Helsinki Winner 2024
FCI 1|FCI 2|FCI 3|FCI 4|FCI 5|FCI 6|FCI 7|FCI 8|FCI 9|FCI 10
Group results|BIS results|Junior Handler results
Australian Kelpie
Judge Stoate Colleen
BOB, HeW-24Didaktic's Amphora (Sarpalehto Laura)
BOS, HeW-24Challenger Brown Rebell Represent (Kuusonen Elmiina)
CAC dogChallenger Brown Rebell Represent (Kuusonen Elmiina)
CAC bitchSabletail's Kharisma (Tuukkanen Pinja & Saavalainen Susanna)
Nord CAC dogChallenger Brown Rebell Represent (Kuusonen Elmiina)
Nord CAC bitchDidaktic's Amphora (Sarpalehto Laura)
BOB veteran, HeVW-24Royal Coctail Summertime Fun (Salminen Matti)
BOB breederDidaktic's (Uusitupa-Kärppä Susanna)
149Bestseller NaubaharVery good1Stoate Colleen
150Little Legends LionheartVery good4Stoate Colleen
151Sabletail's Lucky OneVery good2Stoate Colleen
152Sabletail's Rumba ColumbiaVery good3Stoate Colleen
153Challenger Brown Rebell RepresentExcellent1BM1CQ, BOS, CAC, NORD CACStoate Colleen
154Didaktic's VikingGoodStoate Colleen
155Aussie Action's Black ActionExcellentStoate Colleen
156Aussie Action's Black Zuper ZwixExcellent1BM2CQ, NORD RES-CACStoate Colleen
157Bestseller Jimmy BarretExcellent2BM4CQStoate Colleen
158Didaktic's VicoExcellent3BM3CQStoate Colleen
159Menevä Cittenpä NäätExcellent4Stoate Colleen
160Sabletail's Rocky RoadExcellentStoate Colleen
161Didaktic's New HopeVery good1Stoate Colleen
162Evallens Red And Tan UnikGoodStoate Colleen
163Celerity Of Quick AngelVery good1Stoate Colleen
164Elba Kelpie K. Alyare Re Dog K.Very good3Stoate Colleen
165Santos'souriant Esmee RougeVery good2Stoate Colleen
166Didaktic's WeiVery goodStoate Colleen
167Magical Glow's BonfireExcellent1BB2CQ, NORD RES-CACStoate Colleen
168Musnat FavouriteExcellent4Stoate Colleen
169Sabletail's KharismaExcellent2BB4CQ, CAC, CHStoate Colleen
170Sabletail's Legendary SoulExcellent3Stoate Colleen
171Sabletail's Legendary StoryExcellentStoate Colleen
172Didaktic's AmphoraExcellent1BB1CQ, BOB, NORD CACStoate Colleen
173Didaktic's OmgExcellent2BB3CQStoate Colleen
174Didaktic's QiwiExcellent3Stoate Colleen
175Didaktic's WtfVery good4Stoate Colleen
176Magical Glow's AirmailVery goodStoate Colleen
177Sabletail's Cake PopsVery goodStoate Colleen
178Didaktic's Never Say NeverExcellent2Stoate Colleen
179Royal Coctail Summertime FunExcellent1CQ, VET BOB, NORD CCVStoate Colleen
180Sabletail's Brown SugarVery good3Stoate Colleen
Breeder's groups
8011Didaktic's1KPStoate Colleen
8012Sabletail's2KPStoate Colleen