| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2441 | Cazcade Conqueror At Gleann | ERI | 2 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 1 year old. Overall size and substance okay. Nice masculine head. Strong overskull. Correct eye and bite. Nice ear. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation okay. Correct shape in front. Ribbing and loin okay, developing. Correct in coat, developing. Moves steady. |
| | | | 2442 | Finnabair Not My First Rodeo At Gleann | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA, JUN ROP, CACIB-J | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | Overall strong young male of good substance. Nice masculine head. Good strong skull. Correct eye and bite. Nice ear. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulation correct. Correct shape in front. Excellent strong ribbing and loin. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat, developing. Moved well with good action. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 2443 | Gleann Escobar | ERI | 2 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 20 months. Overall strong young male. Showing good substance. Strong masculine head. Correct overskull. Nice dark eye. Correct bite. Ears are correct. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation okay. Correct shape in front. Good strength over ribbing and loin. Correct in coat, developing. Moves steady. |
| | | | 2444 | Susamurun Ibuzz | ERI | 1 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 20 months. Overall nice young dog, good substance. Correct in size. Proportions in head okay. Correct eye and bite. Good ear. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation is okay. Correct shape in front. Nice ribbing and loin, developing. Correct in coat, developing. Moves steady with nice action. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 2445 | Finnabair Dare To Dream At Gleann | ERI | 3 | PU3 | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 4 years. Mature and nicely balanced dog. Good size. Nice masculine head. Correct overskull. Nice expressive eye. Correct bite. Ears correct. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Good shape in front. Okay over ribbing and loin. Good strength of back. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well. |
| | | | 2446 | Gleann Postman Pat | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, CACIB, RYP-1, BIS-2 | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 4 years. Excellent well-developed male of good size and proportions. Excellent strength of head. Good eye. Correct bite. Correct ear. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulations correct. Correct shape in front. Nice strength over ribbing and loin. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well with good action. |
| | | | 2447 | Gleann True Trickster | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 2448 | Gleann Wink Wink Wyatt | ERI | 4 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 3 years. Excellent young male of good substance. Nice masculine head. Strong overskull. Good eye. Correct bite. Correct ear. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulations correct. Correct shape in front. Excellent strength over ribbing and loin. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat, changing. Moves well with good positive action. |
| | | | 2449 | Glenrosedale Heilyn Céthur Mac Cecht | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 2 years. Overall nice young male of good substance. Strong masculine head. Good eye, correct bite. Ears are okay. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulation okay. Correct shape in front. Good strength over ribbing and loin. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat, developing. Moves well with good action. |
| | | | 2450 | Meomodo Fifty Shades Of Freed | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 4 years. Overall of good size and proportions. Nice masculine head. Good eye. Bite is okay. Nice ear. Strong neck into good front. Front angulation correct, could be little stronger shoulder. Good rear angulation. Good strength over ribbing, could have little more over loin. Nice condition. Correct in coat. Moves steady. |
| | | | 2451 | Pearytail Ernest Dogson | ERI | 2 | PU2 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 6 years. Excellent mature dog of overall good substance. Nice masculine head. Strong overskull. Good eye, bite is okay. Correct ear. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulation correct. Nice shape of front. Excellent strength over ribbing and loin. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well with good action. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2452 | Gleann Eager Edgar | poissa | | | | | |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2453 | Gleann Felicia | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN VSP, CACIB-J | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 14 months. Overall nice young female of good proportions. Good strength of head. Nice overskull. Correct eye and bite. Ears are correct at this stage. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Correct shape and front. Nice strength over ribbing and loin, developing. Shown in nice condition. Coat is correct, but developing. Moved well with nice steady action. |
| | | | 2454 | Rosears Roll Out The Red Carpet | EH | 2 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 15 months. Overall size is okay. In nice condition. Proportion of head is okay, would like stronger overskull. Nice eye. Bite is okay. Ear carriage okay. Short neck, would like little more in forechest. Front angulation correct, needs more development over shoulder. Shape in front is okay. Nice rear angulation. Shape of ribbing and loin is correct but developing. Correct in coat, developing. Moves steady, would like better tail carriage. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 2455 | Gleann Dont Do Dat | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 2 years. Overall excellent young female of good size and substance. Strong feminine head, correct overskull. Correct eye and bite. Ears okay at this stage. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulation is correct. Nice shape in front. Excellent ribbing and loin, developing. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat, developing. Moved well with nice easy action. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 2456 | Gleann A Christmas Carol | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, CACIB | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 3 years. Excellent young female of good size. Nice substance. Good proportion of head. Good eye, correct bite. Excellent ear. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Very nice shape in front. Good ribbing and loin. Nice strength over back. Correct in coat. Moved well with good action. |
| | | | 2457 | Gleann Bibi Balloon | ERI | 3 | PN4 | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | Almost 3 years. Excellent young female. Good substance and size. Good strength and proportions of head. Nice overskull. Correct eye and bite. Ears correct. Strong neck into excellent front. Correct shape in front. Front and rear angulation correct. Excellent substance over ribbing and loin nice strength over back. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moves well with good action. |
| | | | 2458 | Gleann Linda Lovelace | ERI | 2 | PN2 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 6 years. Overall nice mature female of good substance. Strong feminine head. Correct over skull. Good eye. Correct bite. Ears are correct. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations are okay. Correct shape in front. Correct over ribbing and loin, of good substance. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well with correct action. |
| | | | 2459 | Gleann New Midsummer Miracle | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 5 years. Overall good size and substance. Proportions on head okay, could be bit stronger on overskull. Correct eye and and bite. Ears okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Could have little more over ribbing, correct in loin. Good strength of back. In nice condition. Coat is okay. Moved steady. |
| | | | 2460 | Gleann Queenie Is A Sweetie | ERI | 4 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 5 years. Overall good size and substance. Good proportions of head. Good strength over skull. Nice eye, correct bite. Ears correct. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulations correct. Excellent shape in front. Good substance and strength on ribbing and loin. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well with correct action. |
| | | | 2461 | Glenrosedale Guinevere Mór-Ríogháin | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 4 years. Overall good size and substance. Strong feminine head. Strong overskull. Good eye, correct bite. Ears correct. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations okay. Could have little more over ribbing, good strength of loin. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well with correct action. |
| | | | 2462 | Glenwolf's Inion Emmas Charlott | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 4 years. Overall size and substance okay. Strong feminine head. Correct over skull. Good eye, correct bite. Ears okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations correct. Nice shape in front. Correct over ribbing, would like little more in loin. Overall condition is okay, correct in coat. Moved steady. |
| | | | 2463 | Meomodo Flirting With Irish | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 2464 | Taramont Táim Tharr Barr | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 2 years. Young female of nice size and good substance. Nice feminine head, strength of overskull okay. Nice eye, correct bite. Ears okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations correct. Correct shape in front. Correct over ribbing and loin, developing. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat, developing. Moves steady, could be little stronger behind. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2465 | Marfidal Santa Baby | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET ROP, CACIB-V | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 9 years. Overall nice mature female. Good substance. Proportion of head okay, good strength overskull. Nice eye, correct bite. Good ear. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation okay. Good shape in front. Good strength over ribbing and loin. Correct in coat. Moves steady. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 8154 | Gleann | | 1 | | KP | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | All of excellent qualities. Showing good substance. Nice representation of the breed conforming to the standard. Congratulations to the breeder. 2456, 2457, 2458, 2460 |