| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 6294 | Ridiculous Nein-Nein Isabel | ERI | 1 | | | Stanton Paul | |
| | | | Little too big. Good balance. Good headshape, but little too heavy. Good eyes and ears. Very good body for age. steap croup. Excellent coat and muscles. Needs to developed in front. Lose in elbows. Needs more confidence, which give him better movements. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 6295 | Nitta | ERI | 2 | | | Stanton Paul | |
| | | | Little long in body. Good headshape. Very good ears. Light eyes. Good neck and topline. Very good bones and feet. Steap croup. Quite good hindangulations. Straight shoulders. Well developed body. Very good coat and muscles. Needs to developed in movements. |
| | | | 6296 | Ridiculous Non-Non Isabel | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA, JUN ROP, JUN-SERT, JMVA | Stanton Paul | |
| | | | Very good size and balance. Good skull and ears. Muzzle little heavy. Excellent body. Very good hindangulations. Little straight in shoulders. Good frontlegs. Very good coat. Moves very well from side and back, little lose in front. Good style when moving. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 6297 | Happy Dancing Lada Isabel | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP | Stanton Paul | |
| | | | Very good size and color. Excellent headshape. Good ears. Very good muzzle. Excellent neck and topline. Very good frontlegs and feet. Long ribcage. Good hindangulations. Very good frontangulations. Excellent muscles. Good coat. Excellent sidemovements with style. |