Tuomari Müller Barbara
| ROP, V-23 | Khyannes Hourricane (Viuhko Piia & Viuhko Emmi & Kiviniitty Tiina) | |
| VSP, V-23 | Khyannes Hautesse Beloved (Rannaste Andra) | |
| CACIB uros | Khyannes Hourricane (Viuhko Piia & Viuhko Emmi & Kiviniitty Tiina) | |
| CACIB narttu | Khyannes Hautesse Beloved (Rannaste Andra) | |
| SERT uros | Khyannes Hourricane (Viuhko Piia & Viuhko Emmi & Kiviniitty Tiina) | |
| SERT narttu | Khyannes Hautesse Beloved (Rannaste Andra) | |
| ROP veteraani, VV-23 | Wildjane's Chevalblanc Mcmxlvii (Oinasmaa-Halttunen Anita) | |
| | Urokset |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 4363 | Khyannes Hourricane | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, SERT, CACIB | Müller Barbara | |
| | | | Very clean head. Skull and foreface in good proportions. Slightly turned in ears. Excellent neck. Well placed shoulders. Good underline. Quite well develop chest. Moves happily and straight. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 4364 | Peurapiiskan Pikkumyy | EH | 2 | | | Müller Barbara | |
| | | | Long head with good proportions. Well placed ears. Well lay of shoulders. Topline has to improve when standing. Rather narrow in front. Moves well when settled. She has to have a bit more confidence. |
| | | | 4365 | Peurapiiskan Punahilkka | ERI | 1 | | | Müller Barbara | |
| | | | 17 months. Good size and bones. Well shaped long head. Good earset. Compact body. Chest well develop. Well angulated in front and rear. Moves with drive. Not very stable in front in this moment. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 4366 | Khyannes Hautesse Beloved | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, SERT, CACIB | Müller Barbara | |
| | | | Feminine head, well shaped. Good earset. Excellent neck. Quite well develop forechest. Excellent ribcage. Strong hindquarters. Slightly slopping croup. Good tail carriage. Moves happily and straight. |
| | | | 4367 | Lepänojan Diamant Hope | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VET |
| | | | 4368 | Wildjane's Chevalblanc Mcmxlvii | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA, VET ROP, CACIB-V | Müller Barbara | |
| | | | Almost 10 years. Very well bodied and boned. Strong head. Slightly marked stop. Still excellent bite. Well laid back of shoulder. Good tail carriage. Moves well, just a bit loose in front. |
| | |