Voittaja Winner 2024
FCI 1|FCI 2|FCI 3|FCI 4|FCI 5|FCI 6|FCI 7|FCI 8|FCI 9|FCI 10
Ryhmän parhaat|BIS-tulokset|Junior Handler tulokset
Tuomari Okkola Tuire
ROP, V-24Sagramour There Is Only You (Pelttari Janita & Aaltio Marina)
VSP, V-24Avantina Forgetmenot Frangelico (Magnusson Flygar Elisabeth, Ruotsi)
CACIB urosAvantina Forgetmenot Frangelico (Magnusson Flygar Elisabeth, Ruotsi)
CACIB narttuSagramour There Is Only You (Pelttari Janita & Aaltio Marina)
SERT urosSagramour Double Agent (Aaltio Marina)
SERT narttuBorn To Charm Under The Sun (Mahrova Veera, Viro)
ROP veteraani, VV-24Sagramour Graceful Henrietta (Timonen Unto & Aaltio Marina)
VSP veteraani, VV-24Sagramour Go For It (Strang Tuuli)
ROP juniori, JV-24Sagramour Double Agent (Aaltio Marina)
VSP juniori, JV-24Cielo Nocturno In And Out Of Love (Sivusalo Marja)
ROP kasvattajaSagramour (Aaltio Marina & Savander Jenni)
6024Colt's Zyklonpoissa
6025Esedra Be The Worst Do The BestERI4Okkola Tuire
6026Kajaal Black PhantomEHOkkola Tuire
6027Mandeville Believe In DreamsHOkkola Tuire
6028Sagramour Double AgentERI1PU2SA, JUN ROP, SERT, JUN-SERT, CACIB-JOkkola Tuire
6029Sagramour Dragon KingERI3Okkola Tuire
6030Timanon Dream Come True AmosHOkkola Tuire
6031Vinttiväen Armas HalovaloEHOkkola Tuire
6032Zemar Glory Bourbon BeroERI2SAOkkola Tuire
6033Belltown No LimitsERI1PU4SAOkkola Tuire
6034Cherubim's Royal CartierEH3Okkola Tuire
6035Electric Paws BoombasticERI2SAOkkola Tuire
6036Born To Charm UlrichERI1SAOkkola Tuire
6037C'mere A Storm In A TeacupHOkkola Tuire
6038Encautom's Sunny Koh SamuiHOkkola Tuire
6039Sunwhipps Simply The BestEH3Okkola Tuire
6040Zaraque's Superman Of Northern LightsERI2SAOkkola Tuire
6041Absidian Chasing El Chapopoissa
6042Avantina Forgetmenot FrangelicoERI1PU1SA, VSP, CACIBOkkola Tuire
6043Belltown Limited EditionERI2PU3SA, VARA-CACIBOkkola Tuire
6044Chosen Tricks Viking Spirit For SagramourHOkkola Tuire
6045Fantastic Ferrari Impuls I SplendorERIOkkola Tuire
6046Ikimba On Your ToesEHOkkola Tuire
6047Lancar Dream Oceano D'amoreEHOkkola Tuire
6048Lepakkovintin Tiedän Mitä Teit Viime Kesänäpoissa
6049Oh My Heart OnychinusERI3SAOkkola Tuire
6050Sagramour La BombaERIOkkola Tuire
6051Xploring Quest For FameERI4Okkola Tuire
6052C'mere Oz The GreatERI2SAOkkola Tuire
6053Sagramour Go For ItERI1SA, VET VSP, CACIB-VOkkola Tuire
6054Absidian Forever In HarmonyEHOkkola Tuire
6055Absidian Glorious HestiaERI4Okkola Tuire
6056Cielo Nocturno In And Out Of LoveERI1SA, JUN VSP, CACIB-JOkkola Tuire
6057C'mon Everlasting StoryERI3Okkola Tuire
6058Lepakkovintin Eloisa MenoEHOkkola Tuire
6059MetteERIOkkola Tuire
6060Of Streamline Winter Spritepoissa
6061Sagramour Dragon QueenERI2SA, JUN-SERTOkkola Tuire
6062Belltown NazaréEHOkkola Tuire
6063Born To Charm Water LilyERI1SA, VARA-SERTOkkola Tuire
6064Mistrato Great MiamiERI3Okkola Tuire
6065MysweetbabyjaneERI2Okkola Tuire
6066Ookkonää Börreilly PalijakasaEH4Okkola Tuire
6067Born To Charm Under The SunERI1PN3SA, SERT, MVA, VARA-CACIBOkkola Tuire
6068Cielo Nocturno Forever YoursERIOkkola Tuire
6069C'mere Xtraordinary Droppoissa
6070C'mere Åh Yes PleaseERI4Okkola Tuire
6071Zaraque's On Temptation Of MilanERI3Okkola Tuire
6072Zaraque's Royal RoseERI2SAOkkola Tuire
6073Zaraque's Skyfallpoissa
6074Zaraque's Snow White In StarlightERIOkkola Tuire
6075Belltown Lindy HopERI4Okkola Tuire
6076Born To Charm TheonaERI2SAOkkola Tuire
6077C'mere WhoohooEHOkkola Tuire
6078Lepakkovintin Elämäni Kesäpoissa
6079Sagramour Call Me ConcordiaERIOkkola Tuire
6080Sagramour Jar Of HeartsERI3SAOkkola Tuire
6081Sagramour There Is Only YouERI1PN1SA, ROP, CACIB, RYP-4Okkola Tuire
6082Sobresalto Vivi E Lascia VivereEHOkkola Tuire
6083Storia D'amoreERIOkkola Tuire
6084Twyborn RavenEHOkkola Tuire
6085Zaraque's Premium RieslingERIOkkola Tuire
6086Zaraque's Royal Crownpoissa
6087Zaraque's Royal PearlEHOkkola Tuire
6088Zarella DominijaEHOkkola Tuire
6089Ikimba Prima BallerinaERI3Okkola Tuire
6090Play A While Peace TrainEH4Okkola Tuire
6091Sagramour Graceful HenriettaERI1PN2SA, VET ROP, CACIB-VOkkola Tuire
6092Sökövintin Cg-Huomen-Lahjapoissa
6093Whiptails Wishes And DreamsERI2PN4SA, VET-SERTOkkola Tuire
8334Belltown2KPOkkola Tuire
8336Sagramour1KPOkkola Tuire