Helsinki Winner 2024
FCI 1|FCI 2|FCI 3|FCI 4|FCI 5|FCI 6|FCI 7|FCI 8|FCI 9|FCI 10
Group results|BIS results|Junior Handler results
French Bulldog
Judge Bosch Bas
BOB, HeW-24Darlingdarling Mail Order Bride (Toikka Sofia & Neemre Linda)
BOS, HeW-24Koivumaanchi's Ainar Aamurusko (Lounio Outi)
CAC dogAl Capone Of The Royal Way (Persson Moa, Sweden)
CAC bitchCane Guardiano Faedra (Carnbrand Carlén Pia, Sweden)
Nord CAC dogKoivumaanchi's Ainar Aamurusko (Lounio Outi)
Nord CAC bitchDarlingdarling Mail Order Bride (Toikka Sofia & Neemre Linda)
BOB veteran, HeVW-24Arc Arcana French Kiss (Tamminen Jonna)
BOS veteran, HeVW-24Tanderoza Gangsta's Paradise (Reikko Riikka)
BOB junior, HeJW-24Al Capone Of The Royal Way (Persson Moa, Sweden)
BOS junior, HeJW-24Greatman's Fiini-Fröökynä (Koivukoski Pia)
BOB breederDarlingdarling (Neemre Linda)
4923Al Capone Of The Royal WayExcellent1BM3CQ, JUN BOB, CAC, NORD CCJ, JUN CACBosch Bas
4924Borys MilagnesExcellent4Bosch Bas
4925Bullystyle's Nobody's BusinessVery goodBosch Bas
4926DilanExcellent2BM4CQ, RES CACBosch Bas
4927Friedrich's Limitless FreestylerVery goodBosch Bas
4928Greatman's Fanfaari-FrediExcellent3Bosch Bas
4929Joy Of Alpha-AlphaVery goodBosch Bas
4930Valse Triste Satelite Steel DrumVery goodBosch Bas
4931Bonboule DaltonVery good2Bosch Bas
4932Friedrich's High FiveExcellent1Bosch Bas
4933Koivumaanchi's Kurjenkellon-KustiAbsent
4934Nasledstvo IgnatiyGoodBosch Bas
4935Carte Truffé Rolling StoneVery goodBosch Bas
4936Darclee I Am GrootExcellent2BM2CQ, NORD RES-CACBosch Bas
4937Friedrich's Empire State Of MindVery goodBosch Bas
4938Gult-Berg TomberExcellent3CQBosch Bas
4939Koivumaanchi's Ainar AamuruskoExcellent1BM1CQ, BOS, NORD CACBosch Bas
4940Koivumaanchi's Kalskea KaaleppiVery goodBosch Bas
4941Ruutituutin Baby BubblegumAbsent
4942Tainted Love Of Energy HouseExcellent4Bosch Bas
4943Tanderoza Gangsta's ParadiseExcellent1CQ, VET BOS, NORD CCVBosch Bas
4944Darlingdarling Good VibrationsExcellent3Bosch Bas
4945Granrose Teddy's Key Too The FutureExcellentBosch Bas
4946Greatman's Fiini-FriiduExcellentBosch Bas
4947Greatman's Fiini-FröökynäExcellent1CQ, JUN BOS, NORD CCJBosch Bas
4948Greatman's Fine-FrøkenExcellentBosch Bas
4949Icebreakerbulls Never Let Me GoVery goodBosch Bas
4950Koivumaanchi's AquifoliumExcellentBosch Bas
4951Mix Line's Keep Me I'm QueenExcellentBosch Bas
4952Prima Volta Crazy Four PawsVery goodBosch Bas
4953Rottwood Boastful AnnabelleExcellent4Bosch Bas
4954Shattermann Meghan Of My MonarchyVery goodBosch Bas
4955Taffinelli's ValenciaExcellent2Bosch Bas
4956Jäänsärkijän Jopas On HerttainenExcellent1Bosch Bas
4957Carte Truffé So AlegriaGoodBosch Bas
4958Tanderoza Rhythm Is A DancerExcellent1Bosch Bas
4959Valse Triste Kiri Te KarmaVery good2Bosch Bas
4960Cane Guardiano FaedraExcellent2BB2CQ, CAC, NORD RES-CAC, CHBosch Bas
4961Carte Truffé Somebody Dance With MeVery goodBosch Bas
4962Darlingdarling Dream CatcherExcellent3BB3CQBosch Bas
4963Darlingdarling DreamgirlExcellent4BB4CQBosch Bas
4964Darlingdarling Mail Order BrideExcellent1BB1CQ, BOB, NORD CACBosch Bas
4965Darlingdarling Penny BrookeExcellentBosch Bas
4966Friedrich's Flower PowerExcellentBosch Bas
4967Pivoine Des Courtines De ChambrayExcellentBosch Bas
4968Tinylions Be My PumpkinVery goodBosch Bas
4969Valumar Poppy MerryweatherExcellentBosch Bas
4970Alfa Line Dark DiamondExcellent3Bosch Bas
4971Alfa Line Infinity LoveExcellent2Bosch Bas
4972Arc Arcana French KissExcellent1CQ, VET BOB, NORD CCVBosch Bas
Breeder's groups
8291Darlingdarling1KPBosch Bas
8293Greatman's2KPBosch Bas