| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1546 | Björkils Rockin' Rebel | ERI | 3 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 16 months old, masculine head, correct dark eyes, scissors bite, correct skull and stop, good muzzle, well placed ears, correct dry neck, correct topline, croup, and tail set, well sprong rib, good deep of the chest, very well angulated front and back, stands parallel, nice coat and color, good bones and feet, nice movements, but could use a little longer steps. |
| | | | 1547 | Bonyasmin Dirlandaa | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, JUN VSP, SERT, NORD JUN-SERT, JUN-SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 14 months, well build, masculine head, nice expression, correct arched, correct wide skull, correct stop, correct bite, strong muzzle, well placed ears of correct size, neck of correct length, good topline, croup, and tail set, well angulated front and back, nice coat and color, good feet, and bones, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 1548 | Swefarms Hold My Beer | ERI | 2 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 9 months old, masculine head, correct skull and stop, well placed dark eyes, strong muzzle, correct bite, ears of correct size, dry neck, correct top line, croup and tail set, well angulated front and back, good deep of the chest, nice fore chest, stands parallel, correct feet and bones, nice coat and color, moves well, need a little more drive from behind. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 1549 | Blackien Hard Rock Halle | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP, NORD SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 5 years, well build, masculine head with nice expression, correct wide skull, correct stop, dark eyes, strong muzzle, strong on the jaw, correct bite, well placed ears, dry neck, correct top line, croup, and tail set, well sprung rib, good deep of the chest, nice fore chest, very well angulated front and back, correct coat and color, strong feet and bones, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | | 1550 | My Fabled Be My Mastermind | EH | 4 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2,5 years, masculine head, correct stop and skull, level bite, strong muzzle, little loose lip, the neck should be more dry, correct croup, top line and tail set, good deep of the chest, nice fore chest, well angulated front and back, strong bones, nice coat and color, he’s not supposed to be shown more heavy. Moves well with good drive |
| | | | 1551 | My Fabled Be My Masterpiece | ERI | 2 | PU4 | SA | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2,5 years, well build, masculine head, correct skull and stop, scissors bite, correct dark eyes, well placed ears, dark nose, neck up correct length, good topline, croup, and tail set. correct rib, deep of the chest, and nice fore chest. well angulated front and back, correct feet and bones, nice coat and color, moves well but with a little short step. |
| | | | 1552 | Pihapolun Kallekustaa | ERI | 3 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 3 years, masculine head, correct wide skull, correct stop, scissors bite, strong muzzle, dark eyes, correct ears, neck up correct length, expectable strong back, correct croup, tail is long and a little over the back, good deep of the chest and nice fore chest, strong feet and bones, nice coat and color, moves well. |
| | | | 1553 | Tågås Dogs Ådi-Rufs | EVA | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 6 years, masculine head, correct wide skull, correct stop, scissors bite, good muzzle, dark eyes and correct ears, dry neck of correct length, correct top line, croup, and tail set, well sprung rib, good deep of the chest and nice fore chest, well angulated front and back, stands parallel, correct bones and feet, nice coat and color. Today he is limping a little bit, that’s why I can not judge his movement. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 1554 | Just Passeli Unelmabisnes | ERI | 2 | | SA, VET-SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 8 years, in good condition, a little too heavy, masculine head, correct skull, stop, and bite, well placed ears, dark eyes, expectable long neck, very deep chest and nice fore chest, correct topline, with a little arched loin, correct croup, good angulated in front, expectable back, nice coat and color, move with good drive for his age. |
| | | | 1555 | Yacatis Eureka Ephiski | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, VET ROP, NORD VARA-SERT, NORD VET-SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 11 years old, super condition, masculine head, nice expression, dark eyes, correct bite, strong muzzle and underjaw, dry neck of correct length, good top line, correct croup, a little low tail set, good deep of the chest, nice fore chest, good rib, nice coat and color, good bones and feet, moves very well with good drive. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1556 | Björkils Boppin' Bojan | ERI | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 17 months, feminine head with good expression, correct skull, stop, and bite, well placed dark eyes, correct ears, nice coat and color, correct neck, topline, and croup, a little long tail set, good deep of the chest, nice fore chest, for age good wide of the chest, well angulated, strong feet and bones, moves with good drive. |
| | | | 1557 | Björkils Rockin' Rolla | ERI | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 16 months, feminine head, correct bite, good underjaw, correct stop and skull, dark eyes, little too big ears, correct neck, topline, croup, and tail set, good deep of the chest, expectable fore chest, well angulated, nice coat and color, moves with a little short step. |
| | | | 1558 | Bonyasmin Aleksa By Wonderdog | ERI | 2 | | SA | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 13 months, well build, feminine head with nice expression, scissors bite, correct skull and stop, strong muzzle, good underjaw, well placed dark eyes of correct shape, well placed ears of correct size, dry neck, good topline, croup, and tail set, very good rib, good deep of the chest, nice fore chest for age, very well angulated front and back, nice coat and color, strong bones and feet. moves very well with good drive and parallel movements. |
| | | | 1559 | Bonyasmin Arietta By Wonderdog | ERI | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 13 months, well build, feminine head with nice expression, correct wide skull, well placed ears, correct size, dark eyes, correct shape, strong muzzle, good underjaw, scissors bite, dry neck of correct length, strong topline, good croup and tail set, good rib, good deep of the chest, nice fore chest, very well angulated front and back, nice coat and color, good feet and bones. Moves very well, but a little short step from the back. |
| | | | 1560 | Hepulin Hani | ERI | 3 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 11 months, feminine head, correct skull and stop, scissors bite, dark eyes of correct shape, could wish a little stronger muzzle, well placed ears of correct size, dry neck, good topline, croup, and tail set, good deep of the chest, nice fore chest, good lip, nice coat and color, strong feet, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 1561 | Kangelani's Queen Honey | ERI | 4 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 9,5 months, well build, feminine head nice expression, correct skull and stop, strong muzzle, good underjaw, scissors bite, well placed dark eyes of correct shape, well placed ears, dry neck, well sprung rib, good chest, proportions, topline, croup, and tail set, well angulated front and back, nice coat and color, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 1562 | Oraios Yacatis Causing Chaos | ERI | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 15 months, well build, feminine head, correct skull and stop, strong muzzle, scissors bite, good underjaw, dark eyes of correct shape, correct ears, neck of correct length, correct topline, croup, and tail set, well sprung rib, good deep of the chest, good fore chest for age, well angulated, strong feet and bones, nice coat and color, expectable movements. |
| | | | 1563 | Yacatis Häikäisevä Hilde | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA, JUN ROP, SERT, NORD JUN-SERT, JUN-SERT, JMVA | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | Almost 12 months, well build, feminine head with nice expression, correct wide skull, correct stop, scissors bite, enough strong muzzle, dark eyes, correct ears, dry neck of correct length, well sprung rib, good deep of the chest, nice fore chest, well angulated, stands parallel, good topline, croup, and tail set, moves well with good drive, nice coat and color. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 1564 | Little Denmark's Bling Bling By Buster | ERI | 1 | | SA | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 1,5 years, well build, beautiful temperament, feminine head, correct skull and stop, strong muzzle good underjaw, scissors bite, dark eyes of correct shape, well placed ears, dry neck of correct length, correct topline, croup, and tail set, stands parallel, well sprung rib, good deep of the chest, nice fore chest, well angulated, nice coat and color, nice movements. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 1565 | Blackien Sparkling Crystal | ERI | 1 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2 years, well build with good angulations, feminine head, correct skull and stop, scissors bite, strong muzzle, good under jaw, correct dark eyes, correct placed ears, dry neck of correct size, very nice topline, croup, and tail set, well sprung rib, good deep of the chest, strong feet and bones, nice coat and color, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | | 1566 | Fäliän Hetviina | ERI | 2 | | SA | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 6 years old, correct bite with veterinary certificate for two broken teeth, correct skull and stop, strong muzzle, dark eyes correct ears, dry neck, good deep chest nice fore chest, well angulated, strong feet and bones, nice coat and color, correct topline and croup, a little low tail set, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 1567 | Björkils Frigga | ERI | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 3,5 years, feminine head with a nice expression, dark eyes correct shape, correct skull and stop, well placed ears, scissors bite, good underjaw, dry neck of correct length, correct topline, croup, and tail set, well sprung rib, very good deep of the chest, nice fore chest, well angulated front and back, nice coat and color, strong feet and bones, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | | 1568 | Blackien Candy Crystal | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP, NORD SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 4 years, well build, feminine head, scissors bite, strong muzzle, correct skull and stop, correct dark eyes, well placed ears, neck of correct length, good topline, croup, and tail set, very well sprung rib, good deep chest nice fore chest, good angulated front and back, nice coat and color, moves very well with good and parallel drive. |
| | | | 1569 | Little Denmark's Twixie 4 Today | ERI | 3 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 5 years, well angulated, feminine head nice expression, moves with good drive, correct skull and stop, strong muzzle, correct bite, dark eyes correct ears, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tail set, well sprung rib, good deep chest, nice fore chest, expectable strong bones to the body, nice coat and color. |
| | | | 1570 | My Fabled Be My Stellar Moment | ERI | 2 | PN2 | SA, NORD VARA-SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2,5 years, well build, feminine head with nice expression, strong muzzle, good underjaw, scissors bite, correct skull and stop, dark eyes of correct shape, well placed ears of correct size, dry neck, correct topline, croup, and tail set, stands parallel, nice coat and color, strong feet and bones, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | | 1571 | Yacatis Menevä Mimmi | ERI | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 4 years, feminine head, correct skull and stop, correct bite, strong muzzle, dark eyes, correct ears, dry neck, needs a little more development in chest proportions, correct topline, croup and tail set, nice coat and color, well angulated, enough strong bones that fit the body, moves well but needs a little more drive. |
| | | | 1572 | Yacatis Rosa Poppius | ERI | 4 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 3,5 years, well built, nice head, correct skull and stop, scissors bite, strong muzzle and underjaw, dark eyes, correct ears, expectable dry neck, nice coat and color, stands parallel, well angulated, well sprung rib, nice chest proportions, feet and bones fits the body, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 1573 | Blackien Candy Crush Saga | ERI | 2 | | SA | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | Almost 10 years, in good condition, feminine head, correct bite, skull and stop, correct ears, dark eyes, strong muzzle, correct topline, croup and tail set, very good chest proportions, stands parallel, well angulated, strong bones and feet, nice coat and color, moves very well with good drive, well presented. |
| | | | 1574 | My Fabled First Step To Fame | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, VET VSP, NORD VET-SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | Almost 10 years, also in super condition, well presented, feminine head, correct bite, strong muzzle, dark eyes, correct ears, neck of correct length, very good chest proportions, correct topline, croup and tail set, strong feet and bones, nice coat and color, moves parallel with good steps and a lot of drive, prima temperament. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 8086 | Björkils | | 4 | | KP | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 1567, 1556, 1557, 1546
Similar in type, but needs stronger muzzle, nice coat and color, all of them with dark eyes, very nice breeder’s group. |
| | | | 8087 | Blackien | | 1 | | KP | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 1549, 1568, 1565, 1573
Also a very equal breeders group, very typical heads and expressions, strong muzzles, strong bones, good angulations, all moves very well, very similar in coat and color. |
| | | | 8088 | My Fabled | | 3 | | KP | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 1550, 1551, 1570, 1574
A breeder’s group with nice expressions, a little different in type, but all of them with typical expression, strong bones, good movements, nice coat and color, good temperament. |
| | | | 8089 | Yacatis | | 2 | | KP | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 1555, 1563, 1571, 1572
a breeder’s group, nice expressions in heads, dark eyes, also a little different in type, nice coat and color, dark eyes all of them, nice character. |