| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 6132 | Fjalar | ERI | 3 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct type and size, not perfect eyeshape, correct neck, enough topline and underline for age, correct bone, bit stiff pasterns, open front feet, enough large croup, correct tailset, he moves cover lot of ground but open in front feet, texture of hair is good |
| | | | 6133 | Riverwolf Sudenmarjan Juniper | ERI | 2 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct breed type, correct proportion of head, well set neck, correct topline and underline, enough developed ribcage, nice large tighs, could have more solid front pasterns, open front feet, not perfect movement in line- efficient from side, not good tailcarriage |
| | | | 6134 | Trüffel Vom Welzerberg | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, JUN VSP, CACIB-J | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Lovely breed type, correct body condition, slightly overweight, correct lines on head, bit evident occipital, large neck and shoulder, correct topline and underline, correct croup, good bone, solid bone in front, sound movement |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 6135 | Riverwolf Zitti E Buoni | ERI | 1 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Bit large in temporal bone but still keeps right proportions, bit long and large ears, correct neck, irratical underline, not perfect topline, bit too long front feet, he deserved more forechest, correct texture of hair in sufficient order, moves toes in, sound side movement |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 6136 | De Majodian Freestyler | ERI | 2 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Lovely body structure, correct profile of head, not the perfect eyeshape, sound lines of topline and underline, bit long croup, large tighs and croup, correct front assamble, bit open front feet, cover lot of ground in movement |
| | | | 6137 | Tinwhistle's Superman Tonight | ERI | 1 | | SA | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct type, correct headlines, bit too long ears, well set neck, nice generous male size, correct underline, the croup goes away too fast, correct tailset, correct bone for size, open front feet, correct movement on going |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 6138 | Bruin From Marian's Meadow | ERI | 2 | PU2 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct body proportions, nice outline silhouette, bit large on temporal bone, low set ears, correct between shoulders, nice topline and underline, bit open front feet, soft texure on hair but in good order, nice in movement, bit unsure in frontseps |
| | | | 6139 | Filomeides Viscount | ERI | 3 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct breed type, correct head and expression, large inception of neck between shoulders, correct topline and underline, bit too generous diameter of ribcage, correct balance rear and front angulations, bit too round front feet, suffiecient ground covering |
| | | | 6140 | Leonardo Yvanaea Aponi | ERI | 4 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct outline overall, correct head proportions, bit short neck, correct topline with large croup, bit out of himself on frontlegs, open front feet, large tighs, bit soft texture on hair but in order, correct movement in line, I would like better front steps |
| | | | 6141 | Pyatnitca Leroy At Dwar's Valley | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, SERT, MVA, CACIB | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Male with masculine construction, lovely head and typey expression, nice neck - well set on shoulders, generous volum of ribcage, miss a bit tuck-up on underline, enough proportions betweeen front and hind angulations, nice parallel frontlegs, correct texture of coat, sound mover, he can do more brio |
| | | | 6142 | Riverwolf Fate Whispers To The Warrior | ERI | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct silhouette, good proportions of head, ears can have better shape, sound topline and underline, not perfect design of the chest in deeper part behind elbows, bit open front feet, nice large tighs, not perfect balance between front and hind angulations, on sidegate he did two steps limping, when he want he cover enough ground, no good tail carriage on sidegate |
| | | | 6143 | Riverwolf Liekkus Jiehtanas | ERI | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct outline silhouette, correct proportions of head and expression, bit light eyes, correct topline, deep croup, bit open front angulations compared to backline, correct bone, bit too long feet, sligthly close in coming, he miss bit reach and drive from side |
| | | | 6144 | Riverwolf Pure Dark | EH | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct outline, bit low on legs, correct expression and eyeshapoe, bit kick on the neck, not very solid on pasterns and front feet, correct topline and underline, not perfect movement in line, from side bit low on withers |
| | | VET |
| | | | 6145 | Clark Aus Dem Kemptener Wald | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 6146 | Filomeides Ozzy | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA, VET ROP, VET-SERT, VMVA, CACIB-V | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Male of 8,5 y., still in good condition, nice head and expression, enough solid topline for age, still perform moving grace the age, congrats to owner! |
| | | | 6147 | Yli-Kymen Lexus | poissa | | | | | |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 6148 | Bello Amico Caragh | ERI | 4 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Bit unconfident, too large ears and open eyes, correct outline, enough developed, enough ribcage, bit stiff on pasterns, enough bone, she move with power, cover lot of ground |
| | | | 6149 | Bello Amico Eistir By Chorenya | EH | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct head and expression, neck bit too refined, correct topline and underline, miss bit forechest, bit unconfident, large tighs, enough balance between angulations, she moves nice, but can have more power (hammastodistus) |
| | | | 6150 | Comedias Turielle Angel Of Justice | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN ROP, JUN-SERT, CACIB-J | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct head proportions, bit small eyes, correct neckset, correct topline and underline, miss a bit forechest, enough balance between angulations, correct bone for size, she moves soundly from all sides |
| | | | 6151 | Fernmark Dreamweaver | EH | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct breed type, in development, correct proportions head, too almond eyes, but correct color, bit open frontfeet and too flexing pasterns, nice large tighs, on coming turn pasterns out, on sidegate she change the shape, I would prefer more solid front steps |
| | | | 6152 | Gaelach Macha | ERI | 2 | | SA | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct bodyshape, correct shape and color of eye, bit prominent and too high stop, correct neckset, angulations in balance, correct temperament, bone in proportions with dog size, correct texture of hair, moves around with reach and drive, bit narrow back |
| | | | 6153 | Gutgebautt Neu Annoyance | EH | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct expression of breed, lack bone and subctance, very unconfident, correct topline, enough correct underline, no balance between angulations, cow hock in going, toes in in coming, not enough covering on sidegate, not correct tailset on side movement |
| | | | 6154 | Harmaasuden Loveta | ERI | 3 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct bodyshape, correct headproportions, intense expression, correct neckset, correct topline and underline, nice large tighs, angulations in good balance, efficient on movement |
| | | | 6155 | Riverwolf Sweetkiss Of Arctic Raspberry | EH | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct bodyshape and head proportions, the rim of right eye not clean as it should be, correct topline and underline, missing chest, nicely balanced angulations, bit soft pasterns, as angulations not in balance- its not very good movement |
| | | | 6156 | Wella | H | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Very raw, bit unconfident, too light eyes, not correct texture of hair, very straigh front and rear, completely open and flat feet, he can not stand properly by himself, he can not move well on front steps |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 6157 | Angitta Avalon | EH | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Bit too shapey eyeset, not perfect ears, bit too excavated both side of muzzle, she miss diameter of ribcage and forechest, she can not move better |
| | | | 6158 | Fernmark Bunnahabhain | ERI | 3 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Nice dark eyes, correct head proportions, nice bodyshape, bit too much air between elbows, solid tighs, good croup, she moves nice from all sides |
| | | | 6159 | Mami's Beardie Eveleen | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Lovely breed type, with nice expression, bit large ears, correct bodyshape and development, nice curves, nice filled front, angulations in good balance, nice temperament, correct texture of hair in good order, very efficient on movement and correct head carriage |
| | | | 6160 | Riverwolf Fairytale | ERI | 4 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct outline, correct head and expression, correct neckset, bit high set tail, bit too open front and rear angulations - still in balance, stiff in pasterns, too long feet, correct texture of coat in order, she moves ok |
| | | | 6161 | Riverwolf Holly The Ruler | ERI | 2 | | SA | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Very attractive expression, correct head proportions, nice large mandibula, musculined neck, correct topline, solid front, sound movement |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 6162 | De Majodian Sensation | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA, SERT, MVA, VARA-CACIB | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Nice bodyshape, solid construction, correct proportions head, filled front, angulations in good balance, correct temperament, correct texture of coat, moves very efficient from all sides |
| | | | 6163 | Filomeides Rowena | ERI | 3 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Nice headpiece, bit light eyes, nice neck and shoulders, nice topline and underline, enough front, bit open front feet, enough balance between angulations, in good order hair, she moves soundly from all sides |
| | | | 6164 | Tinwhistle's All I Want Is Everything | ERI | 2 | | SA | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Good breed type, correct size, nice face, correct bodyshape and muscles tone, bit unconfident, she moves nice, bit open front paws, standing and moving in line |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 6165 | Evie | ERI | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct head proportions and expression, correct neckset, bit straight topline and croup, nice underline, enough point of chest, bit open front angulations compared to back, solid pasterns, coat in order, she moves efficient from side, but loose on topline |
| | | | 6166 | Filomeides Universal | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, CACIB | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Lovely face, feminine expression, nice sizzled head, lovely neck - smooth insertion to fluent topline, lovely filled front, good balance between front and rear, correct bones and feet, very attractive, moves sound and efficient |
| | | | 6167 | Filomeides Valentine | ERI | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Nice quality female, correct expression, a would like less converses on lateral occipitalis, correct neckset, bit straight topline, generous filled front, correct balance between angulations, correct front assamble, correct movement in line, from side low on withers, and she loose then bit a curve of body |
| | | | 6168 | Filomeides Wamppi | ERI | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Nice outline, nice expression, bit heavy in occipitalis and large ears, large arched neck with large base, nice muscles tone, large tighs, correct tailset, narrow coming and going, correct reach and drive on sidegate (hammastodistus) |
| | | | 6169 | Hoarystock's Paris Hilton Riverwolf | ERI | 3 | | SA | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Attractive outline, nice head and expression, correct curves of topline and underline, large croup, correct bone, bit long front feet, but solid on pasterns, correct croup and tailset, coat in order, narrow coming and going, correct from side |
| | | | 6170 | Mami's Beardie Chickaletta | ERI | 4 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct outline, correct expression, eyeshape not perfect, correct neck, sligthly nervous dog and handler, typical topline and underline, nice large tighs, coat in order, narrow coming and going, cover enough ground, bit soft topline |
| | | | 6171 | Pyatnitca Liberty | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 6172 | Pyatnitca Lorrain At Dwars'valley | ERI | 2 | PN3 | SA, VARA-SERT | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct head proportions, bit light eyes, large on section of neck between shoulder, nicely design underline, on topline I would prefer less presser on seventh vertebra, nice large tighs, correct pasterns and feet on standing, in movement parallel coming and going, bit lazy on sidegate but sound, her lines are better, when moves |
| | | | 6173 | Riverwolf No Chance Against Kismet | ERI | | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct general outline, head and expression, long neck, good topline and underline, she miss forechest, open and long forefeet, not perfect movement in line, sound from side |
| | | | 6174 | Tinwhistle's Miss Saigon | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VET |
| | | | 6175 | Riverwolf Vanilla Porter | EH | 1 | | | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Correct type, I would like more head compared to body, good neck, bit straight angulations, bit lack of bone, too straight pasterns, in movement she deserved more reach and drive |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 8339 | Filomeides | | 1 | | KP | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Very nice breed expressions -intense, and healty fronts today, breeders catch the breed sentors! 6139,6166,6167,6168 |
| | | | 8340 | Riverwolf | | 2 | | KP | Cotugno Arnaldo | |
| | | | Some eyes and expressions put these dogs in common group, I would prefer more curves of dogs, but they moves like they should, healty and good temperaments 6143,6144,6161,6173 |