Helsinki Winner 2024
FCI 1|FCI 2|FCI 3|FCI 4|FCI 5|FCI 6|FCI 7|FCI 8|FCI 9|FCI 10
Group results|BIS results|Junior Handler results
Lancashire Heeler
Judge Clarke Darren
BOB, HeW-24Heartbay's Arctic Queen (Lyytikäinen Tarja & Huuskonen Merja)
BOS, HeW-24Marmalade's Amulet (Lustig Jonna)
CAC dogRuskanlinnan Tallipoika Tempo (Tamminen Asta)
CAC bitchTouch Lucky Moon Light (Lyytikäinen Tarja)
Nord CAC dogMarmalade's Amulet (Lustig Jonna)
Nord CAC bitchHeartbay's Arctic Queen (Lyytikäinen Tarja & Huuskonen Merja)
BOB veteran, HeVW-24Heartbay's Arctic Queen (Lyytikäinen Tarja & Huuskonen Merja)
BOS veteran, HeVW-24Nalle (Rajala Tiina & Rajala Terttu)
BOB junior, HeJW-24Isrik Nemesis (Myllylä Arja & Myllylä Lasse)
BOS junior, HeJW-24Isrik Unbreakable Alibi (Myllylä Arja & Myllylä Lasse & Väisänen Kirsti)
BOB breederHeartbay's (Huuskonen Merja)
782Animalcompaniets Zeb CowboyExcellent2Clarke Darren
784Isrik Unbreakable AlibiExcellent1BM3CQ, JUN BOS, NORD CCJClarke Darren
785PiispaExcellent3Clarke Darren
786Pikkuseikan NavigaattoriVery good4Clarke Darren
787Ruskanlinnan Tallipoika TempoExcellent1BM2CQ, CAC, NORD RES-CACClarke Darren
788Touch Lucky Moon MagicExcellent2Clarke Darren
789Touch Lucky Moon RockExcellent3Clarke Darren
790Heartbay's Globe FlowerExcellent2Clarke Darren
791Heartbay's Wind MasterExcellent4Clarke Darren
792Heffaklumpens Huller Om BullerExcellent3Clarke Darren
793Limespirit Pearl Of Raging RiverExcellentClarke Darren
794Marmalade's AmuletExcellent1BM1CQ, BOS, NORD CACClarke Darren
795Marmalade's TalismanExcellentClarke Darren
796Myheels LeonidasExcellentClarke Darren
797Necku Oddfellows ArmsExcellentClarke Darren
798NalleExcellent1BM4CQ, VET BOS, NORD CCVClarke Darren
799Isrik NemesisExcellent1BB3CQ, JUN BOB, NORD CCJClarke Darren
800Pull Moon Life Goes On BrahExcellent2BB4CQClarke Darren
801Sabletail's Almond EyeExcellent3Clarke Darren
802Sabletail's Chili PepperVery good4Clarke Darren
803Blastwave New DawnExcellent2Clarke Darren
804Heartbay's Pink VelvetExcellent1CQClarke Darren
805Flame Ear's Red Riding HoodExcellent3Clarke Darren
806Heartbay's Black VelvetExcellent2Clarke Darren
807Touch Lucky Moon LightExcellent1CQ, CAC, CHClarke Darren
808Limespirit Fairy To My TaleExcellent1BB2CQ, NORD RES-CACClarke Darren
809Sabletail's Cinnamon GirlExcellent3Clarke Darren
810Touch Lucky First QueenExcellent2Clarke Darren
811Blastwave Shirley The LoonExcellent2Clarke Darren
812Heartbay's Arctic QueenExcellent1BB1CQ, BOB, VET BOB, NORD CAC, NORD CCVClarke Darren
Breeder's groups
8048Heartbay's1KPClarke Darren
8049Touch Lucky2KPClarke Darren