| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 737 | Allegory Athelstan | Excellent | 1 | BM4 | CQ, JUN BOS, NORD CCJ | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 17 month old male. Excellent type, excellent outline. Good head, showing length and correct parallel lines. Excellent eye shape and color. Well set ears. Moderate neck. Good rear angulation, well laid shoulder. A touch upright in upper arm. Still to develop volume of the chest. Good bone. Excellent condition, moved very well carrying the ground easily. |
| | | | 738 | Cinnaberry's Homera | Excellent | 3 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Promising young blue merle. Good height to length proportions. Medium neck, excellent head. Correct length of correct stop. Dark almond eye. Excellent earset and carriage. Ful dentition. Moderate angles front and rear. Correct tailset. Markings and color ok. Free mover, covering the ground with ,moderate stride. |
| | | | 739 | Diamondfox Take A Chance On Me | Excellent | 4 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Nicely proportioned blue merle. Good head shape showing good length, parallel lines and moderate stop. Full dentition. Correct eye and ears. Good neck, excellent body. Moderate angles front and rear. Excellent tailset. Excellent movement in side gate, still needs to develop in front and back movement. |
| | | | 740 | Light Of Dawn's New Fantasy | Excellent | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Well bodied young tricolor. Excellent body proportions. Good head length. Flat skull. Stop ok. Good eye shape and full dentition. Medium neck. Front angulation could be better. Excellent rear, good croup. Tail just long enough. Moved freely, could have a touch more reach in front. Excellent drive from behind. Excellent condition. |
| | | | 741 | Pinpoint Macwalrick | Excellent | 2 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Mature young tri. Strong head of good length. Good almond eye, excellent expression. Good ear carriage. Full dentition, medium neck. excellent front angulation, good bone. Excellent depth of chest for age. Correct topline. Well angulated rear. Excellent croup. Excellent side gate on the move, needs to firm coming. |
| | | | 742 | Talvilinnan Isäni On Ysäriltä | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 743 | Trusted Companion Archie | Very good | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Well grown young blue merle. Excellent proportions. Good head, correct length, well placed stop. Full dentition. Moderate neck. Well laid shoulder. Good length of upper arm but could be better laid back. Good topline. Moderate rear. Needs time to develop fully in body and movement. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 744 | Aku | Very good | 4 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 4 years old sable. Nicely balanced overall. Good head shaped with good stop. Full dentition. Ears ok. Medium neck. Good angulation front and rear. Excellent body. Tail could be slightly better set. Good bone and overall condition. Moved well once settled, covers the ground very well. |
| | | | 745 | Dalimattas My Partner Nuutti | Excellent | 2 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Attractive sable dog. Pleasing outline. Very good head. Wedge shaped with correct stop. Well set ears. Excellent eye shape. Good front angles. Excellent bone and feet. Sound topline. Well angled rear. A touch short in croup but tail set ok and good length. In good condition, covers the ground easily. |
| | | | 746 | Sandcastle's The Whistleblower | Excellent | 3 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Excellent young tri. 3 years old, still need to develop fully. Excellent head, well balanced with wedge shape and good stop. Excellent almond eye shape, full dentition. Medium neck. Excellent angles front and rear. Firm topline. Correct croup and tailset. Excellent mover from all directions. |
| | | | 747 | Törnskogens Man In The Middle | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, CAC, CH | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Well grown sable. Excellent outline. Super head, good stop. Eye shape a touch round but the color is dark. Excellent ears. Good length of shoulder, a touch short in upper arm. Excellent bone and body. Balanced in angulations, both front and rear.
Low tailset. Good condition. Moved freely. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 748 | Clingstone's Conspiracy Theory | Excellent | 4 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 6 year old tricolor. Excellent head, nice eye a touch round but dark color. Good ear set and carriage. Full dentition. Excellent reach of neck, well laid shoulder deep chest. Excellent bone and feet. Firm topline. Excellent topline. Croup a touch short. Excellent mover in all direction. Good color markings and condition. |
| | | | 749 | Diamondfox Follow Your Vision | Excellent | 2 | BM3 | CQ | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Excellent sable, excellent head proportions and stop. Good ears and eye shape. Good chest, topline, well laid shoulder. Excellent feet, well angulated rear. Moved out freely, showing drive and plenty of reach. Excellent movement |
| | | | 750 | Keyword Valiant | Excellent | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 6 year old tricolor very good shape, excellent well placed stool excellent earset. Correct eye and expression. Good reach of neck. Excellent shoulder. A shade upright in upper arm. Excellent bone. A bit loose in pasterns. Good topline. Moderately angulated. Moved well. |
| | | | 751 | Light Of Dawn's Like A Legend | Excellent | 3 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Mature 3 read old sable. Super head, good length of correct stop. Good eye shape and color. Excellent reach of neck. Well angulated front. Excellent depth of chest for age. Good bone, holds topline well moderate angulations rear. Tail could be slightly longer. Moved well from all directions. |
| | | | 752 | Texforrier Read The Fine Print | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOS, NORD CAC | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Medium sized sable of three years. Super head shape. Plenty of light with excellent stop. Excellent earset and carriage. Medium neck. Good depth of chest. Balanced angles. Holds an excellent topline. Good tailset and length. Excellent bone and feet. Moved out well with reach and drive. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 753 | Black Elles Inspiring Magic | Very good | 2 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 8 year old sable. Very good head shape. Excellent stop, eye shape and color. Excellent earset. Medium neck, well laid shoulder. A bit short in upper arm. Excellent bone and feet. Good body. Could have a touch more hind angulation. Short croup. Tail a touch short. Free mover, sound in all direction. |
| | | | 754 | Lubin's Runner-Up | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ, VET BOS, NORD RES-CAC, NORD CCV | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Excellent 9 year old sable. Head of good length showing parallel planes and excellent stop. Nice ear set and carriage. Full dentition. A touch short in neck. Good front angulations, tight elbows, excellent chest and good bone. Holds his topline well, excellent rear. Good angulations. Excellent mover in all directions. |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 755 | Cinnaberry's Bowl Of Beauty | Very good | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 15 month old sable. Good height to length proportions. Pleasing head of good length. Moderate, well placed stop. Good earset. Good arched neck. Moderately angled front and rear. Excellent bone and feet. Just needs time to mature fully. Free mover, just needs to tighten all around. |
| | | | 756 | Cinnaberry's Lemon Drops | Excellent | 3 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 15 month old sable. Correct size and proportions. Excellent head shape, good stop. Excellent ears, full dentition. Good reach of neck into well laid shoulder. A touch short in upper arm. Moderate rear, good croup and length of tail. Well fitted profile, just needs to fill up and mature. |
| | | | 757 | Diamondfox Queen Of Kings | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, JUN BOB, NORD CCJ | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Feminine sable of 14 months. Excellent outline. Good length of head, moderate well placed stop. Excellent earset and carriage. Excellent reach of neck well into laid shoulder. Excellent bone and tight feet. Needs to drop in chest more. Excellent topline. Good rear. Moved out covering the ground easily. Excellent condition. |
| | | | 758 | Lilii Borea Gentle Sun | Excellent | 4 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 1 year old tricolor. Still to mature fully. Pleasing head, eye and ears. Good arch of neck. Well laid shoulder. Upper arm could be better laid. Excellent bone. Good feet. Firm topline. Excellent rear angulation correct croup with excellent length of tail. Moved very well. |
| | | | 759 | Mahoney's One In A Million | Very good | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 9 month old tricolor. Good proportion in head and body. Almond eye shape, dark giving a good expression. Excellent ears. Good reach and arch of neck. Balanced angles front and rear. Feet a touch flat. Excellent croup and tail. Moved well from profile but needs to tighten coming to. |
| | | | 760 | Tiggerwood's Dawn Of Butterfly | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 761 | Tiggerwood's Firelight | Excellent | 2 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Pleasing 14 month old sable. Feminine in outlook. Excellent head and ears, good eye shape. Full dentition. Good reach and arch of neck. Excellent angulated front and rear. Excellent tailset and length. Good bone. Just needs to mature in movement, but moving with excellent reach and drive. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 762 | Cinnaberry's Billie Jean | Excellent | 2 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Well bodied young blue merle. Excellent height to length proportions. Good wedge shaped head showing length and well placed stop. Excellent ears, medium neck. Deep chest. Correct topline. Balanced angles. Excellent mover, just a shade close going. |
| | | | 763 | Fairytopia's Is Barbie Cal Lips | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Feminine sable. Pleasing outline. Super head shape with correct stop and parallel lines. Full dentition. Excellent ears. Good reach and arch of neck. Excellent front angulation. Good bone and feet. Correct topline and firm loins. Correct rear angulation. Moved freely with good reach and drive. Just needs to mature fully. |
| | | | 764 | Smooth Velvet Azote | Excellent | 3 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Excellent shape. Excellent head, correct eye and ears. Good reach and arch of neck. Well laid shoulder and turn of upper arm. Deep chest. Excellent bone. Good topline. Correct rear quarters. Would [prefer better marking. White marking slightly behind the withers. Good movement and condition. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 765 | Diamondfox Challenger | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, CAC, CH | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Mature blue merle. Lovely proportions. Excellent wedge shaped head with slight stop. Excellent reach of neck, excellent ear shape and carriage. Excellent front angled deep chest firm condition. Excellent rear angulation. A touch short in croup. Good color of marking. Excellent movement in all directions. |
| | | | 766 | Timonan Posh Put Passion | Excellent | 2 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Mature sable. Pleasing outline. Head of good shape, excellent well placed stop. Full dentition. Could have a touch more under jaw. Excellent ears. Eye shape a touch round but dark in color. Soft expression. Good reach and arch of neck. Balanced angulation front and rear. Excellent topline. Tail set a touch high but carries it well. Moved nicely from profile but needs to settle further in front action. Excellent condition. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 767 | Cinnaberry's Midnight Sun | Excellent | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Nicely proportioned female. Excellent body. Excellent head and stop. Correct ears. Good eye. Medium neck. Well angulated front. Deep chest. Excellent topline. Good rear angulation. Color ok. Moved out very well in profile but could use her hind quarters better for advantage. |
| | | | 768 | Cinnaberry's Midnight Velvet | Excellent | 3 | BB3 | CQ | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Mature female of good color marking. Well proportioned head and body. Correct stop, full dentition. Excellent ears. Good reach and arched of neck. Well angulated front and rear Excellent tight feet. Tail just long enough. Excellent mover in all directions, covering the ground with freedom. |
| | | | 769 | Clingstone's Case For You | Excellent | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Feminine sable. Pleasing outline. Excellent wedge shaped head. Slight stop, well placed. Almond shaped eyes, good shaped ears use for her advantage. Good reach and arch of neck. Good length of shoulder and upper arm. Good front angulations. Firm topline and muscled rear. Moved freely. |
| | | | 770 | Diamondfox Queen Guinevere | Excellent | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 3,5 year old sable. Medium time to mature fully and body up. Good shaped head. Earset and carriage good. Nice almond eye shape. Good reach and arch of neck. Good angulations front and rear. Good angles and croup. Needs to settle fully on the move when coming and going but moves well from profile. |
| | | | 771 | Jekkupatterin Pina Colada | Excellent | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Excellent sable, lovely head with almond shape dark eye. Full dentition excellent earset and carriage. Good reach and arch of neck leading to well laid shoulder. Upper arm could be a touch longer. Good topline, excellent rear. Well muscled. Tail just long enough. Super mover in all directions. |
| | | | 772 | Jucaides Belva Belaney | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Mature sale of ideal proportions. Super head shape showing length and good stop. Good ear and eye shape. Full dentition. Nice reach and arch of neck. Balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent body. Good tail length. Stands on tight feet. Excellent mover in all directions. |
| | | | 773 | Shulune Imperial Diamond | Very good | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Tricolor of feminine size. Excellent markings. Well proportioned head, good stop. Excellent eye and ears. A touch short in neck. Deep chest. Could have better angulations in front. Excellent bone. Good topline with firm loins. Moderate rear. Good croup. Tail a touch short. Moves very well but a bit loose in front. |
| | | | 774 | Texforrier Clingstone What A Feeling | Excellent | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Mature female. Excellent head. Correct wedge with well placed stop. Excellent ears an eye. Full dentition. Good reach no arch of neck. Good angulations front and rear. Moved freely with well carried tail. Moves freely but a touch wide in front and close in rear. |
| | | | 775 | Texforrier Clingstone Whoop It Up | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOB, NORD CAC, BIG-2 | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Well proportioned sable bitch. Wedge head of good length with well placed stop. Excellent eye and ears. Full dentition Excellent reach and arch of neck. Excellent angulations front and rear. Firm topline. Muscular loins. Croup a touch short. Excellent mover in all directions. |
| | | | 776 | Texforrier Roll Out The Red Carpet | Excellent | 2 | BB2 | CQ, NORD RES-CAC | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Mature and well grown female but still feminine. Super head, corect stop. Almond dark eye, well settled ears. Full dentition. Good reach of neck leading to well placed shoulder. Good length of upper arm. Excellent bone and topline. Moderately angulated rear. Croup ok. Excellent length of tail. Excellent mover covering the ground with freedom and ease. |
| | | | 777 | Timonan Joleen Joys Journey | Excellent | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 6 year old sable Good proportions. Pealing head, eye and ears. Could have a touch more reach of neck. Excellent body and depth of chest. Moderately angulated front. Excellent topline. Correct croup and length of tail. Stands on good feet. Moved well to and back and really covers the ground well with ease. |
| | | | 778 | Timonan Nowadays New Nuance | Excellent | | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Excellent female. Good proportions both in head and body. Good eye shape and color, excellent earset and carriage. Good reach and arch of neck. Moderate angles front and rear. Good topline, tail just reaches the hock. Good tight feet. Excellent movement front all directions. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 779 | Cinnaberry's Moonlight Shadow | Excellent | 3 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 8,5 year old sable. Feminine with a good body and condition for age. Pleasing head, excellent eye, earset. Medium neck. Good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Firm topline. Good tight feet. Good croup and tail. Moderate angulations front and rear. Moves well in profile but a touch restricted in rear action. |
| | | | 780 | Sandcastle's Choose Some Pink | Excellent | 1 | BB4 | CQ, VET BOB, NORD CCV | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | Excellent veteran sable with a superb head. Correct wedge with well placed stop and parallel lines. Good ears and carriage. Moderate neck leading to well laid shoulder. Nice front angulations. Good bone and feet. Firm topline Excellent rear quarters Good tailset and length. Excellet mover in all directions. |
| | | | 781 | Talvilinnan Miina Mitäs Mitäs | Excellent | 2 | | | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 11 year tricolor in lovely condition. Excellent proportions all over. Very good head with very good stop. Excellent ears. Medium neck. Balanced angulations. Hold her topline very well for her age. Moved up very very well covering the ground with ease and freedom. |
| | Breeder's groups |
| | | | 8046 | Diamondfox | | 2 | | - | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 749, 757, 762, 767
Typy group . All even in size and type. All have good head, are well bodied and overall well constructed. All sound on the move covering the ground. |
| | | | 8047 | Texforrier | | 1 | | KP | Clarke Darren | |
| | | | 752, 774, 775, 776
Another excellent group. Beautiful type, all have excellent outlines and are well balanced. Excellent heads, eyes, ears. They are well angled and make an excellent group. |