| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 6176 | Braveheart Of Nimble Feet | ERI | 3 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct breed type, correct pigment, correct proportions of head, bit unconfident, correct lenght of body, correct diameter of bones, at top of size, nicely curved on topline and underline, toes in in coming, hocks out when going, correct front elevation, just a bit mechanic, but correctly ground covering |
| | | | 6177 | Fightbells Glittering Rebellious | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, JUN VSP, JUN-SERT, JMVA, CACIB-J | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct type, correct eyeshape, bit low neckset, good design of top- and underline, bit missing hair on the chest, nice compact body, correct movement in line, from side nice ground covering, but she loose some lines |
| | | | 6178 | Pikkuneidin Signorino Tizio | ERI | 2 | PU3 | SA, SERT | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct type, compact body, correct color, miss bit pigment round the eyes, slightly upright neckset, correct topline and underline, correct bone diameter, correct size of tail but can be thinner, enough parallel coming and going, correct movement from side, bit happy tail, she miss some lines in moving |
| | | | 6179 | Sprintholic Simsalabim | EH | 4 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct color, enough pigment, bit narrow skull, bit narrow at temporal bone, still have expression of breed, bit low on withers, good curves, he miss bit on muscles of tigh, he cross in front on move, the movement from side efficient |
| | | | 6180 | Tuulentavoittelijan Lapin Kullan Kimallus | H | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct size, I would prefer more pigment, presents of white on face (more then for socks), correct curved topline, moves very close coming and going, not covering lot of ground |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 6181 | Greyout Laniakea | EH | 4 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct expression and color, miss bit of pigmentation, correct neckset but I would prefer more shape, correctly designed underline, I want more drama on topline curves, enough refined bone, good temperament, very narrow going, cross in coming, not enough side ground covering |
| | | | 6182 | Soltar's Iconic | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP, CACIB | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct type and color, enough pigmentation, lovely expression, correct neckset and curves, nice long second tighs, nice length of body, I prefer thinner tail on root, turn out feet when coming, typical from side, with good elevation on front and good head carriage |
| | | | 6183 | Sprintholic Cheap Thrills | ERI | 3 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Nice head and typical expression, correct neckset and shape, correct curves on topline and underline standing, correct tailset, correct color, miss a bit pigmentation, bit narrow coming and going, but still acceptable, typical from side, he could have better tail shape |
| | | | 6184 | Tuulentavoittelijan Varkaiden Ruhtinas | ERI | 2 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct type, could be more refined, correct expression, top of the size, correct color and pigment, correct length of body, nicely curved topline and underline, in balance angulation, bit heavy tail, parallel coming and going, typical from side, he can keep better curves |
| | | | 6185 | Ylladian Nero | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VET |
| | | | 6186 | Daddy's Pride Creamteam Polaris | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 6187 | Eledi Grace Ricciardo Reale | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA, VET VSP, CACIB-V | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct breed type, nice expression and length of body, correct curves on topline, I wan to see more tuck-up on underline, correct diameter of bone, still in good muscles tone , bit soft pasterns, open front feet standing, good color and pigmentation, correct size of tail - but i prefer more refined, narrow but still acceptable front movement, from side he can cover more ground and put more elevantion in front |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 6188 | Curvy Don't Stop Believin' | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 6189 | Greyout Async Ada | ERI | 4 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct type, color and pigmentation, correct eyeshape, correct lenght of body, I want to see her half kilo more, correct tailset and shape, nicely long second tighs, moves nice with typical elevation in front septs in parallel lines |
| | | | 6190 | Heraldin Xantippa | EH | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct color and expression and pigementation, bit compact length of body, bit too open front feet, correct design on topline and underline, a bit too heavy tail of correct shape and size, she have open front feet going, correct from behind, from side she can have more reach and drive and better head carriage |
| | | | 6191 | Iosono Poeme | ERI | 2 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct color in small package, correct head with bit prominent eyes, correct shape of body, bit open front feet, correct proportions first and second tigh, enough parallel coming and going, correct sidegate, she miss a bit better head carriage |
| | | | 6192 | Marikarlos Waffle Wrap | ERI | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct in type, missing pigmentation, correct expression, miss bit underjaw, good neckset and design of topline and underline, good diameter second tigh, correct length of body and distance from ground, she shows a bit fake pregnancy, correct sides of tail, which can be thinner, close a bit front steps, but not crossing, correct move from side, correct elevation in front, I prefer more lenght of steps |
| | | | 6193 | Pikkuneidin Signorina Cilla | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN ROP, JUN-SERT, JMVA, CACIB-J | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct expression to breed, correct colur, correct neckset and shape, geneorus length of body, nice balance front and rear, nice second tigh, correct parallel coming and going, cover lot of grund, I wish see more elevation in front |
| | | | 6194 | Tuulentavoittelijan Lounatuulen Laulu | ERI | 3 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct type and size, correct neckset and shape, correct length of body, correct curves of topline and underline, correct pigement for this color, bit open front feet standing, fine in movement in line, from side correct headcarriage |
| | | | 6195 | Ylladian Silver Lining | poissa | | | | | |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 6196 | Soltar's Miss Harry | ERI | 2 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct size, color and pigment, correct expression, but too refined muzzle , correct neckset and shape, correct curves on topline and underline, correct length of body, open front feet, correct tailshape, bit close coming, when she wants she can do correct elevation on frontlegs |
| | | | 6197 | Tarumetsän Myrskytuulen Lailla Tullaan | ERI | 1 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct color and pigment, on limit of size, correct neckset, correct curves topline and underline, nice bodycondition, bit too thick tail but correct size, she puts too much legs in in movement, on movement in line she but elbows out and toes in to the limit, from side extremely charming |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 6198 | Byanssa | ERI | 3 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct type, not the perfect color, correct neckset, nice topline and underline, good in bone diametres, correct movement in line, very typical side movement, not the best tail carriage |
| | | | 6199 | Canis Nobilitas Reana | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA, SERT | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct proportions of head, nice eyeshape but bit prominent eyes, correct neckset and well shaped, bit compact length of body, correct tail, I like to see her more balance front and rear, correct color and pigment, correct moving, typical from side and front elevation |
| | | | 6200 | Greyout Inari | ERI | 2 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct breed type, on top of the size, typical expression, not the perfect color and pigment, correct curves of topline and underline, correct length of body, good temperament, correct in movement, bit low on withers, when she move around, she does not need longer steps and use tail too much |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 6201 | Eleganza D'oro Zasmin | ERI | 4 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct size, bit prominent eyes but correct shape, miss a bit pigment, correct bodyshapoe, bit straigth neck, correct shape of tail, going bit cow-hocked |
| | | | 6202 | Fightbells Flaming Feather | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP, CACIB, RYP-2 | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct expression, correct eyeshape, bit refined muzzle, correct neckset and curved body, correct length of neck, correct color and pigment, nice coming and going, very typical |
| | | | 6203 | Pikkuneidin Catalina | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 6204 | Soltar's Bling Bling | ERI | 3 | | SA | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct size and color and pigment, typical expression, the side length of muzzle converted too fast, correct topline and underline, correct size of tail, bit heavy looks, she put pasternsin in movement in line, typical from side |
| | | | 6205 | Soltar's Fashionista | EH | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct size and color and pigment, correct expression of breed, neck set bit too front, good set topline and underline, correct tailshape, very close coming and narrow going, she showing a bit some alopetia, |
| | | | 6206 | Soltar's M | ERI | 2 | PN2 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct neckset, correct curves on topline and underline, correct diameter of bones, correct tail, a bit too evident muscles tone, correct color and pigment, bit wide coming, otherwise efficient movement |
| | | | 6207 | Sprintholic Lunigiana | ERI | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct color and size, missing a bit pigment, correct expression, nice curved topline and underline, good muscled tone, correct diameter of bones, correct tailshape, bit mechanic in frontsteps, better from side |
| | | | 6208 | Tarumetsän Tassuissa Kipinöi | EH | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Bit high on skull profile, I would prefer more neck set upper, bit generous length of body, still shows curves, enough balance coming and going, she can have more reach and drive |
| | | VET |
| | | | 6209 | Dervisch Sixteen Shades Of Blue | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, VET ROP, CACIB-V | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Nice type, correct color and pigment, very sound curves on body, complete neck section, bit heavy tail, correct size of second tigh, very close in front, but not crossing, correct behind and side |
| | | | 6210 | Tarumetsän Rakkauden Tähtipölyä | ERI | 2 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Lacking pigment, nice eyes, correct curves on body, narrow in front, wide on back, enough reach and drive on side |
| | | | 6211 | Ylladian Ce'nedra | poissa | | | | | |