| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2134 | Eireann Light Between Oceans | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP, JUN ROP, JUN-SERT, JMVA, CACIB-J | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 11 months, correct flat skull, moderate stop, correct muzzle, scissors bite, dark eyes of correct shape, well placed ears, black nose, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, correct chest proportions, very good angulated front and back, harsh coat, stands parallel, correct color, moves well. |
| | | | 2135 | Mild Red Earth Wind 'N Fire Devotion | ERI | 4 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 11 months, well build, correct flat skull and stop, correct muzzle, scissors bite, dark but a little deep eye, dry elegant neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, good chest proportions, well placed correct carried ears, correct angulated front and back, harsh coat, correct red color, bones fit the body. moves well. |
| | | | 2136 | Mild Red Earth Wind 'N Fire Spirit | ERI | 3 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 11 months, well build, in balance, masculine head with a nice expression, correct flat deep skull, dark eyes of correct shape, scissors bite, good muzzle, correct ears, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, correct angulated front and back, good chest proportions, correct harsh coat, good bones and feet, moves well. |
| | | | 2137 | O' Rowanne Faithful Fergus | ERI | 2 | PU3 | SA, SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 16 months, well built, in balance, masculine head with a nice expression, correct flat skull and stop, strong muzzle, scissors bite, correct dark eyes, well placed ears of correct size, dry neck, super topline, croup and tailset, good chest proportions, correct angulated front and back, harsh red coat, good bones and cat feet, moves very well, but a little hackning in the front. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 2138 | Agatan Naomhan | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 21 months, masculine head, with typical terrier expression, correct dark eyes, well built, in balance, correct flat skull and stop, strong muzzle, scissors bite, correct placed ears, dry neck, correct strong topline, croup and tailset, good deep of the chest and rib, correct angulated front and back, harsh red coat, good bones and feet, moves very well with good drive and energy. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 2139 | Lurvendhalis Gildea | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, CACIB | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 18 months, well built in balance, masculine head, with a nice typical terrier expression, correct shaped dark eye, correct flat skull and stop, strong muzzle, scissor bite, correct well placed ears, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, good rib, good deep chest, correct angulated front and back, stands parallel, beautiful harsh red coat, moves very well with good drive and energy. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2140 | Zing Up Carmen Tapiovaara | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET ROP, CACIB-V | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 9 years old, in super condition, masculine head, typical terrier expression, correct flat skull, correct stop, strong muzzle, scissor bite, beautiful dark eyes of correct shape, well placed ears, dry neck, strong topline, correct croup and tailset, good chest proportions, correctly angulated front and back, good bones and cat feet, moves very well, a veteran to be proud of! |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2141 | Devilish Barbera D'asti | ERI | 3 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | Almost 18 months, well built, feminine head, nice expression, correct flat skull, correct stop, dark eyes of correct shape, strong muzzle, scissor bite, dry neck, well placed ears, good topline, croup and tailset, good rib and deep chest, good angulated front and back, correct harsh red coat, bones and feet fit the body, moves well, but today a little paddling in the front. |
| | | | 2142 | Eireann Empire Of Light | ERI | 2 | PN4 | SA, SERT, JUN-SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 11 months, well built, feminine head with a nice expression, flat skull, correct stop, strong muzzle, scissors bite, dark eyes of correct shape, well placed ears, elegant dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, correct harsh red coat, moves well. |
| | | | 2143 | Lurvendhalis Hot Angel | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, JUN VSP, CACIB-J | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 1 year, well built and in harmony, feminine head with a very good expression, dark eyes of correct shape, correct flat skull, strong muzzle, scissors bite, moderate stop, elegant dry neck, well carried ear, correct topline, croup and tailset, good bones and cat feet, correct harsh coat and color, good rib and depth of chest, correct angulated front and back, moves very well with good drive and balance. |
| | | | 2144 | Mild Red Earth Wind 'N Fire Fantasy | ERI | 4 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 11 months, well built, feminine, head with a nice expression, correct flat skull and stop, good muzzle, scissors bite, correct dark eyes, well placed ears, elegant dry neck, topline, croup and tailset is correct, harsh red coat, correct chest proportions, correct angulated front and back. Good bones and feet, movement is expectable, needs a little more drive from the back. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 2145 | Lurvendhalis Eira | ERI | 2 | PN2 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 4 years old, well built, in balance, feminine head with nice expression, correct flat skull, dark eyes, correct ears, scissors bite, strong muzzle, correct neck, topline, croup and tailset, very good chest proportions, correct angulated back and front, stands parallel, harsh red coat, good bones and feet, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | | 2146 | Lurvendhalis Elena | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP, CACIB | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 4 years old, balanced female, feminine head with beautiful expression, correct skull stop and muzzle, dark eyes, correct shaped, scissor bite, well placed ears, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, very good chest proportions, very well angulated front and back, good bones and feet, harsh red color, moves very well. |
| | | | 2147 | Mild Red Color Of The Wind | ERI | 3 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 5,5 years, feminine, skull is not quite flat, good muzzle, dark eyes, scissors bite, correct neck topline, croup, and tailset, correct ears, harsh red coat, good chest, well angulated front and back, bones fit the body wish a little stronger, stands parallel front and back, expectable movements. |
| | | | 2148 | Mild Red Diamond Darya-I-Noor | ERI | 4 | | | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 4 years old, well built, feminine long head, flat skull, correct stop, scissors bite, correct muzzle, dark eyes, correct ears, dry neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, good chest proportions, good angulations front and back, stands parallel, enough harsh red coat, good bones and feet, moves very well with good drive. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2149 | Caramel's Quickwitted Quinta | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET VSP, CACIB-V | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 10,5 years, in super condition, coat is expectable harsh today, feminine head with a very nice expression, correct flat skull and stop, scissors bite, dark eyes of correct shape, well placed ears, dry neck, good topline, croup and tailset, correct angulated in front and back, stands parallel, good bones and cat feet, moves well but with a little short step. Well presented. |
| | | | 2150 | Zing Up Carmen Kukkapuro | ERI | 2 | | SA, VET-SERT | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 9,5 years, super condition, correct harsh coat, flat skull correct stop, good muzzle, scissor bite, black nose, dark eyes of correct shape, correct ears, a little short neck, correct topline, croup and tailset, correct chest proportions, correct angulated, stands parallel, good bones and cat feet, moves very well, well presented. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 8135 | Lurvendhalis | | 1 | | KP | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2139, 2143, 2145, 2146
A breeder’s group of three combinations, very well done, similar in type, similar in coat, specially similar in heads, correct chests and angulations, all moving very well, very dark eyes, typical terrier expression. A breeder’s group to be proud of. |
| | | | 8136 | Mild Red | | 2 | | KP | Dalgaard Merete | |
| | | | 2135, 2136, 2144, 2147
A combination with same mother, typical terrier heads, a little different in coats, and in strength of bones, all moves very well, dark eyes, also dogs the breeder can be proud of. |