| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 5153 | Concrete Clouds Manifest This | EXC | 4 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, good size, nice body propotions, well set ears, beautiful dark almond shaped eyes, correct sciccor bite, nice neck and topline, well angulated, well set tail, beautiful skin and cheast and breast, well developed in body for age, nice temperament, excellent show condition. Nice movement, with balanced steps. |
| | | | 5154 | Concrete Clouds Showstopper | EXC | 1 | BH3 | CK, JUN BIM, CERT, NORD JUN-CERT, JUN-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, good size, nice body propotions, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, beautiful dark almond shaped eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, enough front angulations, enough developed forecheast nice cheast, good angulations in rear, well set tail, nice breast, skin could be more smooth, nice temperament, Nice movement, good lenght of steps. |
| | | | 5155 | Jamming's Tiesto | EXC | 3 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, nice size, good body propotions, beautiful head and excpression, beautiful neck and topline, correct sciccor bite, nice angulations in front and rear, could be better in paws, beautiful skin, nice breast, well set tail, nice temperament, excellent show condition, nice movement. |
| | | | 5156 | Kaitlin Fifty Sixty Loverboy | EXC | 2 | BH4 | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, good size, nice body, nice head and excpression, well set ears, nice dark eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, correct angulations, well set tail, skin could be more smooth, nice creast, nice temperament, well set tail, beautiful movement. |
| | | | 5157 | Oakcrest Darling Disaster | VG | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, a little long in body, well set ears, eyes could be more almond shape, correct bite, nice neck and topline, need to develope in cheast, a little long in loin, nice angulations in rear, well set tail, good temperament, nice silky coat, good movement, should be more steady in front. Not in good condition. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 5158 | Jamming's Samuel L Jackson | EXC | 1 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, good size, nice body propotions, beautiful head, well set ears, eyes could be more almond shape, but beautiful dark eyes, correct bite, enough underjaw, nice neck and topline, well developed in cheast, correct angulations in front and rear, little open in elbows, well set tail, beautiful skin, nice creast, nice temperament, excellent show condition. Nice movement front side and rear, little too high with front legs. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 5159 | Kaitlin Epic Legacy Of Mayhem | EXC | 2 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, strong male, with accettable size, well set ears. Dark eyes, but can't show more white in eyes and eyes should be more almond shape. Nice neck and topline. Correct bite. Strong in body, well angulated in front and rear, beautiful skin, nice creast, well set tail and good carriage, really nice temperament, nice show condition. Nice movement with long steps. |
| | | | 5160 | League All Eyes On Me | EXC | 1 | | CK, RES-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, correct body propotions, nice head and excpression, well set ears, dark almond shaped eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, enough angulations in front, nice angulations in rear, well set tail, correct coat, nice show condition. Well set tail. Beautiful movement, good lenght of steps. |
| | | | 5161 | Tapi-Tapi Dirty Martini | VG | 3 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, good size, good body propotions, nice neck and expression, well set ears, dark almond shaped eyes with sweet excpression, correct bite, nice neck, good topline, correct angulations in front and rear, nice deep cheast, enough lenght. Well set tail, but the carriage could be better, nice skin. Correct breast, straight legs, moves nice from side and rear, should be more steady in front and need to have better tail carriage. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 5162 | Fiery Fame Ace Of Hearts | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | MAsculine, nice type, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, dark eyes, enough almond shape, correct bite, beautiful neck and topline, nice developed in cheast, little long in loin, enough angulations in front, nice rear angulations, well set tail but the carriage should be better. Beautiful skin, nice creast, nice temperament, good show condition. Nice movement. |
| | | | 5163 | Jamming's Quality Time | EXC | 2 | BH2 | CK, NORD RES-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, nice type, good size, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, beautiful almond shape eyes, beautiful neck and topline, nice developed in body, good angulations, well set tail, beautiful silky coat, really nice temperament, excellent show condition. Excellent movement. |
| | | | 5164 | Jamming's Quentin Tarantino | EXC | 3 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, excellent type, beautiful body, excellent head and excpression, well set ears, dark almond shaped eyes, correct sciccor bite, beautiful neck and topline, nice body, good angulations, beautiful silky coat, nice temperament, excellent show condition, easy movement, |
| | | | 5165 | Jean Dark You Only Live Twice | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, storng, nice male. Excellent head and expression, well set ears, almond shape dark eyes, sweet excpression, correct sciccor bite, nice neck and topline, well developed in cheast, little long in loin, nice angulations in rear, enough in front, nice temperament, good coat, nice show condition, well set tail, should be carried better, nice free movement. |
| | | | 5166 | Lilla Wanillas Be Aware | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, good size, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, correct sciccor bite, almond shaped dark eyes, could be more filled under eyes, nice neck and topline, enough angulations in front and rear, a little long in loin. Nice temperament, good show condition, nice silky coat. Well set and carried tail. Free movement, |
| | | | 5167 | Lilla Wanillas Be Classy | EXC | 4 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, nice type, good size, well set ears, almond shaped eyes, enough wide muzzle, correct bite, nice neck and topline, upright in shoulder, nice angulations in rear, nice clean and warm skin, correct creast, nice temperament.Well set tail, with nice carriage, nice show condition, moves nice form side and rear, enough in the front. |
| | | | 5168 | Mirbon's Shimeon | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, strong, big male. Nice body propotions, nice head and excpression, beautiful almond shaped eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, straight in shoulders, good angulations in rear, beautiful silky coat, nice temperament. Nice show condition, Tail carriage could be better. Moves nice from side and rear, could have more movement in front. |
| | | | 5169 | Moelmo's The North Star | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIR, NORD CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masuline, excellent type, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, correct bite, beautiful dark eyes, beautiful neck and topline, excellent body, well set and carried tail, excellent show condition. Beautiful skin and creast. Beautiful, excellent movement with long steps, |
| | | | 5170 | Powerblackgirls Bailey | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, strong male, nice head and excpression, well set ears, nice almond shaped eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, correct angulations, nice temperament, in good show condition. Well set tail. Moves a little close behind, could have longer steps. |
| | | | 5171 | Viuvaun Cmore | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine male, good size, nice head and excpression, well set ears, nice dark eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, little straight in shoulders, enough angulations in rear, well developed in cheast, well set tail, correct coat, nice temperament. Tail carriage could be better. Free movement. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 5172 | Jamming's Clint Eastwood | EXC | 1 | | CK, VET BIM, NORD VET-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, nice veteran, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, little bigger eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, enough angulations in front, nice angulations in rear, beautiful silky coat, excellent condition. Well set tail, excellent movement, |
| | | | 5173 | Jamming's Duvel | EXC | 2 | | CK, VET-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, nice veteran, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, beautiful almond shaped eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, a little straight in front angulations, nice angulations in rear, well set tail, nice temperament, excellent coat condition, exccellent movement, enough steady in front. |
| | | | 5174 | Ridgecrest's Made Impressive | EXC | 3 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, strong veteran, nice head and excpression, well set ears, dark eyes, could be more almond shape, correct bite, nice neck and topline, straight in front angulations, well angulations in rear, nice temperament, good show condition. Tail set could be better, would like better carriage. Nice side and rear movement, little wide in front. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 5175 | Ensidias Sunset Nostalgia | EXC | 3 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice type, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, could have more almond shaped eyes, correct sciccor bite, nice neck and topline, well developed for age, good angulations in rear, well set tail, beautiful coat for age, nice temperament, good show condition, really nice movement. |
| | | | 5176 | Jean Dark Flower Power | EXC | 2 | | CK, RES-CERT, JUN-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice type, beautiful head and expression, well set ears, correct sciccor bite, dark and enopugh almond shape eyes, nice neck and topline, well developed in cheast for age, correct coat, nice temperament. Excellent movement. tail carriage could be better. |
| | | | 5177 | League Bisou Bisou | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, good type, nice head and excpression, well set ears, dark almond shaped eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, little upright in shoulder, nice angulations in rear, good deep of cheast, enough lenght, well set tail, nice skin, good creast. Nice show condition, correct temperament, nice movement, enough steady in front, |
| | | | 5178 | Maybell's Peony Raspberry Sundae | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice size, nice head and excpression, well set ears, nice dark almond shaped eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, little straight in front angulations, well set tail which could be carried better. Nice coat, good show condition, nice movement, could be more steady in front. |
| | | | 5179 | Oakcrest Diamonds Are Forever | EXC | 4 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice type, excellent head and excpression, well set ears, correct bite, beautiful dark eyes, nice neck and topline, straight in front, enough angulations in rear, nice skin and breast, good temperament,good movement, but could be more steady in front action. |
| | | | 5180 | Oakcrest Eternal Joy | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice size, good head and excpression, well set ears, eyes could be more almond shape, correct bite, nice neck and topline, enough angulations in front, nice angulations in rear, tailset could be better, nice coat, normal temperament. Nice movement, could be more steady in front. |
| | | | 5181 | Suanho's Acawai | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIM, JUN BIR, NORD CERT, NORD JUN-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice size, sweet excpression, well set ears, enough almond shaped dark eyes, could be more wide in muzzle, a bit straight in front, nice angulations in rear, well developed in cheast, good neck and topline, nice skin and creast, nice temperament. Really nice movement. |
| | | | 5182 | Viuvaun Who's Who | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, good size, nice body propotions, nice head and excpression, well set ears, dark eyes could be more almond shaped, correct bite, nice neck, topline could be better, upright in upper arm, correct angulations in rear, nice temperament, good skin. Tailset could be better, nice movement, |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 5183 | Concrete Clouds Piggy Bank | EXC | 2 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, good size, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, nice dark eyes, correct sciccor bite, nice neck and topline, a little open in elbows, enough angulations in front, a little long in loin, nice angulations in rear. Well set tail, which could be carried better. Good movements. |
| | | | 5184 | My Crazy Crested Roingold Black Caviar | EXC | 1 | | CK, CERT, UCH | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice type, excellent head and expression, well set ears, eyes could be more almond shaped, correct bite, nice neck and topline, nice developed in cheast, enough angulations in front, nice angulations in rear, well set tail, nice skin, good creast. Excellent movement. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 5185 | Jamming's Janis Joplin | EXC | 1 | BT3 | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice type. Nice head and sweet excpression, well set ears, dark eyes could be more filled under eyes, correct sciccor bite, nice neck and topline, correct angulations, nice cheast, well set tail, nice silky coat, Excellent movement. |
| | | | 5186 | Jamming's Neverending Story | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, good type, nice head and excpression, dark eyes could be more almond shape, well set ears, correct sciccor bite, nice neck and topline, enough deep and lenght of cheast, nice angulations in rear, enough in front, nice silky coat, good temperament. Tailset could be higher and could be carried better. Moves nice fromn side and rear, little close in front. |
| | | | 5187 | Jamming's Panic Button | EXC | 2 | BT4 | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Femininen, good type, nice head and excpression, well set ears, almond shaped dark eyes, enough wide muzzle, nice neck and topline, legs straight in front and angulations, nice rear angulations, good skin and creast, nice temperament, good movement, could be more steady in front. Well set tail and carriage. |
| | | | 5188 | Jean Dark Daydream Believer | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, bigger female, enough feminine in head, well set ears, dark eyes, correct bite, enough angulations in fornt, nice neck and topline, nice deep and lenght of cheast, little long in loin, good angulation in rear.Well set tail, and good carriage. Nice skin and creast, easy movement. |
| | | | 5189 | Kaitlin Odd Molly | EXC | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice head and excpression, well set ears, dark eyes and sweet excpression, correct bite, nice neck and topline, enough angulations in front, nice coat, nice temperament, good show condition. Well set tail, could be carried better. Nice movement. |
| | | | 5190 | Lilla Wanillas Can't Deny Me | EXC | 4 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, good type, nice head and excprsssion, well set ears, nice dark eyes could be more almond shape, nice neck and topline, nice cheast, good angulations in front and rear, really nice temperament, good show condition, well set tail, easy movement with long steps. |
| | | | 5191 | Royalette's Just For You | EXC | 3 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, good type, nice head and excpression, well set ears, could have more almond shaped eyes, correct sciccor bite, nice neck and topline, well laid back shoulder, little straight in upper arm, good deep and lenght of cheast, well angulations in rear, nice skin and creast, nice movement. |
| | | | 5192 | Viuvaun Could Be Magic | G | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, good size, nice head and excpression, well set ears, nice dark eyes could be more almond shape, unofrtunately not correct bite, nice neck and topline, a little straigh in upper arm, nice angulations in rear, well set tail, skin could be more clean, nice temnperament. Could be more steady in front and rear. She will get good because of bite. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 5193 | Chattanooga's Voiko Tämä Olla Totta | EXC | 1 | BT2 | CK, VET BIR, NORD RES-CERT, NORD VET-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, beuatiful veteran. Nice head and excpression, well set ears, beautiful dark eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, nice teeth and lenght of cheast, enough angulations in front nice rear angulations, nice skin and creast, really nice temeprament, excellent show condition. Beautiful movement, and the most happy attitube. |
| | | | 5194 | Maybell's Young Forever | EXC | 4 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, good type, nice head and excpression, well set ears, nice dark eyes, could be more almond shape , correct bite, nice neck and topline, little straight in should, nice arm, good angulation in rear, nice skin and creast, nice temperament, good show condition, well set tail, nice moevemnt. |
| | | | 5195 | My Crazy Crested Elettrico Fusion | EXC | 2 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, beautiful veteran, nice head and excpression, well set ears, dark almond shaped eyes with sweet excpression, correct bite, nice neck and topline, enough angulations in frotn, nice angulations in rear, well set tail, warm skin, nice creast, nice temperaemnt, good show condition, nice movement with long steps. |
| | | | 5196 | Ridgecrest's Princess Ruthless | EXC | 3 | | CK, VET-CERT, VUCH | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice type, good head and excpression, well set ears, sweet eyes, correct bite, nice neck and topline, enough angulations in front, nice angulations in rear, nice deep and long cheast, a little long in loin, nice skin and creast, nice movement. |
| | Uppfödarklasser |
| | | | 8305 | Jamming's | | 1 | | HP | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | 3 combination, with beautiful heads and excpressions, nice bodies, beautiful coats, and really nice movements. Be aware of the tail carriage. Good luck in the future and in the main ring.
Koirat 5172, 5163, 5164, 5185 |