| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 963 | Vincent De La Bulle Rouge | Very good | 1 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type, athletic build; nicely proportioned but still very immature looking; expressive head, excellent in all parts; nice bone and feet; lovely topline; easy going mover; correct in all parts; so petty he is not showing more self-confident |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 964 | Thunderbird De Molosse Antique | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOS, CAC, NORD CAC, CH | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | masculine dog; excellent type; lovely shape; very strong head; excellent in all parts, accept of eyelids to be more closed; strong bone; typical set front; excellent top and underline; well angulated behind; typical on the move |
| | | CH |
| | | | 965 | Burton's Fantasies Reservoir Dogs | Excellent | 1 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | at true on lied; masculine dog, would prefer more compact build other wise nicely put together; nose placement could be bit higher; excellent stop eye; sufficient quality of teeth; nice bone; lovely underline; superb hindquarters what he shows on move |
| | | | 966 | La Luna Polaris Unexpected | Very good | 2 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | massive build dog; very nice proportions; sufficient athletic; strong head; excellent in all part except in chin mark; excellent bone; nice top and underline; bit straight and weak behind |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 967 | With Love Van Naranjado | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOB, JUN BOB, NORD CAC, NORD CCJ | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | high quality bitch; true to type; beautifully put together; ending up in superb movement; lovely head and expression; not over dan in any way; all what she need to do is mature |
| | | INT |
| | | | 968 | Rouge Bordeaux Line | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type; impressive size not finished yet; lovely brown masked head; truly excellent in all parts; quality legs and feet; typical set front; nice underline; must strength on topline; well-made behind; easy going moving; nice length to height; could do more drive. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 969 | Kin-Dza-Dza Baltic Pumpkin | Excellent | 1 | BB2 | CQ, CAC, NORD RES-CAC, CH | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | quality bitch; very nicely put together; still she could be bit short to coupled; breath taking head; high quality front and ribs; typical front and underline; well-made behind; superb condition; could have more self-confident. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 970 | Black Pearl Magic Apple Bloom | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type; true at lied; very nicely put together; not over dan in any way; strong headpiece; truly excellent in all parts; even with superb set of teeth; nicely shaped front; very good bone and feet; typical front and underline; superb length of till; balanced mover; would prefer width between the legs front and behind. |
| | | | 971 | La Luna Polaris Banana Split | Excellent | 2 | BB4 | CQ | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type; very nicely proportioned with right amount of substance; truly feminine head; superb nostrils placement and size; expressive aye; excellent chin mark; could do bit more of rise of forehead; high quality front and ribs; superb condition; could do bit more self-confident. |
| | | | 972 | Rougerosanna Bombay Sapphire | Excellent | 4 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent silhouette; very nicely balanced; truly feminine could do with more with overall; excellent head piece not over done; nice bone and feet; well angulated behind; excellent till set and carriage; lovely condition; excellent temperament; easy going free mover. |
| | | | 973 | Rougerosanna El Tango De Roxanne | Excellent | 1 | BB3 | CQ | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | strong build bitch; excellent proportions; very nicely put together all over; very strong head piece; all most old-fashioned expression; pretty breath taking; typical set front; very good bone and feet; lovely ribs; excellent hind quarters; movement really nice; coming in a bit a front; superb condition. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 974 | Evaland Merilin | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOB, NORD CCV, VET CAC | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | truly feminine; plenty of substance and shape; truly feminine head; lovely expression on eyes and ears; nicely shaped muzzle with large open nostrils; brought deep set front; lovely top and underline; very good bone and feet; in superb condition give on her age; endearing on move; very lovely indeed. |