| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2393 | Abysmal Van Halen | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, JUN VSP, SERT, CACIB-J | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 15 months. Overall nice young male of good size. Nice masculine head of correct proportions. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Good earset. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations correct. Nice ribbing and loin. Correct on span. Stands on good feet. Correct in coat, developing. Moved well with nice parallel action. |
| | | | 2394 | Karvahaalarin Batman | ERI | 2 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 14 months. Overall nice young male of good size. Strong masculine head. Good eye, correct bite. Earset is okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Strong over ribbing and loin. Spans correct. Correct in coat, developing. Moved well with good reach in front. |
| | | | 2395 | Mindhunter Oswald Not Harvey | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 2396 | Watercreek's Glowing In The Ring | ERI | 3 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 17 months. Nice young male. Shown in nice cond good size. Nice masculine head. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Earset is okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations is correct. Good rib, developing. Strong over loin. Stands on good feet. Spans correct. Correct in coat. Moved well, just needs to tighten bit in front. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 2397 | Maitomiehen Lt King In The North | EH | 1 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 21 months. Stands correct in size. Overall strong male. Strong masculine head. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Earset is okay. Strong neck into good front. Little strong over shoulder and ribbing. Heavy on span. Rear angulation is okay. Correct in coat. Could stand stronger behind. Moves steady, could be more positive in front. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 2398 | Nock River's Giles | EH | 2 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 2 years. Correct for size. Would like little more substance overall. Proportions on head okay. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Would like better earset. Nice neck into okay front. Front angulation okay, but set forward. Good rear angulations. Little light in condition over rib. Spans okay. Correct in coat. Moves steady, tends to push out at elbow. |
| | | | 2399 | Vixenview Valentino | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, VARA-SERT, VARA-CACIB | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 2 years. Correct in size. Overall nice young dog. Nice masculine head of good proportions. Good keen eye. Correct bite. Earset correct. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations is okay. Nice strength over ribbing and loin. Spans correct. Correct in coat. Moved well with nice action. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 2400 | Cavalli Sherwood Boys Robin | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 6 years. Correct in size. Nice overall substance. Strong masculine head. Good eye, correct bite. Nice earset. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations are correct. Strong over ribbing and loin. Spans okay. Correct in coat. Moves steady, comes little close in front but okay. |
| | | | 2401 | Junior Top Russell | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, CACIB | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | Almost 7 yeas. Overall nice mature male. Correct in size. Stands correct in profile. Nice masculine head of good proportions. Good keen eye. Correct bite. Good earset .strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulation, ribbing and loin excellent. Correct in span. Excellent coat. Moved well in good action. Showed good attitude. |
| | | | 2402 | Karvahaalarin V Cavalli Mission Midir | ERI | 3 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 3 years. Nice young male of good size. Head of correct proportions. Good eye. Correct bite. Correct ear set. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Nice over ribbing and loin. Correct on span. Excellent coat. Shows good attitude. Moved well with nice attitude. |
| | | | 2403 | Mindhunter Hidden Treasure | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 4 years. Of good size. Shown in nice condition. Strong masculine head. Good eye. Correct bite. Earset correct. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Little heavy ribbing, strong loin. Spans little heavy but okay. Excellent coat. Moves steady, could have little more drive from behind. |
| | | | 2404 | Parsonian Personal Jesus | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 4 years. Nice size. Shown in nice condition. Head of good proportions. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Good front angulation. Could have little more turn behind. Ribbing and loin is okay. Spans correct. Excellent coat. Moves steady. |
| | | | 2405 | Tammenkolon The Unforgiven | ERI | 4 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 2 years. Overall excellent young male of nice size. Correct in proportions. Nice masculine head. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Correct earset. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulation correct. Good ribbing and loin developing. Spans correct. Correct in coat. Moved well with nice reach and drive. |
| | | | 2406 | Tammenkolon Unimog | ERI | 2 | PU4 | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 6 years. Overall excellent male of good size. Strong masculine head. Nice overskull. Correct eye and bite. Nice earset. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation, ribbing and loin excellent. Spans correct. In excellent coat. Moved well. Comes little close in front. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2407 | Karvahaalarin Freddy Krueger | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET VSP, VET-SERT, CACIB-V | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 8 years. Excellent mature male of good size. Nice proportions. Strong masculine head. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Shows great attitude. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Nice ribbing and loin. Spans correct. Correct in coat. Moved well with nice action. |
| | | | 2408 | Mahottoman Hallanvaara | ERI | 3 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 10 years. Of nice size. Proportions of head okay, could be bit stronger over skull. Good eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation okay. Correct over ribbing and loin. Correct in coat. Showing in nice condition. Moves steady, would like better front action. |
| | | | 2409 | Precious Pearl Gladiator | ERI | 2 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 12 years. Of good size. In excellent condition. Nice masculine head. Good keen eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations correct. Nice ribbing and loin. Little heavy in span. Correct in coat. Moved well with nice reach and drive. Little soft in topline. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2410 | Goshaga Lady Bellatrix | ERI | 4 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 10 months. Excellent young female of good proportions. Strong feminine head. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Earset okay at this stage. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Good ribbing and loin developing. Correct on span. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well when settled. |
| | | | 2411 | Hurja-Hildan Yliverto Vippaskonsti | ERI | 2 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 12 months. Very nice young female of nice size. Nice feminine head of good proportions. Good keen eye. Correct bite. Correct earset. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation is good. Nice over ribbing and loin, developing. Spans correct. In nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well. |
| | | | 2412 | Karvahaalarin Ihmenainen | ERI | 3 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 14 months. Overall nice young female of nice size. Good proportions. Nice feminine head. Good eye, correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Nice over ribbing and loin, developing. Spans correct. In nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well with good action. |
| | | | 2413 | Kui Olis Varma Valio | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 14 months. Nice young female of good size. Nice proportions. Strong feminine head. Good eye. Nice expression. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Good strength over ribbing and loin. Spans correct. In nice condition. Correct in coat. Moves steady. Would like better tail carriage. |
| | | | 2414 | Ring Tail Tudortrellis | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, JUN ROP, SERT, JUN-SERT, CACIB-J | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 13 months. Excellent young female of nice size. Good prop. Nice feminine head. Good expressive eye. Correct bite. Correct earset. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulation correct. Nice over ribbing and loin, developing. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat, developing. Spans correct. Moved well with nice action when settled. |
| | | | 2415 | Watercreek's Glowing In The Shadow | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 17 months. Of good size. Nice proportions. Shown in fit condition. Strong feminine head, little strong overskull. Good eye. Correct bite. Good earset. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Strong over ribbing and loin. Spans okay. Correct in coat. Moved well when settled. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 2416 | Fröken Fräkens Ruuth Hoolm | ERI | 1 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 19 months. Excellent young female. Good proportions. Showing nice attitude. Strong feminine head. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Excel ear. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations excellent. Nice over ribbing and loin. Spans correct. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well when settled. |
| | | | 2417 | Karvahaalarin Wannabe Baby Spice | ERI | 4 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 18 months. Excellent young female of nice size. Still developing overall. Nice feminine head. Good eye. Correct bite. Excellent ear. Nice neck into correct front. Front and rear angulations correct. Nice over ribbing and loin, developing. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moves well with nice action. |
| | | | 2418 | Rambling Eyecatcher Tilly | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 20 months. Very nice young female of nice size. Strong feminine head. Good eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations excellent. Good ribbing and loin. Could have little more conditioning over rib but okay. Spans correct. Correct in coat. Moved well with nice action. |
| | | | 2419 | Tallitontun Ness | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 23 months. Overall strong female of good size. Head of good proportions, little strong over skull. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations correct. Very strong over ribbing and loin. Heavy on span. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moves steady. |
| | | | 2420 | Tammenkolon Here Comes The Sun | ERI | 3 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 19 months. Good size. Nice proportions. Strong feminine head. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Excellent ear. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations correct. Strong over ribbing and loin. Little heavy on span. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat, developing. Moved steady. |
| | | | 2421 | Tammenkolon Unstoppable | ERI | 2 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 18 months. Overall nice young female of good size. Nice proportions. Strong feminine head. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Good earset. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulations is correct. Well developed over ribbing and loin. Okay on span. Correct in coat, developing. Moved well with nice action. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 2422 | Feliz Navidad Di Sopravento | ERI | 1 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 3 years. Excellent young female of nice size. Good proportions. Strong feminine head. Nice expressive eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations, ribbing and loin excellent. Spans correct. Shown in excellent condition. Correct in coat. Nice balanced movement with good reach and drive. |
| | | | 2423 | Maanmainion Soul Spirit | EH | 2 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 18 months. Overall size is okay. Nice feminine head. Good keen eye. Correct bite. Earset little high. Strong neck, would like more in forechest. Correct front angulation, but set forward. Correct rear angulation. Ribbing and loin is okay. Spans correct. Correct in coat. Moves steady, would like better front action. Comes little close front and rear. |
| | | | 2424 | Ulvomäen Raakel | EH | 3 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 4 years. Good size and prop. Strong feminine head. Nice expressive eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations correct. Little heavy over ribbing and loin. Spans little heavy. Texture of coat correct. Moves steady, tends to push little out on elbow. Could be more positive in front. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 2425 | Abysmal Golden Polar Star | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, CACIB | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 3 years. Excellent young female. Good size and prop. Nice feminine head. Good expressive eye. Correct bite. Correct ear. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation, ribbing and loin excellent. Shown in fit condition. Correct in coat. Spans correct. Moved well with good action. Would like little more attitude. |
| | | | 2426 | Abysmal Steady Rock Star | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 5 years. Overall excellent female of nice size. Good proportion. Strong feminine head. Good eye, correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation, ribbing and loin excellent. Correct in coat. Spans correct. Moved well with good action. |
| | | | 2427 | Amico Terrier's Dizzy Miss Lizzy | ERI | 2 | PN2 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 4 years. Mature female. Well up to size. Good proportions. Strong feminine head. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Little strong over ribbing and loin. Spans correct. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well. |
| | | | 2428 | Fröken Fräkens Queen Elisabeth | ERI | 3 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 2 years. Excellent young female of good size. Strong feminine head. Nice expressive eye. Good bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations correct. Nice ribbing and loin, developing. Spans correct. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well when settled. |
| | | | 2429 | Rambling Arwen | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 3 years. Nice young female of good proportions and nice size. Strong feminine head. Good eye, correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations is correct. Well developed over ribbing and loin. Spans little strong. In nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well with good action. |
| | | | 2430 | Scream Cracker's Emma Lee | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 3 years. Nice young female of good size. Nice proportions. Nice feminine head. Good eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation, ribbing and loin correct. Spans okay. In nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well with nice action. |
| | | | 2431 | Tammenkolon Arwen | ERI | 4 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 2 years. Excellent young female, good proportions. Nice size. Strong feminine head. Nice keen eye. Correct bite. Earset okay at this stage. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations is correct. Good ribbing and loin developing. Spans correct. Shown in excellent condition. Correct in coat. Moved well with good action when settled. |
| | | | 2432 | Wizardling's Elektra | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | Overall strong female of good size. Strong feminine head. Good eye. Correct bite. Nice earset. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations correct. Strong over ribbing and loin. Spans little heavy. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moves steady, could be little more positive on front action. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2433 | Abysmal Polar Star | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA, VET ROP | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 8 years. Excellent mature female of nice size and proportions. Strong feminine head. Correct bite. Veterinary certificate presented of missing teeth. Nice earset. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulations, ribbing and loin excellent. Spans correct. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moves well with good action. |
| | | | 2434 | Arbor Vitae Venus | ERI | 3 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 12 years. Excellent mature female. Shown in nice condition. Correct in size. Strong feminine head. Nice expressive eye. Correct bite, missing dentition. Veterinary certificate presented. Nice earset. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulation, ribbing and loin excellent. Spans correct. Correct in coat. Moved well with nice reach and drive. |
| | | | 2435 | Bravefellow Larissa | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 13 years. Nice mature female. Well up on the leg. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Strong feminine head. Good eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Strong over ribbing and loin. Spans little heavy. Moved well. |
| | | | 2436 | Karvahaalarin Piece Of Cake | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 11 years. Nice mature female of good size. Nice feminine head. Good eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation correct. Little strong over ribbing and loin. Spans little heavy. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moves well. |
| | | | 2437 | Mahottoman Bilehile | ERI | 2 | | SA | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 10 years. Very nice mature female. Good size. Nice proportions. Strong feminine head. Nice expressive eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulation correct. Nice over ribbing and loin. Spans correct. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Moved well with nice action. |
| | | | 2438 | Maitomiehen Excellence | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 9 years. Very nice mature female. Good size. Nice proportions. Nice feminine head. Could be slightly stronger in backskull. Nice expressive eye. Correct bite. Earset okay. Strong neck into excellent front. Front and rear angulation, ribbing and loin is correct. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Spans correct. Moved well with nice action. |
| | | | 2439 | Norparson Elite To Precious Pearl | ERI | 4 | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 8 years. Overall excellent female of good size and proportions. Nice feminine head. Excellent eye. Correct bite. Good earset. Strong neck into correct front. Front and rear angulation, ribbing and loin is excellent. Spans correct. Shown in nice condition. Correct in coat. Shows great attitude. Moved well with nice reach and drive. |
| | | | 2440 | Ulvomäen Alma | ERI | | | | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | 8 years. Overall strong female, well up to size. Strong head of correct proportions. Nice expressive eye. Bite is correct but missing upper dentition. Good earset. Strong neck into good front. Front and rear angulation is correct. Very strong over ribbing and loin. Spans heavy. Coat is okay. Moved well. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 8151 | Abysmal | | 1 | | KP | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | All of excellent qualities. Nice representation of the breed conforming to the standard. Nice quality breeding throughout. Well presented. 2393, 2425, 2426, 2433 |
| | | | 8152 | Karvahaalarin | | 3 | | KP | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | All of excellent qualities. Similar in type. Good strength in males. Nice representation to breed, conforming to standard. Well presented. 2394, 2402, 2407, 2412 |
| | | | 8153 | Tammenkolon | | 2 | | KP | Patterson Eddie | |
| | | | All of excellent qualities. Very similar in type. Nice representation of the breed, performing to the standard. All well presented. 2405, 2406, 2420, 2421 |