| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 5197 | Starttimoottorin Drogon | EXC | 1 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine male, nice body propotions, strong head, good excpression, well set ears, nice pigmentation, correct sciccor bite, nice dark brown eyes, good lenght of neck, nice topline, need to be more straight in front legs, correct typical topline, well set tail, good angulations, nice coat, but still developing. Nice temperament. Good movement from side and rear, close in front. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 5198 | Montewhite Lord Velvet Touch | EXC | 3 | BH3 | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, big male, really nice body propotions, nice head and excpression, nice dark strong eyes, good pigmentation, correct sciccor bite, nice neck, typical topline, straight legs, well set tail, well developed in cheast, good angulations, really nice temeprament. In good show condition. Good movement. |
| | | | 5199 | Sanjamico's Boston Manor | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIM, NORD CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, nice type, good size, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, brown round eyes, nice pigmentation, correct sciccor bite, nice neck. Correct, typical topline. Nice straight legs. Well developed in body, nice angulations, well set tail, beautiful coat and quality. Nice temperament, excellent show condition. Typical, easy movement. |
| | | | 5200 | Whiteheart Lane Lord Of The Ring | EXC | 2 | BH2 | CK, NORD RES-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine, nice size, good type, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, beautiful dark eyes, good pigmentation, correct sciccor bite, nice neck and topline, correct straight legs, good spring of ribs, correct angulations, nice temperament. Correct coat condition, for almost too much. Nice movement. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 5201 | Amour Coton La Vie En Rose | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 5202 | Ilveskosken Estelle | VG | 4 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice size, good body proportions, nice head and excpression, well set ears, brown eyes, should be more darker. Nice pigmentation, correct bite. Good neck typical topline, enough body for age, well set tail, front legs should be more straight. Typical coat for the age. Needs more training on the table. Temperament should be better. Correct movement. |
| | | | 5203 | Ilveskosken Victoria | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 5204 | Milei's Sound Of Music | EXC | 2 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, good type, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, beautiful dark brown eyes, correct sciccor bite, good pigmentation, nice neck in typical topline, well developed in body for age, nice straight legs, well set tail, nice temperament, good show condition. Excellent show condition, typical movement. |
| | | | 5205 | Mini Mystique's Xtra Sweet | G | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, small nice type. Well set ears, nice dark brown eyes, but needs more pigmentation. Correct sciccor bite. Nice neck, typical topline, enough body for age, correct angulations, coat could be in better show condition, temperament could be better. Nice movement. Correct set tail, carriage should be better. Good because of pigmentation. |
| | | | 5206 | Montewhite Oh My Lena | EXC | 1 | BT4 | CK, JUN BIR, CERT, NORD JUN-CERT, JUN-CERT, JUCH | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, excellent type, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, brown dark eyes with sweet excpression, correct sciccor bite, nice pigmentation, nice neck, typical topline, good body for age, correct coat, nice temperament, well set and well carried tail. Excellent happy movement. |
| | | | 5207 | Tia Oroka Gjóla | VG | 3 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, nice size, good type, nice head and excpression, little high set ears, beautiful dark eyes, nice neck and topline, enough body, good angulations, nice temperament, coat is not in show condition. Well set tail, carriage could be better. Moves a little close behind. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 5208 | Amoureux Coton's Pinot Noir Leyda Single | EXC | 2 | BT3 | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, excellent type. Nice size, beautiful head and excpression, sweet dark eyes, well set ears, correct sciccor bite, nice neck, typical topline, nice spring of ribs, well set tail, excellemnt coat and condition, really nice temperament. Excellent movement. |
| | | | 5209 | Chanceux Mam'zelle Magnifique Madeline | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIR, NORD CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, excellent type, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, brown dark eyes, correct bite, good pigmentation, nice neck and topline, strong body, correct angulations, beautiful coat and good show quality, nice temperament, Excellent movement. |
| | | | 5210 | Dimanche Cotton's Mousse Au Chocolat | EXC | 4 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, good tyope, nice head, well set ears, dark eyes, could be more round, correct bite, nice neck and topline, very strong body, enough angulations, a little soft coat and too much coat, nice temperament. Nice movement. |
| | | | 5211 | Whiteheart Lane I Have A Dream | EXC | 3 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, small good type, beautiful head and excpression, well set ears, beautiful dark eyes, correct pigmentation, correct sciccor bite, nice neck and topline, body fits to size. Nice straight legs. Nice coat, excellent show condition. Nice temperament. Nice movement. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 5212 | Chanceux Breezy Brimadonna | EXC | 1 | BT2 | CK, VET BIR, NORD RES-CERT, NORD VET-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine, excellent veteran in excellent show condition. Beautiful head and excpression. Beautiful dark brown eyes, strong black pigmentation, nice neck, typical topline, nice body and angulations. Beautiful coat, nice temperament. Excellent movement. |