Voittaja Winner 2024
FCI 1|FCI 2|FCI 3|FCI 4|FCI 5|FCI 6|FCI 7|FCI 8|FCI 9|FCI 10
Ryhmän parhaat|BIS-tulokset|Junior Handler tulokset
Tuomari Andersson Johnny
ROP, V-24Seventy Seven Champagne Bubbles (Mikkola Julia)
VSP, V-24Julsamorous Grand Hurricane (Mikkola Julia)
CACIB urosJulsamorous Yum-Yum (Mikkola Julia)
CACIB narttuMystic Highlands Kind Of Perfect (Diallo Binta & Puska Maija & Puska Mia)
SERT urosJulsamorous Grand Hurricane (Mikkola Julia)
SERT narttuBrother Bear's Cruella De Vil (Korhonen Elina)
ROP veteraani, VV-24Seventy Seven Champagne Bubbles (Mikkola Julia)
ROP juniori, JV-24Julsamorous Grand Hurricane (Mikkola Julia)
VSP juniori, JV-24Brother Bear's Cruella De Vil (Korhonen Elina)
ROP kasvattajaDrover's (Tanner Satu & Tanner Taija)
915Cobby's A Tri For TriumphERI2SAAndersson Johnny
916Cobby's A Tri For Trooperpoissa
917Diva's Heroes I Want It AllERI3Andersson Johnny
918Hazelmoor MoonpieEHAndersson Johnny
919Julsamorous Front PageEH4Andersson Johnny
920Julsamorous Grand HurricaneERI1PU1SA, VSP, JUN ROP, SERT, JUN-SERT, CACIB-JAndersson Johnny
921No Field's Unstoppable ForceEHAndersson Johnny
922Rockhill Dream's Amorpoissa
923Very Little Cookie Please Of Eternal Red HeartHAndersson Johnny
924Bad Hairday's Victory Of LoveERI2Andersson Johnny
925Demssin Anything Is PossibleEHAndersson Johnny
926Julsamorous Deific By YouHAndersson Johnny
927Julsamorous Desired By YouERI4Andersson Johnny
928Julsamorous Exclusive BubbleERI3Andersson Johnny
929Luminance Fire Flame Royal RainERI1PU4SAAndersson Johnny
930Demssin Never Stop DreamingERI2Andersson Johnny
931Diva's Heroes Jackpot In VegasEH4Andersson Johnny
932Flaming Ferrera's Dance To Your Own RhythmEH3Andersson Johnny
933Northbay Xsell New King At Gun LakeERI1PU3SA, VARA-CACIBAndersson Johnny
934As'milette Mr MidnightERI2SA, VARA-SERTAndersson Johnny
935Honey Buns RosycheeksERI3SAAndersson Johnny
936Julsamorous Yum-YumERI1PU2SA, CACIBAndersson Johnny
937Adjoo's Shake Your Bootie CutieERI2Andersson Johnny
938Austrian Dream Say My NameEHAndersson Johnny
939Brother Bear's Cruella De VilERI1PN4SA, JUN VSP, SERT, JUN-SERT, CACIB-JAndersson Johnny
940Brother Bear's Maid Of TarthERIAndersson Johnny
941Diva's Heroes I Have A DreamEHAndersson Johnny
942Flaming Ferrera's Dare To DreamERI3Andersson Johnny
943Flaming Ferrera's Something BlueEHAndersson Johnny
944Hallalaakson Mystic MistEHAndersson Johnny
945Julsamorous French KissERIAndersson Johnny
946Stronghold Kennel Poket Sized But BERI4Andersson Johnny
947Glenhouse's And Ps I Love YouERI2SAAndersson Johnny
948Julsamorous Elegant ChampagneHAndersson Johnny
949Järvenalhon Crown JewelERI1PN3SA, VARA-CACIBAndersson Johnny
950Whitefur's AmoursERI3Andersson Johnny
951Drover's Who's Zooming Whopoissa
952Drover's Wish Upon A StarERI1SA, VARA-SERTAndersson Johnny
953Flaming Ferrera's Dancer Don't Need Wings To FlyERI3Andersson Johnny
954Julsamorous Enchanting BubbleERI2SAAndersson Johnny
955Demssin One Of The KindHAndersson Johnny
956Diva's Heroes Once In A LifetimeERIAndersson Johnny
957Drover's Ringside GossipERI3SAAndersson Johnny
958Drover's Unreal RealityERI2SAAndersson Johnny
959Drover's Unsolved MysteryERI4SAAndersson Johnny
960Hallalaakson Sabbra CadabraERIAndersson Johnny
961Julsamorous Watch MeERIAndersson Johnny
962Mystic Highlands Kind Of PerfectERI1PN2SA, CACIBAndersson Johnny
963Demssin Greased LightningEH4Andersson Johnny
964Drover's Like No OtherEH3Andersson Johnny
965Drover's One Look And U R HookedERI2SAAndersson Johnny
966Seventy Seven Champagne BubblesERI1PN1SA, ROP, VET ROP, CACIB-VAndersson Johnny
8063Drover's1KPAndersson Johnny
8065Julsamorous2KPAndersson Johnny