| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2946 | Graubube Schwarzer Ebenbild | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 2947 | Rapsutassun Rakas Rocky | EH | 2 | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 17 months. Very good type. Excellent head proportions. A bit round eyes. Very good earset. Correct bite. Correct pigmentation. A bit short neck. Upright shoulder. Excellent substance. A bit low tailset. Excellent bones for size. A bit narrow and uplifting front movement. A bit soft pasterns. Correct coat texture. A bit stressed today. |
| | | | 2948 | Vil Meerom Iron Man | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, JUN ROP, CACIB-J | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | Very good type. Beautiful foxy head. Excellent earset. Beautiful dark eyes. Excellent head proportions. Correct bite. A bit upright upper arm. Excellent topline. Excellent substance. Correct cat foot. Excellent mover from all sides. Excellent temperament and presentation. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 2949 | Cydonian Half-Blood Prince | ERI | 2 | PU4 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | Almost 3 years. Excellent type. Excellent topline. Beautiful foxy head with excellent expression. Small correct set ears. Dark eyes. Correct bite. A bit short upper arm. Excellent substance. Balanced angulation. Correct tailset. Would like to see more power in rear movement. Excellent coat texture and presentation. |
| | | | 2950 | Eve's Dreams Evening Star | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, CACIB | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Excellent type. A bit long in body. Very good head proportions. Correct earset. A bit round eyes. Excellent pigmentation. Excellent topline. A bit long in loin. Very good tailset. Balanced angulation. Moves very nicely from all sides. Correct cat feet. Excellent coat texture, presentation and temperament. |
| | | | 2951 | Leinikan Ainoa Adonis | EH | 4 | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 7,5 years. Very good type. Beautiful head proportions. Excellent earset. Beautiful small ears. Excellent pigmentation. Correct bite. A bit upright upper arm. Excellent substance. Excellent tailset. Correct angulation in front, too straight in rear. Would like to see more power in rear movement. Excellent temperament. Nicely presented. |
| | | | 2952 | Noblefamily's Bright Spark | ERI | 3 | | SA | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 3 years. Very good type. Beautiful foxy head. Excellent earset. Dark but a little bit round eyes. Excellent pigmentation. A bit upright upper arm. Excellent topline. Excellent bones. Excellent cat feet. A bit loose elbows. Correct side gait. Excellent temperament and presentation. A bit long top coat. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2953 | Tempore By The Way | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, VET ROP, CACIB-V | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 9 years. Very good type. Beautiful head. Excellent eyes. A bit wide set ears. Excellent pigmentation. Excellent substance. Very good tailset. A bit straight front. Well angulated rear. Correct side gait. Correct coat texture. Nicely presented. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2954 | Ansakan Ahkera Amalia | ERI | 2 | | SA | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 1 year and 5 months. Excellent type. Excellent earset. A bit round eyes. A bit wide set ears. Excellent pigmentation. Excellent substance. Very good tailset. Balanced angulation. Correct cat foot. Excellent mover from all sides. Excellent temperament. Nicely presented. Excellent coat texture. |
| | | | 2955 | Ansakan Arvaamaton Aurora | EH | | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 1 year. Very good type. A bit wide set ears. Correct head proportions. Dark but a little bit round eyes. Correct pigmentation. Balanced angulation. Very good substance. Excellent cat foot. Good tailset. Correct rear movement. Unstable front movement. Side gait is ok. Excellent temperament. Very nicely presented. |
| | | | 2956 | Dana Von Lodiso | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA, JUN VSP, SERT, JUN-SERT, CACIB-J | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 15 months. Excellent type. Very good topline. Small ears but excellent set. Excellent pigmentation. Correct head proportions. Balanced angulation. Excellent substance. Correct cat foot. Excellent mover from all sides. Excellent temperament, coat and presentation. |
| | | | 2957 | Pienenpolun Viva La Diva | ERI | 3 | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 11 months. Very good type. Big female. Excellent foxy head. Dark eyes. Wide set ears. Excellent pigmentation. Correct bite. A bit short upper arm. Excellent tailset. Excellent rear angulation. Correct cat foot. Parallel mover. Side gait is correct. Excellent coat texture, presentation and temperament. |
| | | | 2958 | Ramovet's In Situ | EH | | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 1 year. Very good type. Correct earset. Correct head proportions. A bit light eyes. Correct pigmentation and bite. Upright shoulder. A bit narrow front. Excellent substance. Very good tailset. Moderate rear angulation. Would like to see more reach in front. In coat changing at the moment. |
| | | | 2959 | Ramovet's In Vivo | ERI | 4 | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 11 months. Excellent type. Foxy feminine head. A bit wide set ears. Correct bite. Correct pigmentation. Very good substance. A bit low tailset. Excellent cat foot. A bit narrow rear. A bit unstable front. Correct side gait. |
| | | | 2960 | Ticapon Piece Of Love | EH | | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 12 months. Big girl. Strong bones. Feminine foxy head. A bit wide set ears. Correct tailset. Very good substance. Excellent rear movement. Correct front movement. She is too stressed today, that’s why the grade is very good today. |
| | | | 2961 | Tunturinkuiske Cherry | EH | | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 14 months. Excellent type. Beautiful head. Excellent ears and earset. Excellent pigmentation. Correct bite. A bit narrow front. A bit long in loin. A bit short upper arm. A bit low tailset. Balanced angulation. Correct cat foot. Loose in elbows. Correct rear movement. Correct side gait. Very good coat texture. Very nice temperament. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 2962 | Pienenpolun Lady Piparminttu | H | | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | Five years. Very good type. Very good head proportions. Big round eyes. A bit upright upper arm. Correct bite. Balanced angulation. Excellent substance. A bit soft pastern. A bit big ears. A bit narrow rear. High-stepping front movement. A bit soft coat. Very stressed today. |
| | | | 2963 | Ticapon News Headline | ERI | 1 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 2 years. Excellent type. A bit low in legs. Excellent head proportions. Correct earset. Correct bite. A bit upright shoulder and upper arm. Excellent tailset. Moderate rear angulation. Excellent substance. A bit soft pastern. Excellent mover from all sides. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 2964 | Leinikan Elliskukka Epsis | ERI | 4 | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Excellent type. A bit long in loin. Strong but still feminine head. A bit round eyes. Nice small ears but a bit wide set. Excellent pigmentation. Correct bite. Excellent substance. Balanced angulation. Correct cat foot. Correct earset. Parallel mover. Correct side gait. Excellent presentation, coat and temperament. |
| | | | 2965 | Noblefamily's Blaster Beam | ERI | 2 | PN2 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 3 years. Excellent type. Beautiful topline. Feminine foxy head. Excellent earset. Dark and a bit round eyes. Excellent pigmentation. Correct bite. A bit long in loin. Very good tailset. Excellent substance. Correct foot. Very good mover from all sides. |
| | | | 2966 | Pienenpolun Cinderella | ERI | | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 3 years. Beautiful eyes. Excellent pigmentation. Correct bite. A bit wide set ears. Very good topline. Excellent tailset. Excellent bones. Correct cat feet. Moves very well from all sides. Excellent temperament. Correct coat texture. |
| | | | 2967 | Pienenpolun Musta Timantti | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, CACIB | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 3 years. Excellent type. Excellent head proportions. Excellent earset. Beautiful dark eyes. Excellent pigmentation. Correct bite. Very good topline. A bit upright shoulder. Excellent substance. Very good tailset. Balanced angulation. Excellent mover from all sides. Excellent temperament and presentation. |
| | | | 2968 | Ramovet's Hymenolepis | ERI | 3 | | SA | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 3 years. Very good type. Big girl. Excellent head proportions. A bit big ears. A bit round eyes. Excellent pigmentation. Correct bite. A bit upright shoulder. Excellent substance. Excellent tailset. Balanced angulation. Excellent cat foot. Excellent mover from all sides. Super temperament. Very nicely presented. Excellent coat texture. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 2969 | Basnauz Black Brie | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, VET VSP, CACIB-V | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 8 years. Excellent type. Beautiful topline. Excellent ears and earset. Dark and round eyes. Beautiful expression. Correct pigmentation. Excellent substance. Very good tailset. Correct cat feet. Well angulated front and rear. Excellent mover from all sides. Excellent temperament. A bit soft coat. Very nicely presented. |
| | | | 2970 | Tregai Charlie Aida | ERI | 2 | | | Uspenski Kristiine | |
| | | | 10,5 years. Excellent type. Correct head proportions. Excellent earset. A bit round eyes. Excellent pigmentation. Shorter neck. Balanced angulation. Excellent tailset. Correct cat foot. A bit narrow movement in front and rear. Excellent temperament. Very nicely presented. |