| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 4923 | Al Capone Of The Royal Way | Excellent | 1 | BM3 | CQ, JUN BOB, CAC, NORD CCJ, JUN CAC | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | high quality youngster; all track compact; excellent size; very nicely shaped; very strongly put together; plenty of expression of eyes and ears; sufficient wrinkles; nice chin mark; nostrils bit too open; lovely front and ribs; excellent bone and feet; well angulated behind could do bit more tail; typical mover. |
| | | | 4924 | Borys Milagnes | Excellent | 4 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | masculine dog; very nicely proportioned and shaped; strong head piece; excellent in all parts; strong bone; typical set front; toenails need more pigment; excellent top and underline; well angulated behind; excellent tail set could do with more length; excellent condition; typical mover, very nicely balanced. |
| | | | 4925 | Bullystyle's Nobody's Business | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | compact little dog, still quite puppy like; could do with more masculinity; expressive head piece; lovely eyes, ears and wrinkles; excellent chin and nostrils; typical set front not ready yet; would prefer more details front and underline; well angulated behind; till set could be lower; typical balanced mover. |
| | | | 4926 | Dilan | Excellent | 2 | BM4 | CQ, RES CAC | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type and size; masculine dog nicely shaped; very strong head; earset could be bit higher; lovely skull wrinkle and eyes; very good nostrils and chin; quality front; short feet; excellent tuck up; sufficient rise over the loin; excellent till set and length; very good angulated behind; moves with decent drive. |
| | | | 4927 | Friedrich's Limitless Freestyler | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | big boy; still quite immature looking; strongly put together; head full of expression; excellent forehead as one rear; excellent chin mark; front not ready yet; could do with bit more bone; quality feet; topline bit straight; nice underline; excellent length of till; well made behind; easy going movement. |
| | | | 4928 | Greatman's Fanfaari-Fredi | Excellent | 3 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type and shape; masculine dog; compact build; strong head piece; excellent ear carriage; nice forehead; would prefer darker eye; sufficient muzzle; strong bone; bit loose in front still; typical and underline; nice set of tills; balanced easy-going movement. |
| | | | 4929 | Joy Of Alpha-Alpha | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | big boy; every inch of puppy still; lovely head piece; superb muzzle and chin; deep set front bit loose still; nice bone; feet ok; nice length of till; needs more strength and muscles on hindquarters what he shows on move. |
| | | | 4930 | Valse Triste Satelite Steel Drum | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | small size dog; compact build; well developed head; beautiful shaped small ears; nice skull shape; sufficient wrinkles; would prefer rounder eye; deep set front, bit loose; nice length till; needs better angulation behind; needs more spring of ribs; balanced move. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 4931 | Bonboule Dalton | Very good | 2 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | nice sized dog; very good type; sufficient quality over all; well-developed head; nice ears; dark eyes; well filled muzzle; needs more pigment of eyelid; bit straight rather loose front; sufficient roach; well made behind; moves rather loose overall. |
| | | | 4932 | Friedrich's High Five | Excellent | 1 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type; bigger boy; plenty of substant; could do shorter coupling and shape; well carried head excellent in all parts; typical set front; excellent ribs; nice bone and feet; sufficient detailed in top and underline; strong hind quarters; excellent condition and movement. |
| | | | 4933 | Koivumaanchi's Kurjenkellon-Kusti | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 4934 | Nasledstvo Ignatiy | Good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | small sized dog, still puppy like; very strong head; must masculine for shure; I would prefer more laid back; eyes rather large; lovely shape of ears; sufficient bone; rather loose in front; sufficient hindquarters which shows on move. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 4935 | Carte Truffé Rolling Stone | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | rather big boy of a lighter build; sufficient chin; very strong head; lovely skull shape; needs more laid back; sufficient dark eye, rather large; ear set ok; bit leggy; needs more rib; just sufficient bone; well angulated behind; breath could be better; moves ok. |
| | | | 4936 | Darclee I Am Groot | Excellent | 2 | BM2 | CQ, NORD RES-CAC | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type; very compact; extra solid build; hard muscled field out; masculine head piece; excellent in all parts; lovely expression on eyes and wrinkles; plenty of muzzle; nice chin; typical front; lovely ribs and underline; strong bone; sufficient details on topline; could need longer tail; superb on move. |
| | | | 4937 | Friedrich's Empire State Of Mind | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | masculine dog slightly longer cast otherwise nicely proportioned; strong head piece; nicely expressed ears, wrinkles and eyes, bit lippy would prefer more laid back; nice bone and feet; typical set front, bit loose; sufficient detail in front and underline; excellent length of till; balanced movement. |
| | | | 4938 | Gult-Berg Tomber | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent size and type; compact build; nicely shaped; strong head piece; lovely expression of ears, eyes and forehead; very deep muzzle could do bit more work on the eye; nice bone and feet; typical set front; excellent ribs; sufficient tack up; nice topline; nice till set, decent length; very well angulated behind, low hocks; typical movement. |
| | | | 4939 | Koivumaanchi's Ainar Aamurusko | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOS, NORD CAC | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | quality dog, beautifully balanced; bit bigger but plenty of quality; well carried head; lovely eyes, ears and wrinkles; well filled muzzle, could have better laid back; typical front; nice bone and feet; nice underline; sufficient detailed topline; excellent till set; plenty of angulation; excellent coloring and condition; filles the ring on the move. |
| | | | 4940 | Koivumaanchi's Kalskea Kaaleppi | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | massive build dog; a bit long cast; plenty of substance; solar build; masculine head; nicely shaped ears, bit low set; nice forehead and wrinkles; expressive; excellent muzzle but nostrils could be more open; excellent front; strong bone and feet; needs more detail in front and underline; nice length of till; balanced mover. |
| | | | 4941 | Ruutituutin Baby Bubblegum | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 4942 | Tainted Love Of Energy House | Excellent | 4 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | small sized male, excellent type; shoving of lot of presents; lovely head piece including rear of find up sweet underjaw; superb eyes; quality ears and wrinkles; excellent bone; very good feet; nicely shaped, bit loos front; sufficient detailed front and underline; very good ribs; strong hind quarters; decent length of till; moves with a lot of drive and presents. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 4943 | Tanderoza Gangsta's Paradise | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOS, NORD CCV | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | at true at lied, not showing his age at all when standing and on the move; even at lot of ring present; textbook ears; eyes of full of expressions; muzzle starts show his age, but plenty of laid back and chin mark; sufficient bone; angulation front and behind balanced; sufficient detailed front and underline; excellent condition of muscles, takes the ring on the moves. |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 4944 | Darlingdarling Good Vibrations | Excellent | 3 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type; plenty of substance, close to the finish picture; truly feminine head; excellent muzzle; including nostrils and underjaw; forehead bit flat; expressive ears and eyes; typical set front, teeth could be more compact; excellent ribs; slight roughs; strong hindquarters; nice set and length of till; balanced, typical mover. |
| | | | 4945 | Granrose Teddy's Key Too The Future | Excellent | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | small size bitch; quite puppy like still but plenty offer lines; superb ears and eyes and length of underjaw; strong chin mark, could do with more depth of muzzle; deep front; bit loose still; nice bone; very good feet; excellent underline; just sufficient detailed topline; decent angulated behind; typical on the move. |
| | | | 4946 | Greatman's Fiini-Friidu | Excellent | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | strong headed bitch; pretty breathtaking scoring in every detail; typical set front; bit loose still; sufficient bone; nice feet; rib shape could be better; sufficient detailed topline; strong hindquarters; till set bit high; color rather smoky; moving easy going but not ready yet. |
| | | | 4947 | Greatman's Fiini-Fröökynä | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, JUN BOS, NORD CCJ | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | quality bitch; excellent size; very nice proportions; lovely head carriage; excellent in all parts; lovely expression; nice bone and feet; rib shape could be better still; decent detail in front and underline; hardy typical and easy-going movement. |
| | | | 4948 | Greatman's Fine-Frøken | Excellent | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | feminine little bitch; lightly longer cast, otherwise very nicely proportioned; well developed head, excellent in all parts; decent front; nice bone; rib cage could be better; sufficient front and underline; nice set and length of till, balanced mover. |
| | | | 4949 | Icebreakerbulls Never Let Me Go | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | feminine little bitch; lovely size, rather long cast; decent expression, nice forehead; ear set could be higher; sufficient bone and strength on pasterns and feet; would prefer more detailed front and underline; sufficient hocks; balanced mover but has to come together |
| | | | 4950 | Koivumaanchi's Aquifolium | Excellent | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | rather big girl, losing femininity; very nicely put together that over true at lead; well developed head; very good ear carriage; nice wrinkles and eyes; would prefer better laid back and chin; feet could be better; nice ribs, top and underline; well-made behind; lovely condition; quality mover. |
| | | | 4951 | Mix Line's Keep Me I'm Queen | Excellent | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | small sized bitch, truly feminine; nice type; quit immature; breathtaking headpiece; fully expression; front; very good ribs; sufficient detailed top and underline; could do more angulation hind quarter; typical and balanced on the move. |
| | | | 4952 | Prima Volta Crazy Four Paws | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | extra small size, plenty on substance; could be longer cast; rather puppy like still; well develop head; lovely eye; ear set bit low; nice chin; sufficient work on the eye; must have stronger the front when standing and move; nice spring of rib, could be longer; prefer more detail top and underline; well angulated behind; move still puppy like. |
| | | | 4953 | Rottwood Boastful Annabelle | Excellent | 4 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | feminine build bitch still puppy like; excellent head in all part; still prefer more detail top and underline and more bone; nice lent of till, hard muscle condition, typical easy going on the move; comes in bit in front. |
| | | | 4954 | Shattermann Meghan Of My Monarchy | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | lovely headed bitch; excellent in all parts; still rather puppy like; would prefer more compact build; sufficient type in her silhouette; front shape ok, not ready yet, still bit loose; need more angulation in rear; excellent condition; balanced movement and easy going. |
| | | | 4955 | Taffinelli's Valencia | Excellent | 2 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type and size; excellent headpiece; lovely expression, ears and eyes: lip shape could be better; front not ready yet; strong hind quarters; excellent condition; nice bone and feet; typical mover keep her shape. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 4956 | Jäänsärkijän Jopas On Herttainen | Excellent | 1 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | solid build bitch; nice type; compact build for sure, supported buy extra condition; well-developed head ear set could be higher, nice eyes, prefer higher nose placement; nice bone and feet; broad front; would more detail top and underline; needs more angulation behind; balanced mover. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 4957 | Carte Truffé So Alegria | Good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | feminine bitch; very good type; truly feminine head; nice expression of eye; ear set could be bit higher; nice chin but prefer more depth of muzzle; sufficient bone; need smore pigment of nail; rather weak behind, what she shows on move. |
| | | | 4958 | Tanderoza Rhythm Is A Dancer | Excellent | 1 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | feminine bitch; nice type and size, but still short to coupled; well carried head; plenty of expression of eyes and ears; excellent chin; could do more rise of forehead and depth of muzzle; just sufficient bone; feet and pasterns could be stronger; loose front; nice ribs; hard muscle condition; nice roach and tack up wish it keep quite good on moves. |
| | | | 4959 | Valse Triste Kiri Te Karma | Very good | 2 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | plenty of substants rather long cast body; very strong but feminine head; well set ears and shape on forehead; eyes full of expression bit downfaced; lovely bone; solid deep-set front; would prefer better angulation behind; sufficient shaped; moves with sufficient strength behind. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 4960 | Cane Guardiano Faedra | Excellent | 2 | BB2 | CQ, CAC, NORD RES-CAC, CH | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type; truly feminine; nicely proportioned; well developed head; expressive ayes and ears; nice wrinkles; well filled muzzle, sufficient chin; nice bone and feet; typical set front slightly loose; would prefer more ribs between elbows; nice rough; well angulated behind, excellent till set and length; typical and balanced on the move. |
| | | | 4961 | Carte Truffé Somebody Dance With Me | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | feminine little bitch, just sufficient substance over all; very good type, but needs more strength over all; sufficient developed head, nice ears and chin; muzzle should be deeper; sufficient front and underline; nice angulation behind; needs more pigment of nails; not in the best condition; typical mover. |
| | | | 4962 | Darlingdarling Dream Catcher | Excellent | 3 | BB3 | CQ | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | high quality bitch; very nicely put together; hard to fault; truly feminine head with very large eyes, full on expression; excellent ears; nice chin; quality legs and ribs; lovely front; extra quality on hind quarters; lovely condition; highly expressive on move. |
| | | | 4963 | Darlingdarling Dreamgirl | Excellent | 4 | BB4 | CQ | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | another high-quality bitch very similar to forded one; excellent head in all parts; just small remark on rise of forehead; beautiful shape on rib giving space for powerful front; excellent feet; lovely underline; topline could have more detail; well developed behind; quality mover in front, come lightly behind. |
| | | | 4964 | Darlingdarling Mail Order Bride | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOB, NORD CAC | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | yet another high-quality bitch, short coupled for sure; beautifully balanced over all; balanced when standing and move; well carried head; powerful legs and feet; excellent rib shape; delicate roach well mad behind, lovely condition; correct herself on the move in front and showing lot of strength behind. |
| | | | 4965 | Darlingdarling Penny Brooke | Excellent | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | lovely small size; compact build; plenty to offer, very strong head, of keeping nobility; full of expression of ears and wrinkles; full muzzle; eye doesn’t be any larger; nice bone; excellent shape front; rib shape could be better; delicate roach; lovely condition and quality of coat; typical movement; coming in bit in front and behind. |
| | | | 4966 | Friedrich's Flower Power | Excellent | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type, size, shape, balance, condition; feminine head well developed; lovely length and depth on muzzle; expressive eyes and ears; nice bone and feet; broad deep-set front; well made behind; nice tuck up; just sufficient rough; typical on the move, nicely balanced; correct coming and going. |
| | | | 4967 | Pivoine Des Courtines De Chambray | Excellent | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | athletic build bitch slightly longer cast otherwise very pleasing this over all athletic looks; well-developed head; expressive eye, ears, very good set; excellent balanced with muzzle and skull; nicely shaped front; excellent ribs and hindquarters; slightly roughs; moves with drive and impressive strength of light |
| | | | 4968 | Tinylions Be My Pumpkin | Very good | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | bigger girl; very deep still feminine; well carried head; expressive eye and ear; bit down faced; sufficient work under the eye; prefer bit more bone and quality on feet: well made behind; could do with more length of till; needs more of brindle; balanced easy going movement. |
| | | | 4969 | Valumar Poppy Merryweather | Excellent | | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | extra small, compact bitch; plenty on substance; feminine head, strong without being rough; nice set front; strong bone; feet ok; prefer more detail top and underline; well made behind; excellent condition; nice length on till; surprisingly easy going on move; correct coming and going. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 4970 | Alfa Line Dark Diamond | Excellent | 3 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | plenty of substance and type, well preserved with a bit a extra condition; celebrating 12 birthday soon; high quality head; strong in all detail without loosing femininity; broad deep set front nice front slightly close elbow, topline quite straight, could be shorter; starts showing her age behind but still pretty expressive, fills the ring. |
| | | | 4971 | Alfa Line Infinity Love | Excellent | 2 | | | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | strong build bitch; plenty of substance; would not mind seeing shorter couple; but otherwise she have a lot of offers and admire; not showing her 9 years at all; excellent head piece, strong but feminine; broad, deep-set front; solid; excellent ribs and underline; needs more roughs; covers the ring easily when moving, don’t showing her age. |
| | | | 4972 | Arc Arcana French Kiss | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOB, NORD CCV | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | excellent type and size; nicely proportioned not showing her age at all; nicely developed head; nice ears and eyes; excellent length and depth on muzzle; sufficient rising forehead; typical front; lovely behind bit proud of her tail; enjoy the ring on the full. |
| | Breeder's groups |
| | | | 8291 | Darlingdarling | | 1 | | KP | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | 4944, 4962, 4963, 4964 - This is today's highlight; thanks to the high level of this group, here are my winners posing - quality FOR SURE. |
| | | | 8293 | Greatman's | | 2 | | KP | Bosch Bas | |
| | | | 4928, 4946, 4947, 4948 - despite young age of this particularly group the impress of many ways - lovely heads, some of them pretty stunning even; and all represent of soundness and athletic ability that breed needs of tools of variation of group how they move. |