| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 3927 | Aivankuin Classy Charles Chaplin | EH | 2 | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 39 cm. Masculine. Head with good proportions. Sweet expression. Correct bite. Enough lips. Well set ears with correct lines. Good neck. Well laid shoulder. A bit straight upper arm. Could have a bit more forechest. Well ribbed. A bit long in body. Enough angulation behind. Quite high tail carriage. Could have a former topline on the move. A bit short steps. |
| | | | 3928 | Karkkarinnan Peitetehtävä | EH | 3 | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 38 cm. Very masculine. A bit rough head. Prominent stop. Sweet expression. Could have a bit more power in his underjaw. Well set ears. A bit long. Good neck. Well placed shoulder. Enough forechest. A bit straight in upper arm. Well ribbed. Compact enough body. God topline and tail carriage. Well rounded thighs. Moves with short steps in front, better behind. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 3929 | New Kid In Town Do Casal Da Vinha | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, JUN VSP, SERT, JUN-SERT, CACIB-J | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 38 cm. Masculine. Well balanced. Nice head with sweet expression. Correct bite. Dark eyes. Enough lips. Well set ears. Good neck. Well laid shoulder. Could have a bit more forechest. Nice compact body. Well ribbed. Nice short loin. Well angulated behind. Good topline and tailset. Enough bone. Moves with good side gait. Quite parallel coming and going. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 3930 | Fanta's Brand Because I'm Hot | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 3931 | Parashies Nära Skjuter Ingen Hare | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 40 cm. Masculine. Well balanced. Max size. Masculine head and expression. Dark eye. Correct bite. Enough lips. Well set ear. Good neck. Well placed shoulder. A bit straight in upper arm. Just enough forechest. Well ribbed. Nice short loin. Good topline, tailset and carriage. Good bone. Well angulated behind. Moves with good side gait. Quite parallel coming and going. Excellent temperament. Well presented. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 3932 | Maishade's Honor Thy Father | ERI | 1 | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 38 cm. Masculine. Good head. A bit long muzzle. Nice dark eyes. Correct bite. Enough lips. Well set ear. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. Could have a bit more forechest. Well ribbed. Compact enough body. Enough hind angulation. Could have a bit more bone. Moves with enough reach and drive. Enjoying his day. Good attitude! |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 3933 | Beagelee Proof Or Dare | ERI | | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 38 cm. Masculine. Sweet expression. Nice dark eyes. Good lips. Correct bite. Well set ears. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. A bit straight in upper arm. Enough forechest. Well ribbed. Nice compact body. Good topline and tailset. Well rounded thighs. Short strong hocks. Moves with good side gait. Toeing in a bit in front. Good coat. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 3934 | Bory Wood Frodo | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP, CACIB | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 41 cm. Upstanding male. Good head. Sweet expression. Nice dark eyes. Correct bite. Good lips. Well set ears. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. A bit straight in upper arm. Just enough forechest. Well ribbed. Nice short loin. Well rounded and muscled thighs. Nice short hocks. Moves with nice side gait. Good reach and drive. Good temperament. Well presented. |
| | | | 3935 | Dreamescape Ain't No Mountain High Enough | ERI | | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 41 cm. Masculine. A bit on the heavy side. Good head profile. A bit rough in skull. Correct bite. Good lips. Well set, a bit heavy ears. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. Good forechest. Well ribbed. A bit long in body. Good topline and tailset. Well rounded thighs. Well angulated behind. Strong bone. Move with nice side gait. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 3936 | Flibelle Shake Rattle And Roll | ERI | 4 | | SA | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 40 cm. Max size. Upstanding male. Masculine head. Dark eyes. Soft expression. Well set ears. Good neck. Well placed shoulder. Good forechest. Compact enough body. Well ribbed. Good topline and tailset. Moves with good side gait. Toeing in a bit in front. Could be more stable on the move. |
| | | | 3937 | Karkkarinnan Rosso | EH | | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 42 cm. A bit oversize. Strong and masculine Good head with a bit rough skull. Nice dark eyes. Well set ears. Correct bite. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. Enough forechest. Well ribbed. A bit long in loin. Strong topline. Good tailset. Enough angulation behind. Moves with steady steps, but could have had a bit more attitude and drive. Sweet temperament, just a bit too big and rough. |
| | | | 3938 | Parashies Perfekt | ERI | 3 | | SA | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 38 cm. male of good size. Nice head. Soft expression. Dark eyes. Good lips. Correct bite. Well set ears. Strong neck. A bit forward in front. Could have a bit more forechest. Nice compact body. Well ribbed. Could have a bit longer breastbone. Nice short loin. Good tailset. Well rounded thighs. Good angulation behind. Strong bone. Moves with nice side gait. Could be a bit more parallel. Toeing in front. Nice temperament. Well presented. |
| | | | 3939 | Räntäsään Onnenpotku | ERI | | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 42 cm. A bit oversize. Good head proportions. Soft expression. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. A bit straight in upper arm. Well ribbed. Compact enough body. Strong topline. Good tailset. Good angulation behind. Moves with nice side gait. Quite parallel front and back. Well handled. |
| | | | 3940 | Räntäsään Peacemaker | ERI | 2 | PU4 | SA | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 40,5 cm. Masculine. Good head proportions. Soft expression. Nice dark eyes. Good lips. Well set ears. Good neck. Well placed shoulder. Enough forechest. Strong topline. Well ribbed. Compact enough body. Good tailset. Well rounded thighs. Well angulated behind. Teeth certificate shown. Moves with good side gait. Good reach and drive. Sweet temperament. Well presented. |
| | | | 3941 | Tallpeak Show Stopper | EH | | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 41,5 cm. A bit oversize. God head proportions. Soft expression. Dark eyes. Could have a bit more width in his underjaw. Well placed ears. Correct bite. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. A bit straight in upper arm. Strong topline. Well ribbed. Good tailset. Well angulated behind. Moves with too short steps in front. Well presented. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 3942 | Zerekin Naughty Nicholas | ERI | | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 38 cm. Nice size. Good head proportions. Soft expression. Muzzle is bit short. Excellent lips. Well set ears. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. A bit straight in upper arm. Could have a bit more forechest. Well ribbed. Compact body. Strong topline. Good tailset. Well rounded thighs. Nice short hocks. Moves with nice side gait. Could be more parallel in front. Good bone. Good temperament. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 3943 | Bory Wood Obsession | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET VSP, VET-SERT, VMVA, CACIB-V | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 9 years. 38 cm. Masculine. Well balanced. Well proportioned head. Well set ears. Dark eyes. Strong neck. A bot straight in shoulder and upper arm. Well ribbed. A bit soft in topline. Good tailset and carriage. Well angulated behind. Nice well-moving veteran. Well kept. Kudos to his owner for a veteran enjoying his day out! |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 3944 | Aivankuin Chaotic Cruella De Vil | EH | | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 35 cm. Super feminine. Good head. Dark eyes. Soft expression. Well set ears of correct length. Good neck. Well placed shoulder. Enough forechest. Well ribbed. Strong topline. A bit tucked up underneath. Good tailset. Well rounded thighs. Could have a bit more bone. Moves with good side gait. Toeing in a bit in front. Good coat. Just needs time to fill in her frame. |
| | | | 3945 | Aivankuin Charming Cinderella | EH | | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 36 cm. Super feminine. Good head proportions. Soft expression. Dark eyes. Well placed ears. Good neck. A bit forward in shoulders. Nice compact body. Well ribbed. Well angulated behind. Moves with enough drive. Rising a bit over the loin. Could use a bit more bone. Nice temperament. Well presented. |
| | | | 3946 | Aviatrix's Geraldene | ERI | 2 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 37 cm. Super feminine. Good head proportions. Sweet expression. Could have a bit more substance in her muzzle. Well placed ears, that has a bit excessive length. Good neck. Excellent forechest. Well placed shoulder. Nice compact body. Well ribbed. Good topline and tailset. Well angulated behind. Enough bone. Moves with enough reach and drive. Good coat and color. Sweet temperament. |
| | | | 3947 | Aviatrix's Hold My Halo | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA, JUN ROP, SERT, JUN-SERT, CACIB-J | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 36 cm. Super feminine. Excellent head proportions. Sweet expression. Eye color according to color. Well placed ears with correct length. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. Enough forechest. Well ribbed. Could have a bit longer breastbone. Compact body. Lovely angulation behind. Nice short hocks. Moves with excellent reach and drive. Well presented. Excellent condition. |
| | | | 3948 | Beagpoint Xoxo Gossip Girl | ERI | 4 | | SA | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 36,5 cm. Feminine. Well balanced. Good head proportions. Soft expression. Good lips. Well placed ears. Good neck. Well placed shoulder. A bit straight in upper arm. Enough forechest. Well ribbed. Excellent topline and tailset. Good angulations behind. Enough bone. Moves with nice side gait. Could be more parallel in front. Excellent condition. Well presented. |
| | | | 3949 | Parashies Kan Du Andas Lite Tystare | ERI | 3 | | SA | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 37 cm. Super feminine. Lovely expression. Nice dark eyes. Good lips. Well placed ears with good length. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. A bit straight in upper arm. Could have a bit more forechest. Well ribbed. Nice compact body. Well rounded thighs. Super angulated behind. Moves with nice side gait. Could be more parallel in front. Well presented. Excellent condition. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 3950 | Espresso Con Panna Of Devizas | ERI | 1 | | SA | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 38 cm. Feminine. Good head proportions. Soft expression. Well set ears. Good neck. Well placed shoulder. Enough forechest. Well ribbed. Compact enough body. Strong topline. Good tailset. Enough angulations behind. A bit high tail carriage. Moves with good reach and drive. Sweet temperament. Well presented. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 3951 | Dasen Prime Argentene Tango | EH | 3 | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 41,5 cm. A bit oversize. A bit long in proportions. Well formed head. Dark eyes. Sweet expression. Enough lips. Well placed ears. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. Good forechest. Well ribbed. Short enough in loin. Good tailset. Good angulations behind. Moves well. Good coat and color. Just a bit big and long for me. |
| | | | 3952 | Tallpeak Oh-La-La | ERI | 2 | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 39,5 cm. Feminine. Good head proportions. Nice dark eyes. Correct bite. Well placed ears. Good neck. Well placed shoulder. A bit straight in upper arm. Just enough forechest. Well ribbed. Nice short loin. Good tailset. Could be a bit stronger in topline. Well angulated behind. Moves with good reach and drive. Could be more parallel behind. Excellent coat and color. Sweet temperament. |
| | | | 3953 | Tallpeak Pink Power | ERI | 1 | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 37,5 cm. Feminine. Compact proportions. Sweet head and expression. Correct bite. Well placed ears. Strong neck. Straight in shoulders and upper arm. Could have more forechest. Well ribbed. Nice short loin. Good tailset. Well angulated behind. Toeing in coming towards. Good side gait. Sweet temperament. Well presented. |
| | | KÄY |
| | | | 3954 | Flibelle Stand By Me | EH | 1 | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 37 cm. Feminine. Good head profile. Could have a bit more substance on her muzzle. Nice dark eyes. Soft expression. Well placed ears. Good neck. A bit straight in shoulder and upper arm. Well ribbed. Strong topline. Well set tail. Moves with a bit short steps in front, better behind. Well presented. Excellent condition. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 3955 | Aviatrix's American Style | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP, CACIB, RYP-3 | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 37 cm. Super feminine. Lovely expression. Nice dark eyes. Correct bite. Enough lips. Well set ears. Strong neck. Smooth lean going into the shoulder. Good forechest. Excellent ribcage. Compact enough body. Excellent topline and tailset. Well rounded thighs. Excellent angulations. Strong short hocks. Excellent bone. Moves with super reach and drive. Typical beagle attitude. Well presented. Lovely condition. |
| | | | 3956 | Cardiem Gala Dress | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 3957 | Irinstyle Time For Wins | ERI | 4 | | SA | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 37 cm. Feminine. Compact proportions. Sweet head and expression. Correct bite. Well set ears. A bit short in neck. A bit forward in front. Enough forechest. Super ribs. Nice short loin. Excellent topline and tailset. Well muscled thighs. Nice short hocks. Moves with enough reach and drive. A bit short steps in front. |
| | | | 3958 | Räntäsään Rati Riti Ralla | ERI | | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 37 cm. Strong but feminine. Good head proportions. Soft expression. Nice dark eyes. Good lips. Correct bite. Well set ears. Short in neck. A bit forward in front, forward in shoulder. Just enough forechest. Excellent ribs. Nice short loin. Strong topline and tailset. Well angulated behind. Could be a bit more parallel in front. Nice side gait. |
| | | | 3959 | Sjögärde Brännas Airbourne | ERI | 2 | PN4 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 39 cm. Strong but feminine. Correct head. Sweet expression. Nice dark eyes. Well placed ears. Good neck. Well placed shoulders. A bit straight in upper arm. Enough forechest. Super ribs. Short strong loin. Excellent topline and tailset. Enough angulations behind. Moves wit enough reach and drive. Super temperament. Well presented. |
| | | | 3960 | Tallpeak Shalala | ERI | 3 | | SA | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 38 cm. Super feminine. Good head proportions. Dark eyes. Enough lips. Well set ears. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. Enough forechest. Well ribbed. Nice short loin. Good topline and tailset. Just enough angulations behind. Moves with enough reach and drive. Sweet temperament. Well presented. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 3961 | Devaney's Oikotie-Onneen | ERI | 3 | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | Almost 12 years. 38 cm. Strong but feminine. Well proportioned head. Soft expression. Good muzzle. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. Straight in upper arm. Good ribs. A bit soft in topline. Good tailset. Well muscled for her age. Enough angulations behind. Still well-moving, but the age of course is starting to show. Super kept veteran in excellent condition. Well done to her owner! |
| | | | 3962 | Hessin Guess | ERI | 2 | | | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 36 cm. Strong but feminine. Dark eyes. Gentle expression. Well set ears. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. Good forechest. Well ribbed. Compact enough body. Well set tail. Good thighs. Excellent angulations behind. Could be a bit more parallel in front. A bit soft topline. Nice side gait. Well presented. A veteran in excellent condition. |
| | | | 3963 | Simonaland Chinese Rose | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, VET ROP, VET-SERT, CACIB-V | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 36 cm. Feminine, yet strong. Good head proportions. Correct bite. Dark eyes. Well set ears with correct length. Strong neck. Well placed shoulder. Well ribbed. Strong topline. Excellent tailset. Well rounded thighs. Enough angulations behind. Excellent bone. Could be a bit more parallel. Excellent side gait. A veteran presented in excellent condition and with a spunk of a teenager. Well done to her owner. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 8226 | Tallpeak | | 1 | | KP | Moseby Elisabeth Aune | |
| | | | 3941, 3952, 3953, 3960
3 combinations. Very similar in type. String heads. Compact bodies. Some with a bit short steps in front. Excellent head proportions in all of them. Sweet temperament. Much beagle time. Congratulations and keep up the good work! |