| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 4420 | Benton Known For It | EXC | 1 | | CK, JUN BIM, NORD JUN-CERT | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 17 months. Masculine. Promising youngster. Excellent type & proportions. Promising strength of scull & muzzle Dark soft eye. Excellent pigment. Strong neck of good length. Excellent angulations & bones. Already nice depth of chest. Very nice forechest. Sound coming & going. Balanced from side with good stride. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4421 | Gladtail Dealers Choice | EXC | 4 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 16 months. Masculine. Could be just a bit higher on leg for perfect proportions. Good strong scull & muzzle. Soft dark eyes. Excellent pigment. Strong neck of good length. Good angulations front & read. Excellent depth of body. Has nice forechest. Strong low hocks & good bread of thig Still a bit loose on front movement. Needs to strengthen in topline. Lovely side movement when he hits the rhythm. Promising coat. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4422 | Kultakorvan Only Party Prince | EXC | 2 | | CK, JUN-CERT, JUCH | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 13 months. Youngster. Good size & proportions. Masculine. Very sweet expression. Enough strength of scull & muzzle. Good pigment. Strong neck of excellent length. Still needs to mature in his rib section. Enough forechest. Excellent bones. Just a bit straight in upper arm. Excellent strong hind quarters. Still a bit loose coming. Good drive in rear. Promising coat. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4423 | Kultasillan Laurin Polte | G | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 1 year old. Well matured for age. Excellent size & proportions. Still needs to mature in his scull. Excellent pigment. Soft expression. Moderate neck. Rather forward placed front assembly. Moderate angulation in rear. Good bones. Good depth of body for age. Unfortunately he is too heavy today, with shows in his movements. Movements could have longer stride & more power, other wise balanced. Excellent temperament. Well handled. |
| | | | 4424 | Soft Soul Unique And Special | VG | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 17 months. Good proportions. Masculine enough. Head fitting his size, could be stronger. Ok pigment. Moderate neck & angulations. Level topline. Still needs to develop in body. Would like to see more forechest. Excellent bones. Very balanced & light mover, could have longer steps & more power. Excellent temperament. Well handled. |
| | | | 4425 | Sunnyfield's Imperial Gold | EXC | 3 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 1 year. Masculine well matured for age. Enough strong head. Dark eyes, sweet expression. Exellent pigment. Strong neck of excellent length. Well laid shoulder. Good turn of upper arm. Bit over angulated in rear, eff topline when standing. Very nice chest & forechest for age. Strong short loin. Still loose in front movement & unstable in rear. Promising long stride from side with good power & level topline. Excellent temperament. Good handled. |
| | | | 4426 | Tornado Eagles Polar Artic Bear | VG | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 11,5 months. Good size, correct proportions. Developing youngster that need some time to sink into his angulation & firm up. Lovely head, promising strength. Soft dark eyes. Good pigment. Moderate neck. Quite open angulations in both ends. Needs to deepen to his body & develop in chest area. Good bones. He is still very loose in his movements. Not really showing the typical length of stride & power of breed yet. Very sweet & active temperament. Coat is coming. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 4427 | Goldfellow Night Boat To Cairo | EXC | 2 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 22 months. Strong masculine male. Good size, excellent proportions. Beautiful head & expression. Excellent strength of scull & muzzle. Excellent pigment. Strong neck of good length, flowing well into should, rather straight in upper arm Moderate angulation in rear. Excellent bone. Bit straight in front pastern. Good depth of body. Could ha slightly more forechest. Still loose in front movement. Balanced on the side could have slightly more power to his stride. Excellent coat. Well handled. |
| | | | 4428 | Hepoharjun Pepsi | VG | 4 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 21 months. Masculine. Good size & pro Lovely masculine head of good power. Soft dark eyes. Sweet expression. Good pigment. Moderate neck. Rather forward placed front assembly. Moderate angulation in rear. Well developed body of good depth & some forechest. Still a bit loose in his movements today. Balanced from side, could have longer stride & more power. Promising coat. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4429 | Karvin Silver Smith | G | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 19 months. Smaller male. Altogether too feminine for me. Would like him bit higher on legs for proportions. Head of good strength for his size. Very sweet expression. Dark eye & pigment. Bit upright in shoulder. Rather straight in upper arm. Good angulation in rear. Excellent bone for size. Very stable in movement. Excellent drive. Level topline. Excellent coat. Excellent handling. |
| | | | 4430 | Mistdawn Grey Smoky Onyx | EXC | 3 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 21 months. Masculine. Good size & proportions. Lovely powerful head. Dark eyes. Soft expression. Excellent pigment. Neck could be cleaner. Excellent strength & good length of neck. Level topline. Correct tailset. Madera angulation front & rear. Excellent bones. Promising depth of body & some forechest. Still a bit loose in movement. Balanced stride from side, could be longer & more powerful. Excellent coat. Sweet temperament |
| | | | 4431 | Pepstep Fox In The Box | EXC | 1 | BH3 | CK, CERT | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 18 months. Masculine, excellent size & proportions. Powerful scull & muzzle. Soft expression. Good pigment. Dark eyes. Strong neck of excellent length. Excellent angulations both ends. Well developed body enough depth of chest. Good forechest. Level topline, that keeps on move. Strong bones. Still needs to firm up in move, has typical power & length of stride. Well handled. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 4432 | Clearing Pond's Secret Weapon | EXC | 2 | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Masculine. Excellent type & size. Excellent proportions. Beautiful masculine head of good strength. Soft dark eye. Excellent pigment. Well chiselled under the eye. Strong neck of excellent length. Flowing well into shoulders. Level topline. Excellent angulations. Good bones. Good depth of body. Ribcage could be longer. Bit long in loin. Good forechest. Parallel coming & going. Nice powerful stride from side. Bit proud of his tail. |
| | | | 4433 | Goldbern's Duke Of Rose | VG | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Masculine male, good size. Excellent proportions. Strong masculine head. Bit flat in scull. Excellent pigment. Soft dark eyes. Shorter neck, straight in front angulation. Level topline. Correct tailset. Would like more hock angulation. Good bones. Good depth of body. Very strong short loin. Moves with short step & lacking power in his move. Sweet temperament. Well handled. |
| | | | 4434 | Goldfellow Mandarine Rocket | EXC | 4 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 5 years. Masculine. Good size. Good proportions. Masculine head: Good strength in scull & muzzle. Rather round eyes, that could give softer expression. Good pigment. Strong neck of excellent length. Excellent lay of shoulder. Rather straight upper arm. Excellent hind angulation. Good bones. Deep capacious body. Nice movement from all sides. Could have slightly more reach, excellent drive. Lovely coat & colour. |
| | | | 4435 | Goldfellow Mint Chocolate Chip | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 4436 | Goldfellow Spy Like No Other | EXC | 3 | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Masculine. Excellent size & proportions. Masculine head. Bit rounded scull. Good muzzle. Eyes a bit round. But gives sweet enough expression. Good pigment. Excellent neck & topline. Good balanced angulations both ends. Enough depth of body, has some forechest Strong loin. Moves parallel coming & going. Good powerful stride from side. Good coat & temperament. |
| | | | 4437 | Karvin Mamas Steinar | VG | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 4 years. Good size & proportions. Masculine. Dark eyes. Soft expression. Good pigment. Enough strength of head. Would like firmer & cleaner lips & less skin on neck. Moderate neck. Rather open front angulations, moderate in rear. Good depth of body. Strong loin. Would like more forechest. Excellent coat. Handler makes the most of his movements. Would like to see longer reach & more drive. Excellent coat & temperament. |
| | | | 4438 | Sandinah Fort Knox At Royalist | EXC | 1 | BH4 | CK, RES-CERT | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2 years. Masculine. Good size & proportions. Head is masculine, but could be slightly stronger. Excellent pigment. Soft dark eye. Beautiful neck & topline. Good angulations both ends. Nice depth of chest, enough forechest. Enough bones. Parallel mover. Very nice side movement. Good reach & drive. Keeping topline on move. Not the best coat today. Excellent temperament & handling. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 4439 | Benton Down To The Wire | EXC | 2 | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | Masculine male. Fully matured. Excellent size type & proportions. Beautiful masculine head with correct strength. Soft expression. Good pigment. Strong neck. Well set to shoulders. Level topline. Excellent bone & angulations. Excellent depth & spring of ribs. Very nice forechest. Strong second thigh. Moves well from all side. Excellent coat. Well handled. |
| | | | 4440 | Benton Grand Slam | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 4441 | Clearing Pond's Next Level | EXC | 3 | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 6 years. Beautiful champion male. Excellent size type & proportions. Beautiful masculine head, with all correct details. Strong neck of excellent length. Level topline. Excellent angulations & bones. Excellent spring of ribs. Deep through heart. Excellent forechest Strong loin. Strong mover from all side. I wish he would carry his tail a bit lower. Excellent coat. |
| | | | 4442 | Dewmist Dixcalibur | EXC | | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 6 years. Masculine sound male. Excellent size, type & proportions. Beautiful strong head with all details. Strong neck of excellent length. Nicely connected to shoulder Level topline. Excellent angulation, spring of rib & depth of body. Nice forechest. Strong short loin. Moves well from all sides, keeping topline level. Not the best coat Excellent handling. |
| | | | 4443 | Dreamstyle Let There Be Stars | EXC | | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2 years. Young male of good quality. Excellent size & proportions. Beautiful masculine head. Good strength of scull & muzzle. Winter nose, but good pigment. Strong neck of excellent length Well angulated. Level topline. Correct tailset. Just enough depth of body & some forechest. Good bones for his size. Balanced mover, good reach & drive. Not the best coat, correct texture. Excellent temperament. Good handling. |
| | | | 4444 | Nenuoramos Trace Of Life | EXC | 4 | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 5 years. Sound & well constructed champion of excellent quality. Beautiful masculine head. Very sweet expression. Excellent pigment. Correct strength of scull & muzzle Strong neck of good length. Well set to shoulders. Strong level topline. Correct tailset. Excellent angulations & boned Well sprung ribs. Deep through heart & good forechest. Sound mover. Very balanced with good reach & drive. Excellent coat & temperament. |
| | | | 4445 | Ronsana's Extra Sweet Dancer | EXC | 1 | BH2 | CK, NORD RES-CERT | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 4 years old. Well made & sound champion Very well balanced. Masculine head of good strength. Excellent pigment. Beautiful soft expression. Neck of good length & strength. Level topline, keeps well on move. Well sprung ribs. Good forechest & depth of body. Strong short loin. Good bones. Powerful movement from all side. Excellent coat & temperament. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 4446 | Clearing Pond's Ice Man | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIR, VET BIR, NORD CERT, NORD VET-CERT | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 10,5 years. Stunning male. Looking like he is in his prime. Real credit to his owner for keeping him so well. Beautiful lines & proportions. Beautiful masculine head. Sweetest expression. Excellent pigment. Long strong neck, flowing into strong level topline, still keeps perfectly on move. Excellent bones, body & angulations. Fantastic balanced mover, long reach & excellent drive. Excellent coat & handling. Sweet temperament. |
| | | | 4447 | Joystep's Design By Iceman | EXC | 2 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 8,5 years. Masculine. Excellent size & proportions. Strong masculine head. Excellent pigment & sweet expression. Good neck. Just a bit straight front angulation. Excellent hind quarters. Strong & deep body. Good spring of ribs Strong short loin. Could have longer steps in front. Good power in rear Really enjoying his day out. Beautiful coat. Well handled & credit to his owner for his beautiful condition. |
| | | | 4448 | Karvin Private Dancer | EXC | 3 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 11,5 years. Smaller male. Just masculine enough. Good size. Could be slightly longer on leg for better proportions. Good strength of head. Soft expression. Good pigment. Strong neck. Well angulated. Good bones for size. Level topline. Good body for size with nice depth strong loin. In good condition for his respectable age. You can see he is slowing down on his movements, but they are balanced and he is still keeping his level topline. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4449 | Living Classic Copy | borta | | | | | |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 4450 | Benton Kindest Regards | EXC | 1 | | CK, JUN BIR, NORD JUN-CERT | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 17 months. Feminine. Good size. Just a touch long in proportions. Promising head, scull & muzzle. Dar expressive eyes. Good pigment. Excellent neck & level topline. A bit straight in upper arm. Excellent angulations in rear. Developing well in her body with already nice depth. Some forechest. Good bones. Moves well form all sides. Still a bit loose. Excellent temperament. Good coat texture. Very promising young bitch. |
| | | | 4451 | Dewmist True Desire | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 4452 | Gladtail Desert Sandstorm | EXC | 3 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 1 year. Feminine. Good size. Excellent proportions. Beautiful feminine head, with promising strength. Dark soft eyes. Excellent pigment. Neck of good length. Bit open in front angulation, moderate in rear. Body developing well, nice spring of ribs. Just needs to deepen. Short loin. Good bones. balanced mover with shorter steps. Excellent coat & temperament. |
| | | | 4453 | Golden Katie's Courage To Dream Once Again | VG | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 16 months. Very feminine. Good size & proportions. Lovely feminine head. Promising strength of scull & muzzle. Dark expressive eyes. Beautiful pigment. Moderate neck & angulations. Good bones. Body developing well wit already nice depth & spring of ribs. Bit falling in croup, which is more apparent on move, could have better topline. Balanced mover with shorter steps, would like more power. Excellent coat & temperament. Well handled. |
| | | | 4454 | Kultasillan Laurin Lintu | EXC | 4 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 1 year old. Good size. Excellent balance & proportions. Lovely feminine head, of promising strength. Dark soft eye. Excellent pigment. Strong neck of excellent length. Level topline, good tailset & carriage. Moderate angulations front & rear, uses well on move. Well developed body for age, of good depth & spring of ribs. Good bones for size. Lovely coat & temperament. |
| | | | 4455 | Majik Moonshadow | EXC | 2 | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 15 months. Feminine. Built on beautiful lines. Showing both strength & balance all over. Lovely feminine head, promising strength. Dark expressive eyes. Very dark pigment. Long neck, well laid to shoulder. Level topline. Correct set & carried tail. Quite moderate angulations, that are balanced, which uses to the fullest on the move. still needs to mature in her spring of ribs but promising depth of body. Good bones. Good movement in all sides, just needs to firm up. Lovely coat & temperament, |
| | | | 4456 | Majik Princess Catherine | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 4457 | Soft Soul Unique Goldfellow | EXC | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 18 months. Lovely youngster of good size & proportions. Gives a balanced impression. Feminine head, strong enough. Soft expression. Ok pigment. Well laid shoulder. Good neck. Level topline. Moderate angulations front & rear. Still needs to deepen in body & get more support from elbows. Balanced mover. Moderate reach & drive. Promising coat. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 4458 | Tornado Eagles The Sunset Rose | VG | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 9 months. Feminine. Good size & proportions. Still very much a puppy. Promising feminine head with all the details. Neck of good length. Well laid shoulder. Level back standing. Moderate angulations. Well developed body for age. Good bones. I hope she sinks into with angulations in time. Very puppyish on movements, that are quite balanced when she gets in to rhythm. Needs to firm in topline Happy temperament. Nice coat. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 4459 | Festival's Stefania | EXC | 1 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 19 months. Feminine of good size, that I wish would be just a little higher on leg for proportions. Beautiful feminine head, with lovely dark eye soft expression & black pigment. Elegant neck. Excellent angulations. Strong topline. Already deep & capacious body. Well ripped back. Good bones. Strong mover, excellent reach & drive. Correct coat texture. Excellent temperament & handling. |
| | | | 4460 | Goldfellow One Night In Bangkok | EXC | 4 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 20 months. Feminine. Well matured for age. Good size & proportions. Strong feminine head, excellent scull & muzzle. Dark expressive eyes. Good pigment. Strong neck of good length. Excellent topline standing. Correct tailset & carriage. Excellent spring of ribs, and good depth of body. Balanced moderate angulations. Good bones. Moves parallel coming & going. Balanced from side, would like more reach & drive. Good coat texture. Good temperament. |
| | | | 4461 | Majik Maija Mehiläinen | EXC | 3 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 22 months. Feminine elegant bitch that left her coat at home today. Feminine head of good strength. Dark soft eyes. Excellent pigment. Really nice body lines from neck to tip of tail. Nice depth of body. Just a bit long in loin. Fitting bones. Just a bit high strung in ring today, a bit stressed. Moves with excellent reach & drive. |
| | | | 4462 | Noudon Time Of My Life | VG | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 22 months. Feminine. Good size & proportions. Feminine head that could be slight stronger in scull & have slightly more prominent stop. Good neck & topline. Straight in upper arm & in rear angulations. Bit long in loin. Would like to see more forechest & more support to elbows from lower part of chest. Balanced movements, loose in front. Beautiful coat. Excellent temperament. Well handled. |
| | | | 4463 | Rogerwiek Walpurg Night Princess | EXC | 2 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 19 months. Feminine. Good size. Excellent proportions. Sound & balanced bitch. Feminine head of good power. Rather round eyes, that could have softer expression. Strong neck of excellent length. Level topline. Correct tail set & carriage. Good balanced angulations. Correct depth of body. Nice forechest. Strong short loin. Fitting bones. Moves well from all sides, good reach & drive. Beautiful colour & coat. Excellent temperament & handling. |
| | | | 4464 | Too Amusing Horse Whisperer Luv U | EXC | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 19 months. Feminine. Good size & proportions. Strong feminine head. Soft dark eyes. Excellent pigment. Moderate neck of good strength. Moderate angulations. Good bones. Well developed body, excellent spring of ribs. Good depth. Short strong loin Moves with shorter steps that could have more power. Excellent coat & temperament & handling. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 4465 | Benton Hot Gossip | EXC | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 3 years. Feminine. Good size & proportions Beautiful head of good strength. Excellent pigment, soft expression. Moderate neck. Rather open front angulations, good in rear. Well develop deep body. Excellent spring of ribs. Strong short loin. Good bones. Move with shorter steps in front, good drive. Excellent coat & temperament. |
| | | | 4466 | Benton Just About It | EXC | 4 | | CK, RES-CERT | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2 years. Quite elegant feminine bitch of good size. Correct proportions. Lovely feminine head. Good strength of scull & muzzle: Soft expression. Excellent pigment. High withers. Could have slightly better laid upper arm. Excellent hind quarters. Enough spring of ribs & depth of body. Strong loin. Moves with good reach, excellent drive. Happy temperament. Good coat. |
| | | | 4467 | Clearing Pond's Say My Name | EXC | 1 | BT3 | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Very nice bitch of excellent quality. Strong & balanced in her outlines standing & moving. Beautiful strong but feminine head. Dark expressive eyes. Excellent pigment. Strong neck. Well set to shoulders. Level strong topline. Excellent angulations & bones. Well developed ribcage Good forechest. Parallel mover coming & going. Very nice side movement excellent reach & drive. Carrying her self proudly in ring. Excellent temperament |
| | | | 4468 | Dreamstyle Legally Blonde | EXC | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2 years. Feminine. Excellent size & proportions. Feminine head of good strength. Dark eyes. Winter nose, but ok pigment. Strong neck of good length. Just a bit upright upper arm. Good hind quarters. Good spring of ribs & depth of body. Nice forechest. Good bones. Could have longer reach in front. Good drive. Good coat texture. Sweet temperament. |
| | | | 4469 | Golden Road Hope Isabel | EXC | 3 | | CK, CERT | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2 years. Lovely well balanced bitch. Excellent size & proportions. Feminine head of good strength. Dark expressive eyes. Excellent pigment. Strong neck of good length. Good shoulder, just a bit straight in upper arm. Excellent hind quarters. Nicely developed body. Nice spring of ribs & good depth of sternum. Strong loin. Parallel mover, with good reach & excellent drive. Correct coat texture. Ok temperament. |
| | | | 4470 | Goldfellow Spy In Me | VG | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Feminine. Good size & proportions. Feminine head. Good strength in scull & muzzle. Bit round eyes, could have softer expression. Good pigment. Strong neck of good length. Level topline. Rather straight in front angulation, moderate in rear. Good spring of ribs. Enough depth of body. Enough bones for size. Moves with rather short steps & could be more sure of herself today. Beautiful coat & colour. |
| | | | 4471 | Noudon Reads Between The Lines | EXC | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | Feminine. Good size & proportions. Feminine head, could be slightly stronger in scull. Dark expressive eyes Good pigment. Strong neck of excellent length. Well laid shoulder. Just a bit soft in topline standing & moving today. Good angulation front, excellent rear. Good depth of body & spring of ring. Would like more parallel movement coming & going & more power in her side movements, that she should be capable of given her construction. |
| | | | 4472 | Pepstep Party Party | EXC | 2 | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 4 years Feminine. Balanced well constructed bit of good quality. Strong but feminine head. Soft expression. Good pigment. Strong neck of excellent length. Excellent angulations. Level topline standing & moving. deep capacious body. Short strong loin. Moves well from all sides. Good bones. Correct coat texture. Lovely temperament. Well handled. |
| | | | 4473 | Sandinah Flying Poppy At Summermist | VG | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 3 years. Excellent type. Good size & proportions. Strong but feminine head. Dark expressive eyes. Excellent pigment. Neck of good length. Just a bit straight in upper arm. Excellent angulations in rear. Would li just a bit more spring of ribs for age & more development in musculature in her body. Chest deep enough. Good bones. Needs to be more stable in movement. Lovely bitch that is capable of more in better condition. |
| | | | 4474 | Willowfield's Jazzy The Lily Maid Of Shadows | VG | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2 years. Feminine. Good size & proportions. Feminine head, could be slightly stronger. Dark expressive eyes. Winter nose, but good pigment. Neck of good length. Well laid shoulder. Level topline. Straight in upper arm, moderate angulations in rear. Good spring of ribs. Enough depth of body Strong loin. Excellent bones. Moves with rather short steps & quite loose in front. Would like to see more power in her movement. Excellent coat & temperament. |
| | | BKL/JKL |
| | | | 4475 | Cosmona's U Got The Look | EXC | 2 | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 19 months. Feminine. Good size & proportions. Sweet feminine head, enough strength. Soft expressive eyes. Good pigment. Bit upright in shoulder. Moderate angulations front & rear. Strong level topline. Good tail set & carriage. Well developed body for age. Good spring of ribs. Nice forechest. Good depth of sternum Bones fitting size. Light & balanced movement, could have slightly longer steps & more power. Lovely temperament |
| | | | 4476 | Dewmist Brigantia | EXC | 1 | BT4 | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | Feminine. Excellent size & proportions. Feminine head of good strength in scull & muzzle. Dark eyes, soft expression. Winter nose, good pigment. Strong neck. Good balanced angulations front & rear. Strong well developed body with good depth & spring of ribs. Very strong loin. Showing in excellent strong working condition. Moves well from all sides, excellent reach & drive. Excellent temperament. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 4477 | Clearing Pond's Number One | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIM, NORD CERT | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | Almost 7 years. Beautiful champion bitch of excellent quality. Powerful feminine head with all detail. Strong neck of excellent length well connected to shoulders. Level topline. Excellent spring of ribs & deep through heart. Excellent forechest, angulations & bones. Strong loin. In excellent muscular condition. Beautiful coat. Moves well from all sides. Lovely temperament. Excellent handling. |
| | | | 4478 | Gladtail Champagne Lady | EXC | 3 | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Strong but feminine bitch. Excellent type size & proportions. Beautiful head of excellent strength soft expression. Black pigment. Strong neck of good length. Good angulations. Excellent bones. Well developed body with excellent spring of ribs goo depth & nice forechest. Balanced mover, good reach & drive. Excellent coat & temperament. |
| | | | 4479 | Goldenrush Evening Star | EXC | 4 | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | Almost 8 years. Beautiful balanced lines. Strong but feminine head. Soft expression. Excellent pigment. Neck of excellent length, well set to shoulders. Excellent angulations. Really nice forechest. Good bones. Level topline. Good spring of ribs & depth of body. Could have slightly longer ribs & shorter loin. Moves with good reach & drive. Could be shown in bit harder condition. Excellent coat, temperament & handling. |
| | | | 4480 | Pepstep Billion Dollar Baby | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 4481 | Rogerwiek Sekundiga | EXC | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | Excellent size & proportions. Feminine head of good strength. Just a bit round eyes. Could have softer expression. Moderate neck. Quite moderate angulations, that are balanced. Well developed body. Good spring of ribs. Good depth. Moves with shorter steps, that could be more powerful & looses topline on move. Good coat texture. Lovely temperament. Good bones. |
| | | | 4482 | Sodelight Made Of Candy | EXC | | | | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 2 years. Good size & proportions. Feminine head, good strength of scull & muzzle. Dark eyes. Soft expression Excellent bone Strong neck of good length. Well laid shoulder Level topline. Good tailset. Just a bit straight in upper arm. Moderate angulation in rear. Nicely developed body for age. Energetic mover, that could have slightly more reach & drive. Has nice attitude on move. Excellent coat, temperament & handling. |
| | | | 4483 | Springlove's Unique Star | EXC | 2 | BT2 | CK, NORD RES-CERT | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 4,5 years Strong but feminine bitch. Shown in excellent hard condition. Powerful but feminine head with all the details. Strong neck of good length. Deep capacious body, excellent forechest. Excellent angulations & bones. Moves with typical powerful long strided movements. Nice quality bitch. Good coat & temperament. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 4484 | Clearing Pond's Ice Crystal | EXC | 2 | | CK | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 10,5 years. lovely veteran bitch. shown in go co Happy & outgoing temperament. Excellent size & proportions. Good feminine head. Excellent pigment. Still has enough strength & most sweet expression. Beautiful neck & topline. Very nice spring of ribs & forechest. Excellent angulation. Very balanced in outline. Still moves with good reach & drive. Tail wagging non stop. Excellent coat, well presented. |
| | | | 4485 | Dreamstyle The One | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 4486 | Vofcit's Gift From Heaven | EXC | 1 | | CK, VET BIM, NORD VET-CERT | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 10,5 years. Feminine bitch of good strength. Excellent size & proportions. Good strong head, soft expression. Ok pigment. Strong neck of good length. Excellent angulations. Level topline, still holds on move. Good depth of chest & nice forechest. Enough bones. Strong loin. Moves with excellent reach & drive, carrying herself proudly around the ring. Good coat & temperament. Shown in really nice condition. |
| | Uppfödarklasser |
| | | | 8258 | Clearing Pond's | | 1 | | HP | Halldorsdottir Lilja Dora | |
| | | | 4446, 4467, 4477, 4484
High quality group of 4 dogs in 3 combinations. Beautiful heads. All very balanced in their bodies & movements. Showing breed typical strength in every aspect. Breeder that knows what she’s doing. Wish you all the best for the future. Congratulations. |