correct expression. Excellent topline and waggy tail. Well balanced in angulation. Correct ribed, breastbone could have been a little longer. Stands well on her feet. Correct coat. Balanced mover |
| | | | 2411 | Let's Rock Wish I Had An Angel | ERI | 4 | PN4 | SA | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size, well shaped head, correct pignentation and expression. Excellent neck and topline. Correct tail. Straight upper arm. Ok ribcage, well angulated behind. Correct coat. Brisk mover. |
| | | | 2412 | Let's Rock Xpecting To Fly | EH | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Feminine head withy correct skull, under jaw is too weak and she has the tendency to show the tip of the tongue. Correct expression. Good neck and topline. Correct tail. Sufficient angulation in front, correct behind. OK ribcage. Good coat. Qualification due to showing tongue. |
| | | | 2413 | Let's Rock Zealous Heart | ERI | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. Well balanced. Feminine head, correct expression, well pigmented. Good neck, strong topline and tail. Turns front feet out. A little straight in upper arm. OK angulation behind. Correct ribs and coat. Moves well behind, would have liked a longer stride in front. |
| | | | 2414 | Let's Rock Zephyr Song | ERI | | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent size and type. Sweet feminine head, alert expression. Good neck and topline. Straight upper arm, turns front feet out. Well angulated in behind, but is a bit wide when moving. Correct coat. OK ribcage. Would have liked a longer stride in front.
Hammastodistus esitetty |
| | | | 2415 | Let's Rock Zinaida Salt | ERI | 3 | PN3 | SA | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Excellent size and type. Well shaped feminine head. Correct expression and pigmentation. Excellent topline and tail. Strong body, OK ribcage. I would have liked her little more angulated i8n both ends for better movement and is a bit wide in front |
| | | | 2416 | Rawrush Bloom Doom | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 2417 | Tsarodej Lamington | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2418 | Everton Like A Corona Boreal | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET VSP, CACIB-V | Persson Moa | |
| | | | 13 years of age, excellent type and size. Feminine head and expression, correct pigmentation. Good neck and topline, waggy tail. She’s a bit open in angulation both in front and behind, but she uses what she has very well when moving. Good bone. Turns front feet out. Excellent ribcage with one of the today’s best breastbones. Correct coat. Moves still with ease. |
| | | | 2419 | Jackobean La Scuola De' Gelosi | ERI | 2 | | SA | Persson Moa | |
| | | | 12 years old in excellent condition. Well put together. Feminine head. A bit short in neck. Strong topline and tail. Well angulated behind, a bit straight in front. Good bone. Turns front feet out. Correct coat. Short body with a nice ribcage. Good coat. Happy mover |
| | | | 2420 | Wildrunner's Applause Please | EH | 3 | | | Persson Moa | |
| | | | Very good type and size, 8 years old. Sweet feminine head, alert expression. Correct topline and tail. Could have had a little more neck. A bit straight in angulation both front and behind. Correct ribcage but she carries too much weight. OK coat. Brisk but short stride when moving. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 8147 | Let's Rock | | 1 | | KP | Persson Moa | |
| | | | A very nice group of Jackrussels where it is obvious that the breeder has got a plan. They’re all typed well. But think about details. Good blucki in the future. And thanks for showing them under me. |