Helsinki Winner 2024
FCI 1|FCI 2|FCI 3|FCI 4|FCI 5|FCI 6|FCI 7|FCI 8|FCI 9|FCI 10
Group results|BIS results|Junior Handler results
Irish Wolfhound
Judge Patterson Gail
BOB, HeW-24Tinwhistle's Superman Tonight (Niemelä Taina)
BOS, HeW-24Gaelach Macha (Viikinkoski Maarit & Lemmety Petri)
CAC dogTinwhistle's Superman Tonight (Niemelä Taina)
CAC bitchHarmaasuden Loveta (Venhola-Peltonen Jutta)
Nord CAC dogTinwhistle's Superman Tonight (Niemelä Taina)
Nord CAC bitchGaelach Macha (Viikinkoski Maarit & Lemmety Petri)
BOB veteran, HeVW-24Riverwolf Vanilla Porter (Lehto-Nevala Riitta)
BOB junior, HeJW-24Trüffel Vom Welzerberg (Ahola Kaija)
BOS junior, HeJW-24Gaelach Macha (Viikinkoski Maarit & Lemmety Petri)
BOB breederRiverwolf (Lehto-Nevala Riitta)
6063Riverwolf Sudenmarjan JuniperVery good2Patterson Gail
6064Trüffel Vom WelzerbergExcellent1BM3CQ, JUN BOBPatterson Gail
6065Riverwolf Zitti E BuoniVery good1Patterson Gail
6066Caredig MccoolExcellent2Patterson Gail
6067Tinwhistle's Superman TonightExcellent1BM1CQ, BOB, CAC, NORD CAC, CHPatterson Gail
6068Bruin From Marian's MeadowExcellentPatterson Gail
6069Filomeides ViscountExcellent3CQPatterson Gail
6070Leonardo Yvanaea AponiExcellentPatterson Gail
6071Pyatnitca Leroy At Dwar's ValleyExcellent1BM2CQ, RES CAC, NORD RES-CACPatterson Gail
6072Riverwolf Fate Whispers To The WarriorExcellent2BM4CQPatterson Gail
6073Riverwolf Liekkus JiehtanasExcellent4CQPatterson Gail
6074Riverwolf Pure DarkExcellentPatterson Gail
6075Whitefang LegacyExcellentCQPatterson Gail
6076Clark Aus Dem Kemptener WaldAbsent
6077Yli-Kymen LexusAbsent
6078Bello Amico CaraghExcellentPatterson Gail
6079Bello Amico Eistir By ChorenyaVery goodPatterson Gail
6080Comedias Turielle Angel Of JusticeExcellent3Patterson Gail
6081Fernmark DreamweaverExcellent4Patterson Gail
6082Gaelach MachaExcellent1BB1CQ, BOS, JUN BOS, NORD CAC, NORD CCJPatterson Gail
6083Gutgebautt Neu AnnoyanceVery goodPatterson Gail
6084Harmaasuden LovetaExcellent2BB3CQ, CAC, JUN CAC, JCHPatterson Gail
6085Riverwolf Sweetkiss Of Arctic RaspberryVery goodPatterson Gail
6086Angitta AvalonExcellent3Patterson Gail
6087Fernmark BunnahabhainExcellent4Patterson Gail
6088Mami's Beardie EveleenExcellentPatterson Gail
6089Riverwolf FairytaleExcellent1CQPatterson Gail
6090Riverwolf Holly The RulerExcellent2CQPatterson Gail
6091Filomeides RowenaVery good2Patterson Gail
6092Tinwhistle's All I Want Is EverythingExcellent1Patterson Gail
6093EvieExcellentPatterson Gail
6094Filomeides UniversalExcellentPatterson Gail
6095Filomeides ValentineExcellent2BB4CQPatterson Gail
6096Filomeides WamppiExcellentPatterson Gail
6097Hoarystock's Paris Hilton RiverwolfExcellent1BB2CQ, NORD RES-CACPatterson Gail
6098Mami's Beardie ChickalettaExcellent3Patterson Gail
6099Pyatnitca LibertyExcellent4Patterson Gail
6100Pyatnitca Lorrain At Dwars'valleyExcellentPatterson Gail
6101Riverwolf No Chance Against KismetExcellentPatterson Gail
6102Tinwhistle's Miss SaigonAbsent
6103Riverwolf Vanilla PorterExcellent1CQ, VET BOB, NORD CCV, VET CACPatterson Gail
Breeder's groups
8339Filomeides2KPPatterson Gail
8340Riverwolf1KPPatterson Gail