| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2427 | Abysmal Van Halen | Excellent | 1 | BM3 | CQ, JUN BOS, CAC, NORD CCJ, JUN CAC, JCH | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 17 months, well-built male, beautiful head with nice expressions, correct flat skull, moderate stop, correct teeth and bite, black nose, dark eyes of correct shape, well placed ears of correct size, good muzzle, dry neck, strong topline, correct croup and tail set, correct angulated in the front, very well angulated in the back, stands parallel, good chest proportions, correct harsh coat, strong feet and bones, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | | 2428 | Bella Godivas Parson Unotinto | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 9 months, well-built, masculine head, correct flat skull, moderate stop, long muzzle, correct teeth and bite, black nose, dark almond eyes, well placed ears, dry neck, strong topline, correct croup and tail set, correct chest proportions, correct angulated in front, very well angulated in back, correct coat and color, strong bones and feet. Nice temperament and very excited movements. |
| | | | 2429 | Karvahaalarin Batman | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 14 months, well-built, good balance, masculine head with a nice expression, flat skull, moderate stop, correct teeth and bite, black nose, strong muzzle, black almond eye, ears of correct size, dry neck, strong topline, croup and tail set, correct chest proportions, correct front and back angulation. Stands parallel, correct coat and color, nice strong bones and feet, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 2430 | Mindhunter Oswald Not Harvey | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 2431 | Watercreek's Glowing In The Ring | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 17 months, well-built, correct angulations in the front and back, masculine head with nice expression, correct flat skull and correct stop, strong muzzle and underjaw, teeth and bite correct, black nose, well placed ears, dry neck, strong topline, correct croup and tailset, correct chest proportions, stands parallel, correct color and coat, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 2432 | Maitomiehen Lt King In The North | Excellent | 1 | BM4 | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 1 year and 8 months, well-built, masculine head with good expression, flat skull correct stop, black nose, strong muzzle, correct bite, almond-shaped dark eyes, correct ears, dry neck, correct topline, croup, and tailset, good chest proportions, stands parallel, good bones and feet, harsh coat, good color, moves with good drive, good temperament, well presented. |
| | | | 2433 | Maitomiehen Lt Lord Commander | Very good | 2 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 1 year 8 months, well-built, masculine head, flat skull correct stop, scissors bite, strong muzzle, black nose, almond-shaped dark eyes, well placed ears, neck of correct length, good topline, croup and tail set, correct chest, correct harsh coat and color, good bones and feet. moves well with good drive, needs a little more self-confidence. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 2434 | Nock River's Giles | Very good | 2 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2 years, he’s a bit under size all over, head with a nice expression, dark almond eyes, flat skull, correct stop, correct bite, correct muzzle, black nose, little low ear set, neck is okay, correct topline, croup, and tailset, correct feet and bones, his chest proportions fits the body but I need more male. Good movements. |
| | | | 2435 | Vixenview Valentino | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, RES CAC | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2,5 years, well balanced, masculine head with nice expression, correct flat skull, correct stop, dark almond eyes, well placed ears of correct size, correct teeth and bite, strong muzzle, black nose, dry neck, correct topline, croup, and tail set, correctly angulated in the front and back, good chest proportions, correct color and coat quality, good feet and bones, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | WRK |
| | | | 2436 | Tammenkolon Unimog | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ, NORD RES-CAC | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 6 years, well built, good balance, nice masculine head with good expression, correct skull, stop and muzzle, correct bite, black nose, dark almond eyes, correct ears, dry neck, strong topline, correct croup and tail set, correct chest proportions, correct angulated front and back, strong feet and bones, correct color and coat quality, moves with good drive and parallel steps. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 2437 | Cavalli Sherwood Boys Robin | Excellent | 4 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 6 years, well built, in good balance, masculine head, nice expression, scissors bite, correct flat skull, correct stop, strong muzzle, good underjaw, black nose, dry neck, strong back, correct croup and tailset, good chest proportions, correct angulated in front and back, stands parallel, correct coat and color, good feet and bones, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | | 2438 | Junior Top Russell | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOB, NORD CAC | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 7 years, well balanced, masculine head with a very beautiful alert expression, correct flat skull, moderate stop, scissors bite, black nose, good underjaw, dark almond eyes, well placed ears, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tail set, correct angulated front and back, correct chest proportions, good feet and bones, nice color and coat quality. moves with a lot of drive and parallel movements. |
| | | | 2439 | Karvahaalarin V Cavalli Mission Midir | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 3 years, well built, masculine head, correct flat skull, correct moderate stop, scissors bite, strong muzzle, dark almond eyes, correct ears, correct neck, good topline, croup and tail set, correct chest proportions, correct angulations, stands parallel, nice coat and color, good feet and bones, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | | 2440 | Mindhunter Hidden Treasure | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 4 years, in balance but could wish for his age a little more body, masculine head, nice expression, scissors bite, flat skull, correct stop, dark eyes, correct ears, could wish a little longer neck, correct topline, croup and tail set, correct coat and color, nice feet and bones, moves with good drive. |
| | | | 2441 | Parsonian Personal Jesus | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 4 years, well built, masculine head with a nice expression, could wish a little more flat skull, correct ears and dark eyes, scissors bite, strong muzzle, neck fits the body, correct chest proportions, correct topline, croup and tail set, correct angulated front and back, strong feet and bones, correct coat and color, moves with good drive. |
| | | | 2442 | Tammenkolon The Unforgiven | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2 years, well built, in balance, masculine head, correct flat skull, correct stop, dark almond eyes, scissors bite, strong muzzle and black nose, well placed ears, correct size, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tail set, correct chest proportions, correct coat quality and color, good angulated in the front, could wish a little more rear angulation, stands parallel, moves very well with good drive. so well presented, good job! |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2443 | Karvahaalarin Freddy Krueger | Excellent | 2 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 8 years, super condition, masculine head with a nice alert expression, correct skull and stop, dark almond eyes, scissors bite, strong muzzle, neck of correct length, correct topline, croup, and tailset, good chest proportions, well angulated front and back, stands parallel, strong feet and bones, nice coat and color, moves with good drive. |
| | | | 2444 | Mahottoman Hallanvaara | Very good | 4 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | Almost 10 years, good condition, flat skull, good underjaw, scissors bite, need a little stronger muzzle, dark eyes, correct ears, needs some more beard at the muzzle, dry neck, topline, croup and tailset is okay, chest okay, very short stripped harsh coat, cannot feel any underwool, expectable angulations, moves very well. |
| | | | 2445 | Mymini's Finnish Edition | Very good | 3 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 12 years old, light built, head with a nice expression, but should be a little more masculine, flat skull, correct stop, scissors bite, good underjaw, black nose, dry neck, correct chest proportions, correct angulations front and back, topline, croup and tailset is okay, could wish a little stronger bone and more cat feet. Correct coat and color, moves very well, but needs a little more male. |
| | | | 2446 | Precious Pearl Gladiator | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOS, NORD CCV | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | Over 13 years, in super condition, masculine head with a nice expression, correct bite, flat skull, moderate stop, strong muzzle, good underjaw, black nose, neck fits the body, correct topline, croup and tail set, correct chest proportions, stands front and back parallel, good bones and feet, good harsh coat, correct angulations front and back, moves very well with good drive and well presented. |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2447 | Goshaga Lady Bellatrix | Excellent | 1 | BB3 | CQ, JUN BOB, RES CAC, NORD CCJ, JUN CAC | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 10 months, well built, beautiful temperament, alert, feminine head, correct skull and stop, scissors bite, black nose, strong muzzle, almond dark eyes, well placed ears, correct neck, topline, croup, and tail set, correct chest proportions, correct angulations front and back, beautiful harsh coat, strong feet and bones, moves well with a lot of drive, well presented. |
| | | | 2448 | Hurja-Hildan Yliverto Vippaskonsti | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 12 months, well built, well balanced, feminine head, with a nice expression, correct flat skull, moderate stop, strong muzzle, scissors bite, dark almond eyes, dark nose, well placed ears of correct size, dry elegant neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, beautiful chest proportions, good cat feet and bones, beautiful harsh coat, stands and moves parallel, with good drive. |
| | | | 2449 | Karvahaalarin Ihmenainen | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 14 months, well balanced, feminine head, nice expression, flat skull, moderate stop, scissors bite, black nose, strong muzzle, dark almond eyes, correct ears, correct neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, correct chest proportions, well angulated front and back, strong bones and cat feet, correct color and coat quality, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 2450 | Kui Olis Varma Valio | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 14 months, feminine head, flat skull moderate stop, scissors bite, black nose, good underjaw, dark almond eyes, correct ears, dry neck, good topline, croup, tail carried a little too much over the back, correct angulations front and back, correct chest proportions, good feet and bones, correct coat quality, moves well with parallel steps. |
| | | | 2451 | Ring Tail Tudortrellis | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 13 months, light built, feminine head, flat skull, correct stop, strong muzzle, scissors bite, dark almond eyes, correct ears, dry neck, good topline, croup and tailset, correct angulations front and back, well carried tail, good feet and bones, correct harsh coat, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 2452 | Watercreek's Glowing In The Shadow | Excellent | 4 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 18 months, well built and balanced, feminine head, flat skull, correct placed ears, moderate stop, dark almond eyes, strong muzzle, scissors bite, correct neck, topline, croup, and tailset, good chest proportions, correct angulations front and back, good coat quality, good cat feet and bones, moves with good drive. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 2453 | Fröken Fräkens Ruuth Hoolm | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 19 months, well built, in balance, feminine head, flat skull moderate stop, scissors bite, strong muzzle and underjaw, black nose, correct earset, dark almond eyes, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, good chest proportions, good angulations, correct harsh coat, good bones and cat feet, stands parallel. moves well with good drive |
| | | | 2454 | Karvahaalarin Wannabe Baby Spice | Very good | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 18 months, light built, feminine head, correct skull and stop, scissors bite, correct dark eyes, and ears, dry neck, good topline, croup and tailset, angulations in the front are okay, needs some more rear angulations, wish a little stronger bones but fits the body, good coat quality, moves well, but needs a little more drive. |
| | | | 2455 | Rambling Eyecatcher Tilly | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 20 months, well built, light but in good balance, feminine head, dark almond eyes, flat skull, moderate stop, scissors bite, good muzzle, correct ears, dry neck, good topline, croup and tailset, good chest proportions, well angulated front and back, stands parallel, good feet and bone, good quality of coat, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 2456 | Tallitontun Ness | Excellent | 4 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 1 year and 10 months, feminine head, nice expression, correct flat skull, well placed ears, correct stop, scissors bite, strong muzzle, dark almond eyes, well built, good neck, topline, croup and tailset, nice feet and bones, good coat quality, nice chest, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 2457 | Tammenkolon Here Comes The Sun | Excellent | 1 | BB4 | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 19 months, well built in balance, feminine head with a nice expression, flat skull, moderate stop, correct earset, scissors bite, good muzzle and underjaw, black nose, black almond eyes, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, good chest proportions, well angulated front and back, strong bones and feet, correct coat, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 2458 | Tammenkolon Unstoppable | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 18 months, in good balance, feminine head, correct flat skull, moderate stop, scissors bite, black nose, dark almond eyes, correct ears, dry neck, well filled under the eye, correct topline, croup and tailset, well presented, correct chest proportions, correct angulations front and back, strong bones and feet, super coat quality, moves very well with parallel movement in running and in standing. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 2459 | Feliz Navidad Di Sopravento | Excellent | 1 | BB2 | CQ, CAC, NORD RES-CAC, CH | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2 years, well built and balanced, feminine head, correct skull and stop, scissors bite, strong nose, strong muzzle, dark almond eyes, well placed ears, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, good chest proportions, very well angulated front and back, stands parallel, strong bones and cat feet, correct harsh coat, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | | 2460 | Maanmainion Soul Spirit | Excellent | 2 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 18 months, light built, enough strong bones but fits the body, feminine head, flat skull, moderate stop, scissors bite, black nose, dry neck, good topline, croup and tailset, good chest proportions, correct angulated, should have a little more cat feet, harsh coat, moves well. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 2461 | Abysmal Golden Polar Star | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOS, NORD CAC | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | Almost 3 years, well built, well balanced, feminine head with a nice expression, correct flat skull, moderate stop, scissors bite, black nose, strong muzzle and underjaw, dark almond eyes, well placed ears of correct size, dry neck, correct topline and croup, well carried tail, very beautifully angulated front and back, stands parallel, good chest proportions, harsh coat, moves very well with a good drive and long steps. |
| | | | 2462 | Abysmal Steady Rock Star | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 5 years, well built, feminine all over, correct flat skull, moderate stop, scissors bite, dark eyes almost almond shaped, well placed ears, strong muzzle, black nose, dry neck of correct length, correct topline and croup, well carried wagging tail, very good angulations front and back, correct chest proportions, good coat quality, good bones and feet, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 2463 | Amico Terrier's Dizzy Miss Lizzy | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 4 years old, feminine head, could wish a little stronger muzzle, flat skull, moderate stop, dark almond eyes, well placed ears of correct size, dry neck, good topline, croup and tailset, good chest proportions, good angulations, good feet and bones, moves well but needs a little more drive. |
| | | | 2464 | Fröken Fräkens Queen Elisabeth | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 27 months, well built, well balanced, feminine head, flat skull, correct stop, strong muzzle, scissors bite, black nose, well placed ears, dark almond eyes, neck of correct length, good topline, correct croup, well carried tail, correct chest proportions, well angulated, good bones and feet, good coat quality, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 2465 | Kenkku Erityinen Ihme | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2 years, beautiful harsh coat, well balanced, well built, feminine head with nice expression, flat skull, moderate stop, strong muzzle, scissors bite, dark almond eyes, correct ears, dry neck, strong back, well carried tail, strong bones and feet, well angulated, correct chest proportions, moves well, could wish a little more drive. |
| | | | 2466 | Scream Cracker's Emma Lee | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 3 years, in balance, feminine head with a nice expression, dark almond eyes with very good pigmentation around the eye, well-placed ears of correct size, strong muzzle, black nose, scissors bite, correct neck, topline, croup and tailset, tail well carried, correct chest proportions, correct angulations front and back, stands parallel, correct coat quality, strong bones and feet, moves well with good drive. |
| | | | 2467 | Tammenkolon Arwen | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2 years, well built, feminine head, could wish a little stronger muzzle, flat skull moderate stop, dark eyes, scissors bite, well placed ears of correct size, correct neck topline, croup and tailset, good coat quality, correct angulations front and back, good chest proportions, moves well. |
| | | | 2468 | Watercreek's Cool Cloudberry | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 4 years old, well built and balanced, feminine head with a alert expression, correct flat skull, well carried ears, moderate stop, strong muzzle, scissors bite, dark almond eyes with good pigmentation, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, strong bones and nice cat feet, correct chest proportions, very well angulated front and back, stands parallel, correct coat quality, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | | 2469 | Wizardling's Elektra | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 4 years, well balanced, head with nice expression, correct flat skull and stop, dark almond eyes with good pigmentation around the eye, strong muzzle, black nose, scissors bite, well carried ears, correct neck, topline, croup and tailset, well carried tail, well angulated front and back, good chest proportions, harsh coat, strong bones and feet, moves well. |
| | | | 2470 | Wizardling's Wonder Woman | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 4 years old, well built, a little too much ribcage, feminine head, dark almond eyes with good pigmentation, correct skull and stop and muzzle, scissors bite, a little short neck, good topline, correct croup, little low tailset, correct coat quality, good bones and feet, moves well with good tone. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2471 | Abysmal Polar Star | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 9 years, very good condition, moves very well with long steps and good drive, feminine head with nice expression, dark eyes, correct ears, correct skull and stop, the teeth show she has been a working dog, correct harsh coat, neck topline and croup is correct, correct angulated also, correct chest proportions, stands parallel. |
| | | | 2472 | Arbor Vitae Venus | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOB, NORD CCV | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 11 years old, in good condition, teeth okay with a vet certificate, feminine head, nice expression, correct skull and stop, good muzzle, correct dark eyes, well placed ears, elegant neck, good topline, croup and tailset, very correct angulated, correct chest proportions, stands parallel, in good coat quality. |
| | | | 2473 | Bravefellow Larissa | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | Almost 13, in good condition, moves well, harsh coat, feminine head, dark eyes, correct ears, flat skull, moderate stop, black nose, strong muzzle, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, correct angulated, good chest proportions, strong feet and bones. |
| | | | 2474 | Mahottoman Bilehile | Excellent | 4 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 10 years old, well balanced, good condition, correct harsh coat, feminine head, flat skull, moderate stop, scissors bite, black nose, dark almond eyes with good pigmentation, well placed ears, correct neck, topline, croup and tailset, good chest proportions, well angulated, good bones and feet, moves well with good energy. |
| | | | 2475 | Maitomiehen Excellence | Excellent | 3 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 9 years old, light built but balanced, feminine head, flat skull correct stop, well developed muzzle, scissors bite, good underjaw, dark eyes with good pigmentation, well placed ears, beautiful dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, good bones and feet, good coat quality, moves well with a lot of drive. |
| | | | 2476 | Norparson Elite To Precious Pearl | Excellent | | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 8,5 years, well balanced, feminine head with a good expression, flat skull moderate stop, scissors bite, strong muzzle, good underjaw, dark almond eyes, well placed ears, correct neck, topline, croup, and tailset, correct chest proportions, correct quality of coat, correct angulations, moves well with good drive. |
| | Breeder's groups |
| | | | 8143 | Abysmal | | 2 | | KP | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2427, 2461, 2462, 2471
A breeder’s group which is very equal, correct heads and expressions, good toplines and croups and movements, correct coats, and typical difference between female and male. The breeder can be very proud. |
| | | | 8144 | Karvahaalarin | | 3 | | KP | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2429, 2439, 2443, 2449
A breeder’s group with three males and a female, very much alike in type, slightly different in colors, typical head and expression, well angulated, and also dogs breeder can be proud of. |
| | | | 8145 | Tammenkolon | | 1 | | KP | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2436, 2442, 2457, 2458
A breeders group with two males and two females, also with equal type, heads with nice expressions, dark eyes, correct flat skulls, good angulations and toplines, good feet and bones, a very nice breeder group. |